Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2318 Meteorites rain into the meteorite area, investigating anomalies

Xiao Yi was also thinking about the possibility of the situation discussed by those survivors.

It is not impossible to use meteorite rain to provide resources to survivors.

But the meteorite area in front of us seems to be very large. There is no need to add more meteorites at this time, right?

The survivors who were rushing towards this meteorite area also stopped one after another.

When such an accident occurred, no one dared to rush over hastily.

"Is the speed still decreasing?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

Jiang Yuntian, who was paying close attention to the meteor shower, immediately replied: "It's still slowly decreasing!"

"How far is it from the meteorite area?"

"Ten thousand kilometers!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly. It seemed that he would soon know whether the meteorite rain would stop at the meteorite area discovered by the spy.

After another half an hour, the meteorite rain arrived at the meteorite area, and its speed was almost negligible.

At this time, the surrounding survivors had already seen the densely packed meteorites.

"There really is a meteorite rain, but it seems that this meteorite rain only flew to our place and stopped moving!"

"It's so amazing, it can't be explained by science at all."

"You still want to use science to explain it? Then you should first explain what the island monument is about!"

"I see that all those meteorites have landed in this meteorite area and are motionless. Can we go forward and continue collecting resources?"

"Of course. Since the meteor shower no longer poses a threat, we should go back and continue collecting!"

"How about asking the boss for his opinion? It's better to be cautious about such a weird thing."

"Yes, @Yi Ranpin, boss, can we go back and continue collecting?"

Xiao Yi saw Aite himself, thought for a moment, and replied: "Yes, but you must be careful. Those meteorites flying over are indeed a bit strange."

"Okay! Since the boss thinks it can continue, let's get started!"

"Great, we can finally get going."

"Come on, my collector is so hungry!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian stood up and said: "Island Master, why don't you let me go over and take a look!"

"Okay, pay attention to safety!" Xiao Yi warned.


Jiang Yuntian responded and walked out.

A team was summoned, and then they went directly to the spacecraft that was mining resources in the meteorite area through the teleportation array.

"Hello, instructor!"

When Jiang Yuntian came to the spaceship, the guard on it immediately stood at attention and saluted and said.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and asked, "Have we started collecting resources?"

"Return to the instructor, collection has begun!"

"Did you find anything unusual?" Jiang Yuntian continued to ask.

"nothing now!"

Through the island monument on the spaceship here, three warships were traded. Jiang Yuntian led the team to board the three warships, and then walked deeper into the meteorite area.

The density of this meteorite shower is the highest in the middle, so most of the locations in the middle of the meteorite area are meteorites brought by the meteorite shower.

After arriving at the middle area, Jiang Yuntian immediately used the super scanning analyzer to scan the meteorites brought by the meteorite rain.

"Scan successful, analyzing..."

"This meteorite is rich in calcium, iron, silicon..."

Looking at the results given by the super scanning analyzer, Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly.

There seems to be nothing strange about this result.

"Is it really the island owner who thinks too much?" Jiang Yuntian muttered.

Then he immediately told Xiao Yi the results of the analyzer's feedback.

After listening to his report, Xiao Yi also frowned: "Isn't there anything strange?"

"Well, I'm near those meteorites now and I haven't found any other abnormalities." Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi frowned and thought for a while, then said: "You all withdraw from the meteorite area, and then use a collector to collect the meteorites brought by the meteorite rain!"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, and then immediately responded: "Yes!"

Following Xiao Yi's instructions, Jiang Yuntian led three warships and flew out, leaving only a collector among the meteorites.

After withdrawing from the meteorite area, Jiang Yuntian immediately used the network remote control to command the collector to start working.

The collector immediately started working on the largest meteorite.

Jiang Yuntian stared for a while, but found nothing unusual, so he ordered: "You guys take turns staring at that collector!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

At this time, other survivors also began to continue to exploit resources. Due to Xiao Yi's reminder, everyone unanimously chose to stay away from the meteorites brought by the meteorite rain, and instead collected the meteorites that were here before.

"Do you think there will be more resources in the meteorites brought by the meteor shower?"

"Who knows, if you want to try it, then go ahead and try it!"

"I'm afraid I'll die if I try it!"

"Then just wait for the investigation results from the boss with peace of mind. In fact, we are really lucky to be in the same galaxy as Mr. Yi Ranpin. The boss will help us solve most of the problems. We don't have to take risks to explore. .”

"Yes, I just saw that the big boss arranged for three battleships to come over. They should be here to investigate the meteorites brought by this meteor shower!"

"That's definitely the case. You see they flew out again. Is the investigation completed?"

"No, this is too fast! They have just arrived here!"

"Don't worry, everyone. Anyway, the previous meteorites are enough for us to mine for a while."

"That's what I said, but the meteorites brought by the meteorite rain later are mixed with the original meteorites. What should I do if I can't tell them apart?"

"That's true. What I mined is still the same meteorite I mined before. I'm really not sure about the others. I can only mine slowly from the outside. Most of the outside is still the original meteorite."

"Are you stupid? You can't tell which meteorites are already there by directly comparing the images taken by the detection satellite. Not to mention that you haven't even released the detection satellite!"

"Of course this exists, but meteorites may move and flip over, which is a bit difficult in comparison!"

"It's not that difficult. As long as everyone's detection satellites are turned on, it's easy to tell."

"Yes, just stare at the original meteorite."

And those survivors who haven't come here yet are a little depressed.

"Brothers, we haven't arrived yet. When we get here, can you tell us which are the original meteorites?"

"Of course, but I can't give it to you for free, right?"

"I knew that was the case. Tell me, how can I get your intelligence information for a fee?"

"It's not expensive either. One hundred yuan for a meteorite."

"Wucao, this is too expensive!"

"It's not expensive at all. The meteorites here are very big. As long as you mine one piece, you can get at least 10,000 yuan. If you are lucky enough to collect energy stones, it will be even more profitable!" Survivor

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