Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2198 Price war, if you have earned enough, stay with me until the end

Due to Xiao Yi's movement, the first-level civilization fleets that came to attack him were constantly changing directions.

As a result, more and more survivors are seeing those first-level civilization fleets.

"Your photos are so shocking, I feel so sorry for Mr. Yi Ranpin."

"You don't have to worry about it. Since the rules of the world have arranged for these opponents, it means that the big guys will definitely have a chance to survive the attacks of these first-level civilizations."

"Is there any chance of surviving when encountering such a fleet? How strong is Mr. Yi Ranpin?"

"Yes, this also reflects the strength of Boss Yi Ranpin from the side, he is too powerful!"

"To be able to survive the siege of so many fleets, the strength of the boss is definitely a first-level civilization."

"Made, I'm going to complain again. I'm just an escape hatch, and the big guys are starting to fight with the first-level civilization fleet."

"The gap is so big, I'm a little worried that it will hold everyone back."

"What's the point? I was the last one to advance to the SSS level in the first stage. What's the point of advancing to the SSS level in advance? You still have to wait for me."

"Brother, if others advance early, they will have more time to familiarize themselves with their own strength. This way, they will not be in a hurry when entering the next stage."

"Yes, it is definitely beneficial to advance early, especially for those survivors who have already practiced their skills. The gap will be completely widened!"

"Yes, some survivors have started practicing from the first stage, I just started today!"

"Me too, but I feel okay, at least it's started."

"Fortunately, there is a general manual, otherwise I wouldn't even start now."

"I haven't started yet. I'm just waiting for myself to publish a general manual for cultivation."

"You are so patient! I know my luck has always been bad, so I'd better buy a manual written by someone else first."

"That's right, someone has also posted this manual on the trading floor of Dao Bei. The price is only half of that in the online market."

"This is a business of the Hongguoguo Land Robbery Yiranpin Alliance."

"This doesn't count as stealing business. Isn't it normal for people to publish this kind of manual and sell it on the trading floor?"

The marketing department of Yiranpin Alliance also saw the discussions of these survivors.

"Minister Feng, do we need to reduce the price accordingly?"

Feng Menglong nodded slightly and replied: "I will first communicate with the island owner and the owner of this technique."


After Xiao Yi received Feng Menglong's call, he immediately contacted Lu Meiyu.

"Have you seen the discussion in the public channel?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"Yes, I have seen it!" Lu Meiyu replied respectfully, "Island owner, do you want to ask me about the price reduction?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied: "That's right!"

"Island owner, you don't need to ask me about this. I've already made a lot of money from the previous sales, and the rest is entirely up to the island owner!" Lu Meiyu immediately replied.

"Okay, I'll let Feng Menglong operate freely!" Xiao Yi responded, and then ended the call.

After conveying Lu Meiyu's meaning to Feng Menglong, Feng Menglong said: "Okay, I know what to do!"

After hanging up the phone, Feng Menglong ordered: "Immediately adjust our price to 600 yuan and issue an announcement."


Soon, Yiranpin Alliance issued an announcement.

"In view of the fact that the general manual for spiritual power training has been confirmed to be available from the supply box, after communicating with the master of the technique, the price is now adjusted to 600 yuan. If necessary, you can take the photo yourself!"

After seeing this announcement, the public channel became lively again.

"Wucao, are you ready to flip the table?"

"Definitely. We have already made enough money before. Those survivors who have issued general manuals are selling them at half price. The other party will definitely have to fight back."

"However, this time the price has been reduced to one-tenth of the original price. Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"It's no exaggeration, the cheaper the better. I just haven't made the purchase yet to see if they will continue to cut prices."

"It would be better to get it down to one dollar a copy, so I won't hesitate and buy one right away."

Those survivors who had issued a general manual were stunned when they saw that the price on the Yiranpin Alliance online market had turned directly into six hundred yuan.

Then they subconsciously wanted to continue cutting prices, but they immediately stopped.

They know that if they continue to reduce prices, Yiranpin Alliance will definitely continue to reduce prices.

Because the previous master of the technique has already made enough, he can continue to engage in a price war with himself.

If they still want to use this technique to earn some resources, they have no choice but to give in.

Therefore, the prices of the general manuals on the island monument trading hall were eventually revised to 600 cornerstones and 600 units of dark gold, which is equivalent to 600 yuan.

"What's going on? How come their price has been adjusted to 600 yuan?"

"What else? Continue the price war? These survivors who later released the manual also want to take this opportunity to make some money, so they can only follow the price on the alliance network market."

"If the price is the same, then why don't I buy it from Yiranpin?"

"This is a personal choice, but to be honest, those survivors who bought it at the beginning were at a loss!"

"It's such a huge loss. In just a few hours, the price has dropped to one-tenth of the original price."

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. Who told me to have fast hands!"

Feng Menglong saw that the price of the skills on the trading floor was consistent with his own, so he smiled and said, "It seems they understand what I mean."

Feng Menglong decided to lower down so much at once, just to tell them that I can keep playing with you.

Survivors who have made it this far are not fools, so they naturally understand what he means.

At this time, Comet No. 1 is about to leave in the Wheathead Galaxy.

Jiebi had already traded the harvested materials to Comet Caravan No. 1, and they brought them back to the Chaos Galaxy.

"I hope there won't be any accidents between the two galaxies this time!" Lu Qin prayed in his heart.

Soon, Comet Caravan No. 1 left the Wheat Head Galaxy.

The rules of the world seemed to have heard Lu Qin’s prayer. The return this time went very smoothly, but the time took a little longer. It took a full three hours for Comet Caravan No. 1 to enter the Chaos Galaxy.

By this time, it was already past two in the morning.

Xiao Yi had already returned to the bedroom to rest, but before resting, he had told Zhu Wu, who volunteered to be on duty, to immediately send the injured back for treatment by Mimi as soon as Lu Qin and the others returned to the Chaos Galaxy.

When Lu Qin and the others entered the chaotic galaxy, Zhu Wu immediately contacted them.

"You are finally back, and the time has become longer!" Zhu Wu said with emotion.

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