Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2317 How many wormholes are needed to destroy the strange meteorite rain?

The raw materials purchased by Zhu Wu and Feng Menglong were only 100,000 sets. After four times the status bonus, it became 400,000 sets.

It is precisely because the raw materials have enjoyed the four times status bonus, so the nuclear explosive mines created by Xiao Yi can no longer enjoy the four times status.

After thinking for a moment, Xiao Yi immediately asked Feng Menglong to place 150,000 nuclear explosive mines on the market.

The rest are kept in the league for later use.

Seeing so many nuclear explosion mines hanging out in the Yi Ranpin online market, the survivors immediately became excited.

"The Yiranpin Alliance really has a deep foundation. It's not easy to be able to get so many raw materials under the influence of the Zerg!"

"The items in the boss's hands are really too high-end. If he gets them from any survivor's galaxy, he will probably kill them all!"

"If I had these high-end items, I could also purchase enough raw materials!"

"Maybe, but these nuclear explosion mines don't seem to be enough!"

"There must be at least 20,000 survivors coming here now. If one person encounters a wormhole, there are more than 20,000 wormholes. A wormhole requires at least five nuclear explosions to destroy it. This requires One hundred thousand nuclear explosions have been launched, and more survivors are coming..."

"Did you use too many? I destroyed it with just three!"

"Ah? Can three nuclear explosions destroy the wormhole?"

"Yes, I saw that the wormhole was not big, so I only released three of them, and they were successfully destroyed!"

"It turns out I wasted it!"

"I just tried two and it was just fine! Everyone can try it. Even if it doesn't work, just add one more and it will be done!"

Seeing this, the detective was stunned for a moment. It turned out that he had really used it too much.

He shook his head helplessly and said to Lingyun: "Please pay attention to the situation in the meteorite area. I will take a rest and I will be on duty in the evening."

"Okay!" Lingyun responded.

As more and more survivors arrived, the meteorite area immediately became lively.

There was a busy scene everywhere.

Suddenly, a survivor sent a message on the island monument.

"Look what I collected! [Energy Stone]*1."

"Energy stone? What is this? Oh, I know! Isn't this the item needed for the teleportation array?"

"Yes, that's it. The teleportation array relies on this for energy!"

"Can this thing be collected here? I heard that the boss collects this thing every ten thousand!"

"Wocao, wouldn't it make you rich if you collected a few more?"

"Yes, brother, you are collecting there, I will come with you!"

"No, everyone should not get together and collect resources at their own location!"

Seeing someone collecting energy stones, the other survivors became even more excited and worked harder to mine them.

Even if this thing is not sold to Xiao Yi, he may still use it in the future.

After all, Xiao Yi has opened up the construction of the teleportation array. As long as he can find the raw materials to build the teleportation array, Xiao Yi will help them build a teleportation array.

In the chaotic galaxy before, it was almost impossible to collect raw materials, and they had no idea.

But now that there is such a large meteorite area, we can still look forward to collecting resources.

Xiao Yi was slightly surprised when he saw that other survivors had also collected energy stones: "It seems that the meteorite area found by the spirit detective is not simple!"

"Yes, we have collected resources for so long but have never collected energy stones." Du Kang said with emotion.

"It seems that this meteorite area will bring a lot of benefits to everyone." Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, but before he could speak, the intelligence department rushed over.

"Island owner, the meteorite area discovered by the spy is ushering in a meteorite rain!" the intelligence officer said immediately.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled and immediately asked: "Is this meteor shower large in scale?"

"It's huge! It can almost cover the entire meteorite area!"

"How long does it take to arrive?"

"In half an hour!"

Xiao Yi immediately issued a warning on the island monument and on the Internet.

"Attention all survivors in the meteorite area discovered by the spy, a meteorite rain is about to arrive there. It is recommended that everyone evacuate immediately and stay away from the meteorite area!"

After seeing the message from Xiao Yi, the survivors who were actively mining resources immediately took back their collectors and quickly moved away from the meteorite area. The area immediately became empty.

All the survivors believed in Xiao Yi's words.

"What happened? Why did the meteor shower suddenly appear?"

"It probably didn't appear suddenly, we just discovered it just now."

"From what the boss said, this meteor shower seems a bit serious."

"Yeah, don't worry, listen to the boss anyway, it's right!"

"Boss, when will this meteor shower arrive?"

"There are still about twenty-five minutes!" Xiao Yi replied immediately.

At this time, news came again from the intelligence department.

"Report to the island owner that the speed of those meteorites has slowed down!"

At this time, Xiao Yi was completely stunned.

Can the speed of the meteor shower actually slow down?

Are you kidding me?

"Are you sure what you observed was a meteor shower?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Back to the island owner, judging from the feedback from the spy satellite, it is indeed a meteorite!"

This made Xiao Yi even more confused: "Is there a big celestial body behind these meteorites pulling them?"

"Based on their current performance, it may be so!"

"Okay, I understand!" Xiao Yi frowned.

Those survivors who had left the meteorite area waited outside for half an hour and found that no meteorites were coming, and they started talking among themselves.

"Boss, what's going on? Isn't it just 25 minutes?"

"Yeah, it's been half an hour and I haven't seen any meteor shower!"

"Isn't the boss training our emergency response capabilities?"

Xiao Yi immediately said in the public channel: "That's right, the meteor shower is indeed coming, but I don't know what the situation is at the moment. Their speed has slowed down, and it has dropped very quickly."

"What? Is this still the case? Don't meteorites all fly together and then disappear into the distance?"

"Yes, do they still want to stop at a certain location?"

"Do you think you'll stop at our place?"

As soon as these words came out, all the survivors were stunned, including Xiao Yi.

After a while, someone said: "It's not impossible, is it? Is this a resource refresh point given to us by the world rules? Will some resources be invested here from time to time?"

"In this case, wouldn't we have made a fortune? By guarding such a resource point, we will never have to worry about resources again!"

"It shouldn't be that simple. Anyway, I don't believe that the rules of the world are so kind!"

"Let's see if the meteorite rain will stop in the meteorite area first!"

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