Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2190 The explosion rate of biological equipment is high, a new level

"I didn't expect that Lao Zhao is so powerful! He can react like this."

"Yes, thank you Lao Zhao, otherwise my nephew would have died."

"Is your nephew on that spaceship?"

"Yes, every time I close my eyes these past two days, I will dream that my nephew's spaceship has crashed. I can finally have a good sleep today!"

"You can really rest assured now, Lao Zhao and the people on this ship will be lucky if they survive the disaster!"

Xiao Yi saw Feng Menglong who had not left yet and asked: "How much raw materials for the inter-galaxy communicator were purchased today?"

"As far as the island owner is concerned, there are about twenty sets. I feel that the raw materials for this inter-galactic communicator are relatively rare." Feng Menglong replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "This communicator is too advanced after all. It is normal that the raw materials are difficult to collect."

"Should we wait until you are four times stronger before giving you the raw materials?" Feng Menglong asked.

"Well, my quadruple state should be almost there soon, just wait." Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied.


The raw materials in stock before had already enjoyed the quadruple state, so Xiao Yi used them without waiting for the quadruple state.

Zhao Baishui's matter was settled, and Xiao Yi was relieved.

He switched the island monument to the public channel, where the survivors were discussing their profits from killing bugs.

"It's really uncomfortable now. I can only look at the printed manufacturing drawings, but I don't dare to take them!"

"Yes, I also typed one just now, but the manufacturing diagram is near the insect swarm, so I don't dare to go there."

"I discovered that the rules of this world are intentional. Now we don't dare to get close, and the explosion rate has actually increased!"

"It's very simple. It's just to attract us. Otherwise, how can we eliminate us?"

"I suspect that the rules of the world also have elimination indicators. We have never eliminated them. They always find ways to attract us to dangerous places."

"Maybe it's true. There are probably more survivors in our galaxy than in any other galaxy."

"With Boss Yi Ranpin here, the rules of the world are also in trouble."

"Indeed, otherwise, why would we arrange so many first-level civilizations to surround and suppress the big boss!"

"In fact, Boss Yi Ranpin can also hide in the big net woven by the Zerg like the previous survivor, and use the Zerg to resist the fleets of those first-level civilizations!"

"Yes, this saves time and effort, and the benefits are high."

"You two upstairs, you don't think that the Yiranpin Alliance is the same as us, do you?"

"Isn't it the same?"

"We all only have one escape cabin. The better ones are at most one spaceship, but the boss thinks there are more than one spaceship. It's not realistic to hide in the gaps of the insect net!"

"Yes, large spaceships cannot get into the gaps in the insect net. Those first-level civilizations can still find and attack them. It is meaningless."

"I really didn't take into account the size and quantity of the boss's spaceships."

"So, the boss can only fight with those first-level civilizations?"

"Nine times out of ten, let's see how the boss responds."

Xiao Yi saw their discussion, nodded slightly, and muttered: "It seems to be a solution!"

He could put all the spaceships into the independent planet space and drive a miniature spaceship to hide in the insect net.

Those survivors never thought that Xiao Yi would have a completely independent planet space.

Looking at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. Xiao Yi stood up and prepared to go back to rest.

At this time, in the independent planet space, Jiang Yuntian and the others were still testing various parameters of the satellite-class battleship.

"Master Jiang, there should be no problem with these parameters. You can input them into the game cabin and generate a satellite-level battleship!" A ship expert from Chaos Star came to Jiang Yuntian to report.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and responded: "Then enter, we will enter the test, and if there is anything wrong, we will continue to adjust!"


Soon, all the parameters of the satellite-class battleship were entered.

All soldiers participating in the test enter the game cabin directly. They need to test whether the virtual battleship is the same as in reality. If it is different, they must give feedback in time, so that the virtual battleship can be more consistent with reality!

Only warships that conform to reality are meaningful to train.

After some adjustments, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

"Instructor, now it feels the same as driving a satellite-class spacecraft in real life!"

"Okay, everyone, let's go back and have a rest!" Jiang Yuntian said, looking at the testers who were excited and a little tired.


"Open the satellite-class battleship to the virtual cabin of the combat team. The next step is to train to drive and operate the satellite-class battleship!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.

"Yes!" The engineers on the side and Jingwu from the game department responded in unison.

After giving all these instructions, Jiang Yuntian also returned to the bedroom to rest!

A night of silence.

The next day, Xiao Yi woke up on time.

"Dip, trigger the quadruple harvest state, the state lasts for 24 hours (currently 19 hours remain)."

"Finally here!" Xiao Yi secretly thought, and then immediately sent a message to the internal group.

"The quadruple state has appeared. The materials harvested some time ago are ready to be traded!"

After seeing this message, everyone replied: "Roger it!"

Xiao Yi did not rush to sign in, but started today's practice.

Two hours later, Xiao Yi finished practicing and said secretly: "System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Signal Jammer (Level I)*1."

"Trigger the quadruple harvest state and obtain materials: Signal Jammer (Level I)*4."

Xiao Yi was a little confused when he saw the reward for signing in this time.

"What level is this?"

In the past, the levels of items were all between D and SSS. Why did a level I suddenly appear?

"You have harvested the satellite-class battleship of the first-level civilization and opened a new level: I to IX, corresponding to the interstellar civilization levels one to nine."

This time the system actually replied to him directly.

"What about the previous level?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Still exist."

"In other words, after struggling for so long, compared to interstellar civilization, I have just started?" Xiao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth.

The system responded with silence.

Xiao Yi continued to ask: "What about the Dai Na clan before? They also have satellite-class battleships. Aren't they still a first-class civilization?"

"False appearance!"

The system cherishes words like gold.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that the Dai Na clan might have touched the threshold of first-level civilization, but they were still outside the door.

"There are so many levels of civilizations ahead. It's a long way to go to pass this second stage!" Xiao Yi instantly felt a lot of pressure.

I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to return to the planet in the first stage.

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