Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2314 Don’t worry too much, discover the meteorite area

It takes time for Xiao Yi's mechanical structure intelligent analyzer to generate template scrolls, so it is very time-consuming to generate templates for all items.

And there is another problem, that is, not all items of first-level civilization are mechanical structures.

These items cannot be scanned and analyzed by a mechanical structure intelligent analyzer to generate templates.

Although Xiao Yi led the Yi Ranpin Alliance to defeat several first-level civilizations, they all relied on the convenience of the system and the island monument. This does not mean that they have surpassed the first-level civilization now.

If a more advanced civilization does appear, it will be very dangerous for them.

Du Kang and the others became worried when they heard Jiang Yuntian's words. The technological gap between different civilization levels was very large.

"Island Master, if it is really a more advanced civilization, wouldn't we be in great danger?" Feng Menglong said with a frown.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: "Although the opponent may be an advanced civilization, we should still have time. The rules of the world will not arrange an opponent that we cannot defeat."

Everyone was startled for a moment, then nodded.

"That's right, we are already at the top of the pyramid of survivors. There is nothing else to worry about. If we are to worry, others are worried." Du Kang also agreed with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "I'm worried that the person behind the scenes fell asleep. You see, the island monument has not shown a prompt for a long time!"

Everyone was startled again.

Now all the survivors are just pawns, at the mercy of the people behind the scenes.

If, as Jiang Yuntian said, the people behind the scenes who formulate and maintain the world's rules fall asleep, no one can say whether uncontrollable factors will arise.

Seeing everyone's faces once again filled with worries, Xiao Yi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, everyone. Even if we encounter the person behind the scenes taking a nap, the worst we can do is hide in the independent planet space. Now Chaos Star is undergoing transformation We have come to the end, enough to keep us alive!"

"Yes, island owner, do we have three independent planet spaces now?" Du Kang immediately thought of the planet fragments acquired by Feng Menglong and Zhao Baishui.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied: "It's just that there is no light in the two independent planets."

At this time, Xiao Yi suddenly regretted merging the artificial sun he had obtained from signing in before.

If there was no integration at that time, the other two spaces can now be used.

"Even if there is no light, it is very good to have two more independent planets. No matter how bad it is, you can still put a lot of things in it!" Du Kang said with a smile.

The others also nodded.

"So, don't worry too much. We at least have a way out. We can just develop with peace of mind now!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes, Island Master!" everyone responded.

After comforting everyone, Xiao Yi sat back in his seat. In fact, he was still a little worried.

Although they do have a way out, but only if they can hide in time.

Moreover, the artificial sun in the independent planet space also needs to be refueled, and hiding in the independent planet space will definitely not work.

Independent planetary space can only be used as an emergency, but it is not a long-term solution.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, no longer thinking about this matter, but looked at the public channel of Dinosaur Galaxy again.

"Haha, I also found the meteorite area!"

"Mad, why didn't I find it? I feel like the rules of the world are against me!"

"Brother, you think too much. The rules of the world are not that easy."

"At present, it seems that we still have to look farther to find resources!"

"Yes, many of the survivors who have been teleported to the boss must have found resources!"

"Not necessarily. Most of those who haven't been found won't speak on public channels."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi checked the number of survivors who had reported finding resources so far, and then said: "There are about ten survivors who have reported to us that they have discovered the meteorite area, and there are currently 10,000 who have been teleported."

"The probability of finding a meteorite is only one in a thousand! Isn't it a bit too low!"

"The probability is indeed low, but you have to know that it's only two hours now, so you can wait and see!"

"Well, maybe there are some that I discovered but didn't tell the boss!"

"The boss has lost money on teleportation, but there are still people who continue to harvest wool?"

"Who knows!"

The survivors who were still waiting and watching now became even more hesitant. After all, the probability of finding resource points through teleportation was too low!

At this moment, the detective suddenly sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"Boss, I seem to have discovered a large number of resource points!"

After seeing the news about the spirit detective, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Blockbuster?"

"Yes, at least there's no end in sight for now. Wait, I'll take a video for you!" the detective immediately replied.

After a while, the detective sent a video.

Xiao Yi immediately played the video. The video showed continuous meteorites, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

"So many meteorites are comparable to a small meteorite belt!" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yes!" the spirit detective responded.

"Then what did you think about it?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

The detective smiled and replied: "I can't mine it all by myself anyway, so I might as well tell everyone."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and then said: "Then let's use the buffet style!"

"Buffet?" Detective Ling looked at Xiao Yi doubtfully.

Xiao Yi continued to explain: "It means asking the survivors who want to come over to collect resources to pay, for example, one thousand per person, and then you tell them the location, and the amount collected is theirs!"

It's just like eating at a buffet. How much a head costs and how much you eat depends on your personal ability.

The detective nodded slightly and said: "Okay, then follow what the boss said! I will list this transaction directly on the Internet."

"Well, I'll help you promote it too!" Xiao Yi replied.

Then, Xiao Yi immediately posted a message on the public channel.

"Hello, fellow survivors! There is currently a survivor who has discovered a large area of ​​meteorites. He can't collect them all by himself. He is now preparing to sell the mining rights to others. If necessary, go to the online market to purchase the mining rights."

"Wucao, isn't it! Can it still be like this? I just don't know how big the area is?"

"Yeah, how much does this mining right cost?"

"I've seen it on the market, a thousand dollars."

Then Xiao Yi played the video sent by the detective.

After seeing the video, everyone was immediately shocked.

"There are so many meteorites. Could it be the meteorite belt here?"

"Didn't you say there is no meteorite belt?"

"Maybe the meteorite belts are not connected together!"

"There are probably a lot of resources with so many meteorites. The teleportation and tickets cost a total of two thousand yuan. I should be able to make some money, but you have to hurry up. If there are more people, everyone will get less!"

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