Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2189 Zhao Baishui is promoted to second line of Comet Merchant

"Zhao Baishui, since you have discovered a new galaxy, this business line must be preserved. Now everyone on your ship can choose to come back, but they need to wait until the next time there is a teleportation array." Xiao Yi continued.

Zhao Baishui replied without any hesitation: "Island owner, I choose to stay on this spaceship."

"Okay, from now on, you are the person in charge of the No. 2 Comet business line. The alliance will provide you with ten large spaceships. When frigates can be manufactured, five large frigates will be arranged for your caravan. "Xiao Yi promised.

Zhao Baishui was stunned when he heard that Xiao Yi promised more ships than Zhu Wu's No. 1 Comet Business Line.

Zhu Wu couldn't help but remind him: "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and thank the island master for your kindness!"

Zhao Baishui reacted immediately and said, "Thank you, island owner."

"I say, island owner, you are too biased. You only gave me five large spaceships." Zhu Wu said with some dissatisfaction.

Xiao Yi glanced at him and replied: "You can return to the Chaos Galaxy at any time, why do you need so many spaceships? Zhao Baishui is far away, so naturally you need to prepare more."

Zhu Wu chuckled and replied: "I just want to complain out of boredom."

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes at him and continued: "Besides, do you still have time to take care of the caravan? Let Lu Qin be responsible for the No. 1 Comet Business Line. You'd better practice hard. The relationship between you and Du Kang The competition isn’t over yet!”

"If you didn't remind me, I would have almost forgotten about this. Xiao Kangkang, have you taken advantage of this time to practice secretly?" Zhu Wu looked at Du Kang and asked with a smile.

Du Kang replied angrily: "I am a gentleman, and I cannot take advantage of others' danger. You have not practiced, and I have not practiced either!"

Zhu Wu gave Du Kang a thumbs up and said, "He is indeed a gentleman, then let's continue the competition?"

"Of course!" Du Kang responded, "Starting from tomorrow, how about pushing back the end of the competition by two days?"

"You can't ask for it!" Zhu Wu responded.

At this time, Wang Xin had time to ask: "Old Zhao, did you really meet the truth in the Ford Galaxy?"

Zhao Baishui nodded and said: "The other party uses the Xia Kingdom script and is very familiar with our alliance. He also knows Jiebi. At least he should be someone the island owner knows in the first stage."

Everyone nodded.

"However, this person seems to be a bit adaptable to the situation. When she first saw my speech, she actually called the island owner by his first name, without any respect at all. But then she saw that we had brought so many high-end equipment , she changed her face again, started to please us, and wanted to join our alliance." Zhao Baishui considered it for a moment and said.

Although he wanted to say that this was shameless, after all, she was the island owner's companion in the first stage, and she had to save some face for the island owner.

"Wucao, is there anyone so shameless?" Du Kang didn't think too much and just swore.

Wang Xin also frowned and said, "Why did Xiangzhen become like this?"

In the first stage, Xiang Zhen served as Wang Xin's deputy and assisted in the management of Southeast Island. Wang Xin thought Xiang Zhen was a good person before, but now it seems that he was wrong before.

Horsepower can be seen from a distance, and people's hearts can be seen from time to time!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi advanced too fast and the first stage was too short, so Wang Xin really didn't see the truth clearly.

"The time you have been in contact with her is still too short, and you can't see clearly what kind of person she is. It's very normal!" Du Kang said with a smile, "Island Master, please don't be soft-hearted and accept her!"

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "When he used the transfer card before, he and she did not agree. Her fate with the Yi Ranpin alliance is over."

"Hey, it's best this way. If you don't accept the island owner's call, you regret it now and want to come back. There's no way!" Du Kang said excitedly.

"Well, why are you so excited?" Zhu Wu asked curiously, "Do you have a grudge against Xiang Zhen?"

"No grudges, just thinking about it makes me feel extremely refreshed!" Du Kang replied with a smile.

"What's so cool about this?" Zhu Wu still couldn't understand.

"It's the feeling that today you ignore me, but tomorrow I will make you unable to reach your heights! Don't you feel good about it?" Du Kang said with a smile.

Zhu Wu was slightly startled, then shook his head.

Xiao Yi ignored the chat between the two people and continued to ask: "Zhao Baishui, how is the development of the Ford Galaxy?"

Zhao Baishui thought for a while and replied: "It's very ordinary, but their food seems to be very rich."

"Well, if that's the case, then you can start a food reselling business." Xiao Yi suggested.

"Yes, Island Master, I will study this matter carefully." Zhao Baishui responded in a deep voice.

"Well, you have full authority to handle it, just take care of it yourself!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Zhao Baishui nodded, and then asked cautiously: "Island Master, if Na Xiangzhen proposes to join our alliance again, how should I reply to her?"

"Just refuse. If you find her annoying, just block her!" Xiao Yi replied decisively.

"Okay, I understand." Zhao Baishui responded.

"It's getting late, you guys should go to bed early and let the people on duty pay more attention to the trajectory of your comet and how long it will stay in the Maitou Galaxy." Xiao Yi warned.

"Island owner, please rest assured, I will pay more attention here." Zhao Baishui responded.

They need to know how long they can stay in the Maitou Galaxy so that they will not be confused when making transactions.

After finishing the chat with Zhao Baishui, Xiao Yi continued to say to Jie Bi: "Before Zhao Baishui leaves the Maitou Galaxy, trade your inter-galaxy communicator to him!"

"Yes!" Jie Ji responded immediately.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "When the No. 1 Commercial Line passes by next time, I will bring you several more inter-galactic communicators. This communicator must be installed on every large spacecraft."

"Do we have so many inter-galactic communicators?" Jiebi asked in surprise.

"The template for the inter-galaxy communicator has been developed!" Xiao Yi explained.

Jie Bi nodded in surprise and said, "Great, it will be much more convenient for us to contact each other."

After ending the communication, Xiao Yi looked at Zhu Wu who was a little tired and said, "Now you can have a peaceful sleep!"

Zhu Wu stood up, stretched, and replied: "Yes, go to bed early today, get up early tomorrow, and continue to practice and compete."

With that said, Zhu Wu walked towards the bedroom. He really hadn't slept well in the past two days and wanted to have a good sleep tonight.

The good news was also reported to the Xiao Yi Alliance internal chat group, and the group immediately started talking about it.

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