After hearing Xiao Yi's order, Bai Qi became excited. He himself advocates fighting. When he came here, he had not fought for a long time. He could only continue to hone his fighting skills in the game cabin every day.

Now it finally comes in handy.

Dili, on the other hand, was very steady and not too excited.

Xiao Yi continued: "Brother Jiang is the commander-in-chief and is responsible for arranging the ambush location. Dili and Bai Qi, you two must obey the arrangement!"

"Yes!" Dili and Bai Qi responded in unison.

"Island owner, we currently have two hundred satellite-class warships, how to allocate these?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown, "We need to consider the scope of the signal jammer you have."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "The shield in my hand has a radius of one hundred kilometers. Each of you can lead twenty satellite-class warships! The remaining one hundred and forty ships will stay with me."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

Jiang Yuntian and Bai Qidili began to discuss.

The specific locations where the three teams ambush were finally determined.

Xiao Yi did not participate in the decision-making of the combat team at all and completely delegated power to Jiang Yuntian.

After they made the decision, Xiao Yi looked at the map on the island monument and said: "The location where we met the Munken Star Fleet is probably here, so as long as your soldiers are well trained, you can go to this location in advance. ."

"Yes, I will keep an eye on the soldiers' training." Jiang Yuntian responded.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "After you get familiar with it, you can set off first. You can continue to use the game cabin to train on the road. Just arrange the rotation of duty!"

"Yes, I understand!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

After arranging all this, Jiang Yuntian and the others returned to the independent planet space through the wormhole. They needed to get familiar with their team members in advance, so that they would be more comfortable in commanding them.

After Jiang Yuntian and the others returned to the independent planet space, Xiao Yi gave the order again: "Let's keep going!"


The fleet of the Yi Ranpin Alliance set sail again, heading towards the Munken Star Fleet.

Sun Xun, captain of the Munken Star Fleet, immediately discovered that Xiao Yi and the others had moved, so he immediately sent a message to the Dai Na clan.

"Yi Ranpin started moving again!"

When Dinas saw the news, he thought for a moment and said, "Why do I feel a little uneasy?"

"Clan leader, do you have any more news about the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

Denasi shook his head and replied: "It's just a feeling, suddenly a little frightening."

"Then shall we continue to follow?" asked the elder on the side.

"Follow us, this is our last chance. If we can't defeat Yi Ranpin even if we unite with a first-level civilization, then we have no chance at all." Denasi gritted his teeth and said.

"According to the information currently available, the Yiranpin Alliance should not have reached the first-level civilization, and we have cooperation with the first-level civilization. In theory, we can definitely win."

All the elders nodded one after another, agreeing very much with this statement.

Denasi nodded slightly and said, "Well, you have to be more cautious anyway!"

The Dinah clan followed again, like maggots on the tarsus.

Xiao Yi listened to the intelligence department's report and said with a sneer: "They are very aware of our movements."

"According to the existing intelligence analysis, it should be the planet Munken that provided them with our movements." The intelligence officer on the side said solemnly.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then replied: "When you stop next time, pass this information to Brother Jiang."

"Yes, Island Master!"

At this time, in the Maitou galaxy, Jiebi distributed 60% of the supplies to Zhao Baishui, which was the cargo of three large spaceships, which was also needed for business in the Ford galaxy.

Some injured crew members on Zhao Baishui's spaceship who wanted to go home were also teleported to Jie Bi's spaceship through the teleportation array.

Zhao Baishui then traded the spacecraft with the teleportation array to his companions on Comet No. 1. Those people passed through the teleportation array again and returned to the fleet near Comet No. 1.

As long as there is an island monument, the two teleportation arrays can completely complete the transfer of personnel.

At the same time, Zhao Baishui traded the materials he harvested from the Ford Galaxy to the fleet on Comet No. 1, and they took them back to the Chaos Galaxy.

Lu Qin looked at the supplies and said in surprise, "You sold them for a good price."

The value of these materials completely exceeds the value of a spaceship's cargo. It must be Zhao Baishui, who sells them expensively.

However, the materials on their spaceship are not basic materials and have independent pricing rights. This is what Xiao Yi has made clear long ago.

"Well, I didn't know if I could come back at that time, so I sold it more expensively first so that I could get some more things back." Zhao Baishui replied with a smile.

"Actually, I have always felt that the high-end equipment sold by the island owner is too cheap!" Lu Qin replied with a smile, "It is normal to sell it more expensively. After all, these are high-end goods!"

"Yes, so selling at a high price has no psychological burden at all!" Zhao Baishui responded.

Lu Qin continued to ask: "Where are your positions now? With sharing, we shouldn't bump into each other again, right?"

Zhao Baishui immediately shared the location.

Lu Qin took a look and replied: "This is far from it. It seems that the previous one is probably a rare occurrence in a hundred years!"

"A once-in-a-century thing has happened to us. I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune." Zhao Baishui said with emotion.

"You should be lucky!" Lu Qin replied with a smile, "At least the results are good, that's enough!"

"Yes!" Zhao Baishui nodded, "I will rely on you to assist Mr. Zhu from now on."

"Don't worry, I will do my best!" Lu Qin promised.

Because of this collision, both Zhao Baishui and Lu Qin were promoted and a new business line was opened up. This was a blessing in disguise for them.

While Zhao Baishui and Lu Qin were chatting, Jiebi suddenly saw someone on the public channel tagging a dancing pig.

" @Dancing pig, isn't this Aite? It means that he is in our galaxy. Brother Qiyu, you have been deceived!"

"Wancao, I can really do it. That means Brother Zhu is always here and there are no accidents."

"Yes, the Yiranpin Alliance is looking for help to put on a show."

"You guys are really boring. When I saw Brother Jack posted a bounty mission, I immediately targeted Brother Zhu. He is indeed not in our galaxy."

"You are too naive. This can only mean that Brother Pig has not yet come to our Wheat Head Galaxy at that time."

"There's really nothing to talk about with a bully like you. Do you know the pattern and cycle of Brother Zhu's visits?"

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