"It seems true after all! Well, a hundred is a hundred. I'll buy it when I get there!"

"Everything really costs money now. It costs money to eat, drink, have sex, and even breathe!"

"Of course, you can't just keep having sex for nothing!"

In addition to these survivors on the road, the Chaos Galaxy also heard about this strange meteor shower.

"Our galaxy has experienced so many meteor showers, and this time they can destroy our escape capsule. Why is the one in the Dinosaur Galaxy so gentle?"

"Yes, aren't meteor showers the kind that fly by quickly?"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. There is probably going to be a problem in that meteorite area!"

"Don't be so stupid. We finally found a meteorite area where we can replenish resources. If something goes wrong like this, where are we going to find resources?"

"I don't want to be crow-mouthed, but this situation is really weird."

"What is going on? I just wanted to go there and this happened?"

"Now I'm starting to hesitate whether to go there or not!"

"How about we wait and see?"

At this time, in the chaotic galaxy, Yiranpin Alliance Comet Merchant Line 1 was approaching the small star that had recently joined the chaotic galaxy.

"Island owner, our orbit has deviated!" Lu Qin, the person in charge of Comet Merchant Line 1, sent a message to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled when he received Lu Qin's message. He actually ignored the impact of the small star on Comet No. 1.

"It should be the new small stars that appear in the chaotic galaxy that cause your orbit to deviate!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "Based on your estimate based on the changes in the trajectory, will the small stars pull you into it? "

Lu Qin was startled for a moment, then immediately observed their trajectory and replied: "Probably not, we are still very far away from the stars."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "When you get close to that small star, the temperature may rise a lot, so you must pay attention to cooling down!"

"Yes!" Lu Qin replied in a deep voice.

Zhu Wu and Yang Jian also received Lu Qin's report.

Zhu Wu immediately stood up and said: "Island Master, I'd better go back to Trading Line No. 1. Everyone should feel more at ease with me over there!"

Now the No. 1 commercial line spaceship is full of Chaos Stars, and there is not a single survivor. It feels like being abandoned.

If Zhu Wu passes by, they will feel more at ease. After all, there is still a survivor!

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "Okay, you go there first, pay attention to safety, if the temperature is too high, then teleport everyone back!"

"Yes!" Zhu Wu responded.

Yang Jian also said at this time: "I'll follow you too!"

"Well, go ahead and take care of each other." Xiao Yi responded.


Zhu Wu and Yang Jian walked out side by side, first took the spaceship back to the Chaos Galaxy, and then passed through the teleportation array to the spaceship of Business Line No. 1.

"Master Zhu, why are you here?" Lu Qin looked at Zhu Wu in surprise and asked.

Zhu Wu raised his eyebrows and replied, "What? Are you not welcoming me?"

"No, no!" Lu Qin hurriedly waved his hand and said, "I just heard that you will be able to conduct remote control in the future."

"Can't I take command on the spot?" Zhu Wu asked.

"We naturally hope that you can take command on the spot, but we also know that you need time to practice." Lu Qin looked tangled.

Zhu Wu laughed: "Relax, I was just joking. This time the situation is quite special, so I came over to check on the situation, and this time Yang Jian and I will follow the fleet to the Domi Hot Galaxy."

Lu Qin nodded.

"Okay, you continue to pay attention to the trajectory of our spacecraft. If anything unusual occurs, notify me in time!" Zhu Wu ordered.

"Yes!" Lu Qin responded, then turned and left.

Yang Jian said with some worry: "Brother Zhu, do you think the comet we are traveling on will not be able to reach the Domi Hot Galaxy because of the sudden addition of small stars?"

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "It is indeed possible, but this matter is beyond our control, so don't worry too much and just wait for the result!"

Yang Jian was startled for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, I'll use the inter-galactic communicator to give them a vaccination first!"

After saying that, Yang Jian turned around and walked to the inter-galactic communicator, and then sent a message to the Domi Hot Galaxy.

"Small stars appearing in chaotic galaxies affect the trajectory of comets. I wonder if they can still fly to multi-meter hot galaxies. You must be prepared for the worst."


The Chaos Stars who stayed in the Domire Galaxy were a little panicked when they heard the news, but they quickly adjusted. After all, their spaceships had island monuments, fields, and various high-end items.

Even if Yang Jian and the others couldn't come back, they could still survive.

There are now cross-galaxy communicators that can contact the island owners at any time. Even if they encounter difficulties, the island owners can support them remotely.

After Yang Jian sent this message, he returned to the bedroom and continued practicing.

At this time, Xiao Yi's focus was still on the strange meteorite rain.

"Brother Jiang, have you found anything over there in the mining of meteorites brought by the meteorite rain?" Xiao Yi asked anxiously.

"No." Jiang Yuntian replied, "So far everything is normal."

Xiao Yi frowned: "Is it true that they just send us resources?"

"That's hard to say!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head and replied.

"Well, if you find anything, please tell me in time!" Xiao Yi hung up the phone helplessly.

After thinking about it, Xiao Yi took the spaceship and entered the independent planet space No. 1.

In order to facilitate the distinction, Xiao Yi named the three independent planet spaces No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 in the order in which he obtained them.

After entering the independent planet space, Xiao Yi came to the Chaos Star here.

The Chaos Star at this time is already very different from before.

The last time I came here, most of the Chaos Star was bare, even if there was some green, it had just been transplanted.

But this time, there was already a lot of green on it.

Finding Wang Yang, Xiao Yi said: "It seems that the Chaos Star has been successfully transformed?"

Wang Yang said excitedly: "Back to the island owner, it's like this. The plants transplanted to Chaos Star have been able to survive. After a while, Chaos Star will be able to be inhabited!"

"Good job!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then asked, "How is the operation situation in the entertainment city?"

"Everything is normal! The adults who contracted the entertainment spacecraft have made a lot of money!" Wang Yang replied immediately.

"Well, we need their cooperation later to move the entertainment city to the second independent planet space." Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said.

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