At the moment when the comet hit, it was almost impossible for Zhao Baishui's ordinary physique to have time to react.

Therefore, the probability of Zhao Baishui surviving is too low.

Although there is little hope, Xiao Yi and the others will not give up looking for Zhao Baishui.

After ending the call with Xiao Yi, Sun Yao shook his head helplessly.

Wei Bo on the side frowned and asked, "Is there still no news from Zhao Baishui?"

Sun Yao nodded and replied: "Yes, the longer the loss of contact, the lower the chance of Zhao Baishui's survival."

"The rules of this world are too good at causing trouble." Wei Bo sighed with emotion.

Unexpectedly, Sun Yao shook his head and replied: "This time it may not be the fault of the world rules. Zhu Wu is not on the spaceship at all."

Wei Bo was startled for a moment, then nodded, and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Do you think the world rules will only recognize island monuments?"

Sun Yao frowned slightly, shook his head, and said: "Probably not. The meteorite attacks we encounter every day require island monuments and survivors. They will only be attacked when both exist at the same time."

"That's true. I hope Zhao Baishui and the others return safely." Wei Bo nodded slightly and said.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening. Xiao Yi sighed inwardly and said, "Zhu Wu, you'd better go and rest first. If I receive news from Zhao Baishui and the others, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Zhu Wu glanced at the time, then shook his head and replied, "I'll wait a little longer. I can't sleep now."

Hearing what Zhu Wu said, Xiao Yi did not continue to persuade, but could only shake his head slightly helplessly.

After leaving the Ford Galaxy, Zhao Baishui and the others entered a void. It felt like their spaceship was the only one left in the entire universe, and an extremely strong feeling of loneliness came over them.

Zhao Baishui almost had a psychological problem when he heard Zhu Wu say that he first sailed between galaxies with a comet.

At that time, Zhao Baishui still had some confusion in his heart. It was just that there was no one for a while. How could it cause psychological problems? Was it because Zhu Wu's psychological quality was so poor?

But now that Zhao Baishui felt this loneliness personally, he finally understood how Zhu Wu felt at that time.

Now Zhao Baishui could at least chat with everyone on the spaceship to relieve his psychological loneliness. At that time, Zhu Wu was the only one in the escape cabin, and it was still a poorly equipped escape capsule.

The first Chaos Star soldier to wake up has been appointed by Zhao Baishui as his personal guard.

"Captain Zhao, can we still go back?" the guard on the side asked softly.

Zhao Baishui shook his head slightly, but he said firmly: "I'm not sure if we can go back, but what I am sure of is that the island owner will not give up on us."

When he mentioned the island owner, the guard's eyes immediately showed infinite admiration.

In the battle team of the Yi Ranpin Alliance, instructor Jiang Yuntian is a god, and the island owner is a super-god-level existence.

The guard nodded sharply and said, "Then we have to work hard until the island owner finds us."

"Yes, we have to buy time for the island owner!" Zhao Baishui said in agreement.

At this moment, a message suddenly came from the island monument.

“Jiebi requested a private chat, do you agree?”

At the same time, there are also people on the public channel who are dancing pigs in Aite.

Zhao Baishui was even a little stunned when he saw this reminder from the island monument.

"Captain Zhao quickly agreed, we have arrived at the Maitou message where Master Jiebi is!" the guard on the side said excitedly.

Zhao Baishui immediately recovered and hurriedly agreed to chat privately.

"Lord Jiebi, I am Zhao Baishui!"

Jie Bi, who had been staring at the island monument, was slightly startled when he saw the message sent by Zhao Baishui, and then immediately replied excitedly: "Great, I finally contacted you. What is your situation now? The island owner has been Trying to contact you."

"Everything is normal for us now, except that some soldiers are injured, but their lives are not in danger." Zhao Baishui immediately replied.

"Wait a minute, I'll contact the island owner first. You can report directly to the island owner!" Jie Bi said, and then immediately used the cross-walker communicator to contact Xiao Yi's side.

In the chaotic galaxy, Zhu Wu, who had been staring at the inter-galactic communicator, saw the connection request sent by Jie Ji and immediately agreed to connect.

When Xiao Yi and others saw the connection request sent by Jie Bi, they also came over one after another.

"Good news, island owner, I have contacted Zhao Baishui!" Jie Bi said happily.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Wu immediately asked: "How are Zhao Baishui and the others doing now?"

"Don't worry, everyone, they are in good condition now. I will connect them now and let them report to the island owner in person." Jiebi said with a smile.

Jie Bi used his computer to transfer the video connection on the island monument to the inter-galaxy communicator.

"Great, you guys are fine!" Xiao Yi said happily when he saw Zhao Baishui, "Tell me what you have experienced and the current situation."

"Yes, Island Master." Zhao Baishui immediately began to tell about their experience with the spaceship.

After listening to Zhao Baishui's story, everyone was filled with emotion.

"Old Zhao, you are amazing. In such an urgent moment, you can actually carry out the repair operation of the island monument!" Du Kang gave a thumbs up to the screen.

Zhao Baishui shook his head hurriedly and replied: "It is better that the island owner has prepared more complete things for us, otherwise even if I am lucky enough to react, I will not be able to repair my spaceship."

All ships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance carry at least 100 million cornerstones and 100 million units of dark gold on board.

The reason why Xiao Yi did this was to prepare for some emergencies.

This can at least ensure that the entire spacecraft can be repaired in a timely and complete manner.

Even if you encounter an enemy and a battle breaks out, you can use these cornerstones and secret gold to delay the attack for a while until reinforcements arrive.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "This time it is purely because of your timely response. Otherwise, no matter how well prepared I am, it will be difficult for you to survive."

"You two don't have to be so polite. The island owner has prepared quite a few things, and Lao Zhao responded promptly this time. Both of these are indispensable." Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"That's right, we are all a family, why are you so polite?" Du Kang said at the side.

Xiao Yi shook his head and continued: "The seriously injured people on your side will be transferred to Jiejie Coin first. His side is more stable and easier to take care of."

"Yes, Island Master!" Zhao Baishui responded, and then immediately asked the guards to send the seriously injured people to the teleportation array.

"If there is anything missing on your spaceship, just ask Jiebi directly. Jiebi, you must support them without reservation." Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes, island owner, please rest assured!" Jie Bi immediately responded.

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