There were many survivors in the Chaos Galaxy rushing to the Dinosaur Galaxy, but some survivors did not make it there.

Feng Menglong saw the transactions completed on the online market and raised his head to report: "Island Master, there are many survivors in the Chaos Galaxy and they are rushing towards us!"

"The meteorite area discovered by the spy is so large and rich in resources. It was expected that they would come here!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Du Kang said: "Should we slightly limit the number of people?"

"No, if they can eat this meteorite area as soon as possible, that would be a good thing!" Xiao Yi shook his head.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The Zerg horde is raging in the chaotic galaxy. These survivors have not had resources for a long time. Now they can regain their health with these resources.

Once they develop, Xiao Yi can better exploit them!

More and more survivors are being teleported to the Spirit Detective, but for the huge meteorite area, this number is still not many!

At this moment, Lingyun suddenly discovered that a wormhole appeared on the meteorite they were collecting resources from.

Then a bunch of bugs poured out of it, as if they had found a flood outlet.

Seeing this situation, Lingyun immediately called the collector back.

The spy immediately used an electromagnetic rail gun to bombard the location of the wormhole.

At the same time, he also released five nuclear explosive mines.

"The wormhole in front of us is not big. Five of them should be able to destroy it!" the spirit detective secretly said.

The bugs that ran out of the wormhole were bombarded by the electromagnetic orbital cannon as soon as they came out, and they were a little stunned!

The next moment, five nuclear explosions arrived at the wormhole.

The detective detonated the nuclear explosive mine without hesitation.

A strong light appeared and disappeared in a flash, and the Zerg wormhole was instantly destroyed and disappeared!

"It seems that the larger the wormhole, the more nuclear mines are needed!" The spy muttered, and then continued to use the electromagnetic railgun to attack those fish that had climbed onto the meteorite!

After completely eliminating those bugs, Lingyun released the collector again.

"Brother Tan, why did a Zerg wormhole suddenly appear here?" Lingyun said with a frown.

The detective frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know, but I have a vague feeling that it has something to do with the large number of survivors."

"Why don't we discuss with the boss that we suspend the sale of the location here?" Lingyun thought for a while and said.

The detective nodded slightly: "Let me talk to the boss here!"

After saying that, the detective sent a message to Xiao Yi and explained his speculation.

"Boss, do you think we should control the number of people coming?" the detective finally asked.

After listening to the detective's story, Xiao Yi also began to think deeply.

After a while, Xiao Yi replied: "If this is really the case, I feel that I need to collect this meteorite area as soon as possible before I can react!"

The detective was slightly startled and looked at Xiao Yi doubtfully.

Xiao Yi continued to explain: "We have so many survivors coming over. When the Zerg reacts, they will definitely attack the galaxy here unless we return to the chaotic galaxy!"

The detective nodded.

"Then we will take advantage of the time when the Zerg are reacting to collect as many resources as possible." Xiao Yi continued.

"The Dinosaur Galaxy won't follow in the footsteps of the Chaos Galaxy, right?" the spy said with a frown.

After finally finding a peaceful environment, the detective doesn't want the Dinosaur Galaxy to become the second in the Chaos Galaxy!

"It's impossible to say for sure, but with so many survivors coming here, the rules of the world will definitely not remain indifferent!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

"Yes!" The detective shook his head helplessly and ended the chat.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and immediately sent a message in the public channel.

"Every survivor who goes to the Spirit Detective to collect resources, everyone must pay attention to safety. Random wormholes have appeared in the meteorite area now. It is estimated that the Zerg must have reacted. Everyone, be careful!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's speech, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"What's going on? I haven't even arrived yet, and the Zerg are going to occupy it again?"

"Yeah, at least wait until I collect some resources before coming back!"

"I just arrived. Is this bug targeting me?"

Xiao Yi said again: "Since we have so many survivors here, the rules of the world will definitely arrange for the Zerg to come over, so everyone should collect the resources here as soon as possible while the rules of the world and the Zerg have time to react!"

"What the boss said is that we really need to take advantage of this period to collect more. I suffered this loss when I was in the Chaos Galaxy. At first, I thought the resources were always there and would not escape, so I didn't pay too much attention. , I will regret it later when the Zerg invades!"

"Then why are you hesitating? Teleport over quickly. With more people, we have greater strength. Try to get the meteorite area before the Zerg invades completely!"

"Yes, hurry up, I've already teleported here!"

When this news reached the Chaos Galaxy, the survivors there immediately became uneasy.

"Wucao, isn't it? Do we have locators on us? The Zerg will go wherever we go?"

"It's not that we have locators on us, but the rules of the world must be watching us!"

"Hey, I finally found a peaceful galaxy. Will it soon be the same as this one?"

"Mard, you still have to teleport!" The previous survivor who wanted to sail over by himself cursed.

"Now it's a racing mode again, let's see who is faster!"

For a time, more survivors from the chaotic galaxy chose to teleport over.

In the Dinosaur Galaxy, small wormholes of the Zerg were constantly discovered, and those survivors used the nuclear mines in their hands to destroy them.

Some survivors didn't have enough nuclear mines, so they asked Xiao Yi on the public channel.

"Boss, do you have any nuclear mines over there?"

"What you are saying is in vain. The boss has already used up all the hidden nuclear mines by solving the Zerg wormholes in the Chaos Galaxy's worm ring!"

"I know that, but maybe the boss has collected raw materials again?"

"We don't have anywhere to collect raw materials, and it's probably difficult for the big guys to get them."

"That's not necessarily true. Have you forgotten that there are comet merchants in the Yiranpin Alliance?"

"Yes, comet merchants can purchase raw materials from other galaxies and bring them back!"

Xiao Yi looked at the inventory and then replied: "Zhu Wu and the others did bring some raw materials from other galaxies. I will make some more, so everyone can use them sparingly!"

"Look, I said the boss has a way to get the raw materials!"

"From what the boss said, it seems like there aren't many raw materials!"

“Deal with the immediate things first, sometimes you can’t think too far ahead!”

Xiao Yi immediately started manufacturing on the island monument, creating a total of 400,000 nuclear explosive mines.

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