Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2193 Discussion, General Manual of Cultivation, Grabbing Time

"Why should I pay attention to the cycle and pattern of his coming? I am still asking for a child, so how can I have the time to pay attention to others?"

"It's really unreasonable. Let me say it for the last time without further explanation. If you are better, you are right. Brother Pig comes to our galaxy very regularly, and the error will not exceed twenty minutes each time, whether it is the interval or the length of stay. This time, Brother Pig was three hours late, so Brother Pig must have encountered something abnormal."

"Tch, then he can't change the speed of the comet?"

"Talking to such a bully is a waste of time! No matter what you say, he will always find a reason to refute you!"

"Crazy, if the Yiranpin Alliance can change the speed of the comet, do you understand how far the technology must reach?"

"Please don't try to convince a survivor who has different ideas from yours. Even if you can silence him, he still won't convince you."

Jie Bi said at this time: "Our Yiranpin Alliance is a blessing in disguise this time. The comet that hit before is also attached to us, so our comet merchants have two routes. As a transit station, our Maitou Galaxy can also will benefit.”

"Wucao, is this okay?"

"Is the spaceship of the Yiranpin Alliance so strong? Can it still survive the collision of two celestial bodies?"

"I can only say it's awesome!"

"Our Yiranpin Alliance will continue to provide you with more and better products. We hope you will support us!" Jiebi continued.

"I support it, of course I support it, but can the price be cheaper?"

"Yes, some high-end equipment is still a bit expensive."

"Expensive? You first collect the raw materials, and then get the manufacturing diagrams to create those high-end equipment. But now the probability of the manufacturing diagrams appearing is very low, let alone the advanced manufacturing diagrams."

"Yes, I didn't see a few SSS-level equipment in the first stage, but now I have several SSS-level equipment in my escape cabin."

"But the Yiranpin Alliance obviously has a template, so it should be cheaper to mass-produce it."

"What's the point? If someone else has a template, it's someone else's gain. What does it have to do with you?"

"Besides, you only saw that the Yiranpin Alliance has a template, so do you know how much manpower and material resources they spent to harvest this template?"

If Xiao Yi could see these people chatting, he would definitely reply seriously: "It really didn't cost much manpower and material resources."

Ninety-nine percent of these templates are rewards obtained through signing in.

No matter what happens, there will always be different opinions, and Jiebi doesn't bother to pay attention to them, whether he likes to buy or not.

Anyway, we are the only one in the Yiranpin Alliance, and no one else does.

In the chaotic galaxy, on Lu Meiyu's spaceship, Lu Meiyu had just finished his morning practice and came to the supply cabin.

There were eight supply boxes placed there, which were just captured today.

Lu Meiyu opened all the supply boxes one after another, looking at the basic supplies that came out, feeling a little helpless.

It seems that after joining the Yi Ranpin Alliance, his luck has deteriorated.

He used to be able to draw a scroll every now and then, but now he hasn't drawn one for several days.

Xiao Yi first used the optical scanning instrument, which Lu Meiyu sold to him.

Lu Meiyu shook his head helplessly and opened the last supply box. In addition to two cornerstones and three units of dark gold, there was also a book in that supply box?

"Huh?" Lu Meiyu looked at the book in surprise, and then picked it up directly.

"General Manual for Spiritual Power Training".

Lu Meiyu's eyes widened when he saw the name of this book.

As you can tell from the name, this manual can be used by everyone!

Lu Meiyu's first reaction was, he posted it!

But after thinking for a moment, Lu Meiyu took out his mobile phone and immediately called Xiao Yi.

"Hey, Mr. Lu, why do you have time to call me today?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"Island Master, I took out a book from the supply box today!" Lu Meiyu replied, "It's called the General Manual of Mental Power Cultivation."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then he also reacted and said hurriedly, "Trade it immediately, and I will put it on the shelves immediately after the appraisal!"

"Yes!" Lu Meiyu responded.

Xiao Yi is so anxious because since Lu Meiyu can issue this manual, other survivors will also have a chance.

If other survivors open it, this thing will be worthless. You can make more money before now!

Moreover, they currently have no shortage of methods to cultivate their spiritual power, so even if they were released, they would not lose anything!

After Xiao Yi got the manual, it only took one minute to complete the appraisal, and the score was only 1.

Although the score is only 1, it is a technique that many survivors need!

In order to sell it as soon as possible, Xiao Yi personally spoke on the public channel: "Hello fellow survivors, I just received an appraisal of a skill here, and the score is only 1, but its name is General Manual of Mental Power Cultivation, which should be All survivors can use it! If you need it, go to the online market and take a photo yourself!"

"Wucao, there is such a manual? Is it true?"

"Boss Yi Ranpin said it himself, it must be true!"

"Boss Yi Ranpin has never lied to us! I just haven't found a suitable method for my practice. I must buy this and try it!"

The price of this manual was a thousand yuan more expensive than the previous one-rated technique, but the survivors still chose to buy it.

Those survivors who purchased this manual immediately began to try to practice.

Soon, the public channel exploded!

"Wucao, you can really practice. Thank you to the kind-hearted survivor for bringing out the general manual on spiritual power cultivation!"

"Yes, although the score is not high, as long as you keep practicing, you will eventually awaken!"

"Thank you very much, I can practice now too."

For a time, the entire public channel received rave reviews!

Xiao Yi saw this situation and smiled slightly: "If you knew this was coming from the supply box, I wonder if you would still thank Mr. Lu!"

Lu Meiyu sent a message at this time.

"Island Master, isn't it a bit unkind for us to do this?" Lu Meiyu said with a smile.

Although he said this, he didn't seem to be ashamed at all.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "This is an information gap in itself, a normal business operation method."

Lu Meiyu nodded and said: "I guess the trend in the public channel will change soon."

Since he can do it, other survivors can definitely do it too. Anyway, Lu Meiyu doesn't believe that he is the son of destiny, so he is the only one who can do it.

At this time, a survivor suddenly said: "Wucao, please don't buy it yet, I also issued such a manual!"

The entire public channel was silent for a moment, and then exploded again!

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