Xiao Yi looked up at Feng Menglong: "Let's put it on the shelves!"

Feng Menglong nodded slightly and immediately put this teleportation service on the shelves.

Discussions started again on the public channel.

“The boss really listed this deal!”

"In order for us to mine resources, the boss is really worried!"

"Actually, the boss is still doing it for himself. Only when the resources in our hands are enriched can he receive more resources."

"Everyone understands this. Even so, the boss's move is still very friendly to us ordinary survivors!"

"Yes, it is good for both us and the boss! This is the pattern of the boss!"

"You guys continue chatting. I have teleported to the location where the boss discovered the meteorite area. Now I am setting off to find other meteorite areas!"

"I'm already here too, let's go! I hope my luck will be better!"

Naturally, the spirit detective also teleported over immediately.

"Where should we explore?" Lingyun looked at a meteorite area not far away, feeling a little envious.

But that area belonged to the Yiranpin Alliance, and she could only envy it.

The detective stood in front of the window and closed his eyes. After a while, he opened his eyes and pointed in one direction: "Just go this way!"

Lingyun nodded slightly, then piloted the miniature spaceship to fly in the direction pointed by the spy.

This is the telepathy unique to the spirit race, and the spirit detective can roughly sense which direction will gain the most.

Although it doesn't work every time, it is more than 80% accurate.

At this time, more and more survivors were teleported over. They glanced enviously at the meteorite area discovered by the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and then drove in all directions.

Although the transmission fee is very cheap, some people still choose to wait and see.

After all, you may not be able to find the meteorite area if you teleport there, so you can't throw away even a thousand yuan.

"Brothers who teleported there, did you find anything?"

"You are too impatient. It has only been a little while, and they probably haven't left the control of Yi Ranpin Alliance yet!"

"That's right, if there was a meteorite area so close, it would have been occupied by the Yi Ranpin Alliance long ago!"

"How long does that have to wait?"

"It's at least an hour's flight away!"

"Okay, then I'll come back and ask again in an hour."

"It won't take that long, I have already found a meteorite area!"

The survivor also posted a picture showing a large piece of meteorite.

"Wucao, is it such a big area? Brother, do you want some help? I can help you collect it!"

"Thanks, no! I can handle it myself!"

"Brother upstairs, which direction are you looking for?"

"I can't describe this to you. Anyway, it's not a location that the Yiranpin Alliance team has searched for. After you teleport here, they will tell you which location they have searched for."

"Yi Ranpin Alliance is really thoughtful."

“This saves everyone’s time and improves the efficiency of finding resources.”

"There is nothing to hesitate now, hurry up and rush forward. If you hesitate any longer, all the resource points will be snatched up by others."

For a time, many more survivors teleported over.

At this time, Xiao Yi took a look at the raw materials for the anti-reconnaissance system templates purchased from Feng Menglong, and had already assembled eight sets.

"Feng Menglong, send me all the raw materials I asked you to purchase today!" Xiao Yi sent a message to Feng Menglong.

Feng Menglong immediately responded and then traded the eight sets of raw materials.

With the four times status bonus, Xiao Yi obtained the raw materials for 32 sets of anti-reconnaissance systems.

After getting the raw materials, Xiao Yi immediately chose to manufacture them all.

First, an anti-reconnaissance system was installed on the alliance headquarters spacecraft, and then the remaining anti-reconnaissance systems were handed over to Jiang Yuntian.

"Brother Jiang, distribute these anti-reconnaissance systems evenly to the spacecraft or warships performing missions outside." Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian nodded and responded: "Yes!"

After getting these anti-reconnaissance systems, Jiang Yuntian immediately began to think about it.

First of all, this anti-reconnaissance system must be installed on stationed spacecraft or warships in each galaxy.

Secondly, spacecraft that frequently go on missions, such as Zhu Wu's comet merchant's spacecraft, must also be installed.

Finally, there are the spaceships and battleships distributed in various locations. Just distribute them evenly.

In this way, all aspects are taken care of.

After trading those anti-reconnaissance systems to the corresponding aircraft, Jiang Yuntian sent the distribution details to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi browsed through it and said with a smile: "The distribution is good!"

At this moment, the intelligence department suddenly came to the cockpit.

"Report to the island owner and instructor that the anti-reconnaissance system has detected an abnormality!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment. He found something abnormal just after installing it?

Jiang Yuntian asked hurriedly: "What abnormality did you find?"

The intelligence agent reported immediately, and at the same time, sent the images fed back by the anti-reconnaissance system to Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian.

"Just now, the No. 18 anti-reconnaissance system discovered that there is an unknown reconnaissance satellite near them!"

"I'm not sure if the other party just came here or has been here for a while!"

Xiao Yi frowned and asked: "Where is the No. 18 anti-reconnaissance system installed?"

Jiang Yuntian immediately opened the star map, pointed to a location, and said, "This is where the Zerg wormhole is."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and asked: "Have the anti-reconnaissance systems in other locations found it?"

"Back to the island owner, I haven't found anything yet!" the intelligence officer replied in a deep voice.

"Island Master, I suggest that we stay put for the time being and wait and see what the other side will do next." Jiang Yuntian suggested.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian immediately conveyed this order.

After the people from the intelligence department left, Jiang Yuntian frowned and asked, "Island owner, when did this reconnaissance satellite arrive near the asteroid?"

"It's hard to say, maybe it's been a long time!" Xiao Yi shook his head, "We just installed the anti-reconnaissance system and it appeared. It couldn't have just arrived!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "It has not been discovered before, which shows that this reconnaissance satellite has high technological content!"

"The previous small spacecraft, coupled with the current high-tech reconnaissance satellite, all show that the chaotic galaxy has been invaded by a higher civilization!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly, "Now we haven't even digested the first-level civilization. Now a higher-level civilization has arrived. The rules of the world are really afraid that we will be idle!"

The digestion Jiang Yuntian mentioned naturally meant that all the first-level civilization items brought by the Munken Star Fleet were generated into scrolls.

In this way, the Yiranpin Alliance can produce all the items on the fleet of the first-level civilization. This is called complete digestion!

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