"Island Master, we have discovered an unknown aircraft. It is initially estimated to be a reconnaissance satellite or something like that!"

Seeing the message from Jiang Yuntian, Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and then asked: "Did our spy satellite discover it?"

"Yes, but it was very lucky. It only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. Now I am not sure in which direction the aircraft will fly, but it is most likely coming towards us!" Jiang Yuntian replied in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "It seems that the items of the first-level civilization are indeed very advanced, and our existing equipment will probably be crushed!"

"So we still have to be very careful!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I understand. You must also be careful and keep some distance from my sailing route, at least a thousand kilometers." Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied.

"Well, we have distanced ourselves, but if those reconnaissance satellites pass by, wouldn't you have a clear view over there?" Jiang Yuntian continued.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly. The previous fog generator could confuse the reconnaissance satellites of pseudo-first-level civilizations like the Dai Na clan, but it was basically certain that it would not be able to confuse the reconnaissance satellites of the Munken planet.

"It's okay, from now on I will no longer open the wormhole. Even if their reconnaissance satellite comes over, they can't detect the wormhole, right?" Xiao Yi said, "Including the communication between us, don't use the Internet from now on, try to They all use inter-galactic communicators!”

Mobile phones and computers are both based on the Internet. As a means of communication within the galaxy, it is not particularly clear whether a first-level civilization can intercept messages on the Internet. However, inter-galactic communicators must be more advanced than the Internet, so information exchange is relatively safe. .

"Yes, I understand, let's do this for now!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then ended the chat.

At this time, Sun Xun of the Munken Star Fleet also received a report from the investigation department.

"Reporting to Captain, our reconnaissance satellite discovered the reconnaissance satellite of an unknown force and turned on the stealth function in time, but it may be discovered by the other party."

"Reconnaissance satellite of an unknown force?" Sun Xun frowned.

"According to the direction of travel of the reconnaissance satellite, there is a high probability that it is flying over from the Yiranpin Alliance fleet!"

Sun Xun asked doubtfully: "Isn't the Yiranpin Alliance supposed to be the kind of detection satellite?"

"Judging from the appearance, it is not the kind of detection satellite sold by Yiranpin Alliance." The soldier from the investigation department replied.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Sun Hong frowned and asked, "Then has this reconnaissance satellite turned on its stealth state?"

"Back to Captain, no, this reconnaissance satellite has been flying in our direction without any pause."

After hearing this, a group of staff members began to discuss.

"It should be from the Yi Ranpin Alliance, otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence that it coincides with our route and is flying towards us."

"Although it is not the kind of detection satellite sold by the Yiranpin Alliance, they should not sell the most advanced items in the alliance to external parties."

"Yes, the Yiranpin Alliance will definitely keep the more advanced satellites for its own use."

"Since it is a more advanced satellite, why is the invisibility not turned on?"

"They probably didn't find us."

"Is it possible that the other party has turned on invisibility, but their technology is too far behind ours to be invisible?"

"This is also a possibility. However, according to the news on Dao Bei's public channel, the Yiranpin Alliance still has some background and should not be underestimated."

"In fact, we don't need to worry about the technological gap between the other party and us. What we need to pay attention to now is whether the other party has discovered our reconnaissance satellite, because this is related to the changes in our next combat strategy."

"Yes, according to the existing intelligence analysis, the other party should not have discovered us."

"How can I see it?"

"If the other party discovered our reconnaissance satellite, it would definitely continue to confirm, but the other party did not and flew straight towards us."

"Yes, perhaps this also proves from one side that their reconnaissance satellites are not high in technology and do not even have an automatic early warning function!"

"Well, that makes sense. Although the Yiranpin Alliance has some advanced items that exceed our expectations, they are not without their shortcomings."

After listening to everyone's discussion, Sun Hong ordered: "Next, keep the reconnaissance satellite in a stealth state and arrange for a reconnaissance satellite to follow the Yiranpin Alliance reconnaissance satellite!"


The reason for Sun Hong's arrangement was naturally to test the performance of the new satellite of the Yiranpin Alliance.

If the other party has never discovered the reconnaissance satellite following them, it only means that the other party's satellite technology is relatively low, and they can investigate Xiao Yi's situation unscrupulously.

In fact, when the Yiranpin Alliance's spy satellite discovered the reconnaissance satellite, the intelligence department was planning to stop and try to find the invisible satellite.

But Jiang Yuntian stopped them immediately and just ordered: "Keep moving forward!"

When the other party encounters its own spy satellite, it becomes invisible as soon as possible, and the spy satellite cannot detect it at all. This shows that the other party's satellite technology must be higher than the spy satellite, and there is a high probability that it will not be found even if it stops.

Simply pretend not to see it, so as not to alert the snake.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuntian's decision actually confused the judgment of the Munken Planet Fleet.

This is the role of combat intuition!

After Jiang Yuntian conveyed Xiao Yi's order to Bai Qi and Dili, the three teams distanced themselves again.

"Why did you change the route suddenly?" Dili asked with some confusion.

Jiang Yuntian's findings have not yet been shared with Di Li.

"Switch to the inter-galaxy communicator!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Dili and Bai Qi both used inter-galactic communicators.

"What's going on?" Bai Qi asked on the inter-galactic communicator.

Jiang Yuntian immediately explained the reconnaissance satellite he had just discovered and the speculation between him and Xiao Yi.

Dili nodded slightly: "Well, then we really need to pay attention and try to use this communicator as little as possible. After all, we don't understand the communication technology level of Munken Planet at all."

"Yes, if it's not necessary, don't contact me for the time being." Jiang Yuntian said.

Bai Qi and Di Li nodded slightly, then cut off the connection directly.

At this time, in the public channel, more and more survivors reported that they had encountered a fleet of first-level civilization.

"I also discovered that first-level civilized fleet here. There are so many warships. Are you sure that Mr. Yi Ranpin can handle them?"

"Yes, my detection satellite also captured a huge fleet!"

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