"More than thirty hours, do you think it's a long time? Don't you know that navigation in space is measured in months or even years?"

"I know this, but don't we have so much time now?"

"Yes, if time is wasted on the road and our development cannot keep up with the test of the world's rules, we will still be eliminated."

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi thought for a moment, then came to the island monument and contacted an old friend.

"Spirit Detective, how much energy stone do you have in stock now?"

The spirit detective is the survivor who mined the energy stone before. So far, Xiao Yi only knows that he mined the energy stone.

When the detective saw Xiao Yi's message, he immediately replied: "If I get back to the boss, I still have two hundred yuan in stock!"

"Give it all to me!" Xiao Yi continued.

The detective did not hesitate and traded all the energy stones to Xiao Yi, and then asked: "Is the boss going to help us teleport 3.6 million kilometers away?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "If you really rely on you to fly slowly, you will really need to waste a lot of time. Using the teleportation array will save a lot of time!"

"Yes!" the detective said in agreement, "I've been here for so long and I haven't found even a single meteorite!"

The location where the spirit detective originally collected the energy stones had already been mined by him. In addition, the orbit of the small star was near the collection point, so he chose to come to the Yiranpin Alliance gathering place.

Later, he followed Xiao Yi to the Dinosaur Galaxy.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "I will give you free use of the teleportation array from now on!"

If it weren't for the energy stone mined by the spirit detective, Xiao Yi wouldn't be able to use the teleportation array so easily and freely now.

"Then thank you, boss!" The detective did not be polite to Xiao Yi and agreed.

"Of course it can only be used by you and Lingyun, not other survivors." Xiao Yi added.

"Of course!" the spirit detective responded, "Wait until you start teleporting. We will teleport over immediately. We haven't collected resources for a long time!"

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "The energy stones you collected before are enough for you to eat for a long time!"

This is not because Xiao Yi complimented the detective, but because the detective did sell nearly a thousand energy stones to Xiao Yi. These energy stones alone were sold for ten million. They still had a lot of money in their hands.

"But you can't just sit back and rest in vain!" The detective shook his head helplessly.

"Well, let's make preparations here. Once the transmission is possible, we will be the first to notify you!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, thank you, boss." The detective responded and said no more.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and said to Feng Menglong: "Open a teleportation service in the market. Teleport from the headquarters to the location where we found the meteorite."

Feng Menglong was slightly startled, then frowned and said: "The price of teleportation is so high now, even if such a service is enabled, no one will use it, right?"

"In order to improve the efficiency of other survivors in collecting resources, the transmission cost will now be reduced!" Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

"Lower it? How low?" Feng Menglong continued to ask.

"One thousand." Xiao Yi replied.

"one thousand?"

This time, not only Feng Menglong, but also everyone else was stunned.

"Island Master, you are too cruel. The people who teleported before will definitely have objections!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

Du Kang also echoed: "Yes, the first was 100,000, the last time was 50,000, and now is 1,000. This is a big dive!"

Xiao Yi continued to explain: "There are also additional requirements. If you find the meteorite area, you need to hand over 10% of the resources."

"What if they really didn't collect the resources?" Du Kang thought for a while and asked.

"I do this so that they can collect resources with peace of mind. If they fail to collect resources, we will take care of them!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Feng Menglong pondered for a moment and asked, "Island owner, can we still make a profit at this price?"

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "Of course, the price I paid for purchasing energy stones is 10,000 pieces, and one piece can be used more than ten times. The reason why the price was set higher before was just because I was worried that everyone would use up the energy stones quickly. After all, this thing is very rare. "

Now the spirit detective side has not continued to produce, so this thing is limited.

Even so, Xiao Yi is still ready to take it out for everyone to use. He wants to revitalize the survivors in the chaotic galaxy.

Since there is still money to be made, there is nothing to hesitate about. Feng Menglong nodded slightly, and then prepared to list this deal on the alliance market.

Xiao Yi keeps two hundred energy stones as backup. If the others are used up and there are no new energy stones to replenish, he will stop this business.

Feng Menglong was quickly prepared, and Xiao Yi immediately promoted it on the public channel.

"Hello, fellow survivors, considering that the speed of your aircraft is limited, the Yiranpin Alliance has specially launched a transmission service for collecting resources, which can directly teleport you to the location we have explored!"

"Brother, please do your best. This will save you the trouble of flying!"

"Yeah, how much time this will save!"

"Time is saved, but teleportation is really expensive. It costs tens of thousands per person, and you may not be able to find the meteorite area there. If you can't find it, tens of thousands of dollars will be completely wasted!"

"I forgot the price, it's really too expensive!"

Xiao Yi then sent a message: "Our alliance is considering the problem that the price is too expensive, and we have decided to help everyone at a loss. The price of this transmission is 1,000 per person!"

"Wucao, one thousand? No, right? I spent 150,000 to teleport twice before, but now it's once a thousand. Isn't it too childish?"

"Boss, I have a problem with your pricing. After all, we used to teleport 50,000 times at a time!"

"Yeah, this makes us feel so bad!"

Xiao Yi continued: "Everyone, please be patient. This time we are helping you at a loss. Can you understand? And there are additional conditions for using the teleportation service this time!"

"What additional conditions?"

"That is, if we find the meteorite area, we will be given 10% of the resources!" Xiao Yi continued.

"One percent! Isn't that a bit much?"

"The teleportation fee is only one thousand. The boss has to bear the risk that you can't find the meteorite area. In the end, he will ask for 10% of your resources. Is that much?"

"Yes, this is equivalent to the boss sharing the risk for us."

"I think it's still okay! Boss, please come online, I'm ready to buy it."

Xiao Yi continued: "Finally, I would like to remind everyone that if the meteorite area has been discovered and started to be collected by other survivors, no one is allowed to fight for it. Do you understand?"

"Understood, the main thing now is development, not internal strife!"

"That's right, boss, hurry up and get online, I can't wait!"

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