"It's true that the giant skeleton reacts slowly, but you said you were ready to kill me but I don't agree."

"Yeah, not to mention other things, just the superpower who killed this skeleton. Which of you can achieve this level of strength?"

"That's right, you only see the ease with which he fights now, but you don't see the hard work behind him!"

"It feels like the giant metal needle paused on the back of the giant skeleton's head. Is it still unable to react like this?"

"I just watched the replay, and it's true. According to what you said before, this undead may not have fully evolved yet, and its reaction may be a bit slow!"

"I always feel that its agility and intelligence are far apart."

"Probably not, because the previous battle is enough to show that the intelligence of this undead is definitely not low!"

"Yes, it was very decent to dodge and block the Yi Ranpin Alliance's attacks before!"

"So that last moment was just weird!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the undead skeleton had been pulled into the battleship, and Xiao Yi and the others followed them back.

"Island Master, as long as you are here, we can't even hope to get training!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Didn't you get training this time?"

"What kind of training is this for us? There is no danger at all, but you blocked it all!" Jiang Yuntian replied helplessly.

"I have taken action as late as possible, how can I still watch you get hurt!" Xiao Yi replied angrily.

Jiang Yuntian said with a smile: "That's true, but the island master, your ability control distance is too far!"

"Practice hard, you can do it too!" Xiao Yi replied, then came to the huge skeleton and observed it.

The battleship has already begun to fly back.

The detection satellites that followed the live broadcast also returned to their respective owners.

"Okay, that's it for the live broadcast. See you next time the Yi Ranpin Alliance attacks the undead!"

Most of the live broadcast rooms have been closed, but there are still some live broadcasts that choose to continue live broadcasting.

Now that all galaxies are connected to the same network, other galaxies must be very curious about the situation in chaotic galaxies.

After all, Chaos Galaxy has such a powerful alliance as Yi Ranpin Alliance.

Those survivors took advantage of the curiosity of survivors in other galaxies and continued to broadcast live.

After Ji Jiying watched the live broadcast of the Yi Ranpin Alliance's battle against the undead, he immediately got up and left for his room.

Ji Zhentian was about to call him, but Ji Batian stopped him and shook his head.

After Ji Jiying entered the room, Ji Batian sighed and said, "Let him be quiet!"

This live broadcast was a big blow to Ji Jiying. He always thought that his cultivation must be faster than that of the Yiranpin Alliance. As a result, there were two superpowers in the Yiranpin Alliance team this time that were stronger than him. of!

Even if there is no one stronger than these two people in the Yi Ranpin Alliance, Ji Jiying still can't accept it.

Because he has been practicing the Ji family's techniques since he was a child, while 99% of the survivors start from scratch.

Even so, he was surpassed by other survivors. Always known as the genius of the younger generation of the Ji family, Ji Jiying felt like he was lost to everyone!

Ji Batian knew that he needed time to adjust his mentality. No matter how much he said at this time, he would not listen.

Ji Zhentian nodded slightly: "How can this Yiranpin Alliance be so powerful?"

"Yes, the technology is so advanced, and even the cultivation is so strong!" Ji Batian said with emotion, "We still need to develop slowly. I believe Ying'er is definitely no worse than them!"

At this time, a subordinate came over and reported: "Two adults, we saw on the Internet that a pill called Marrow Cleansing Pill is being discussed in the Chaos Galaxy!"

Hearing this, both of them were stunned, and then Ji Batian immediately said: "Send me all the information you collected!"


Ji Batian quickly saw the information about the Marrow Cleansing Pill on his computer.

After reading it, Ji Batian suddenly realized and said: "I finally know why the Yi Ranpin Alliance is so powerful!"

Ji Zhentian nodded in agreement: "Yes, with the advanced marrow cleansing pill, both awakening and cultivation will be much faster than ordinary people!"

"No wonder they practice faster than Ying'er. This is the crux!" After Ji Batian knew the reason, he felt relaxed.

Since it is not a talent, there is nothing to envy. The Yiranpin Alliance will definitely open the Marrow Cleansing Pill to all galaxies in the future. By then, as long as Ying'er takes one, she will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Ji Zhentian continued: "It seems that we need to make full use of this network to understand the Yiranpin Alliance."

"Yes, but be careful not to use this network to transmit important information!" Ji Batian reminded.

Ji Zhentian was startled for a moment, and then immediately understood what Ji Batian meant.

This network was set up by the Yiranpin Alliance. Ji Batian was worried that the information on this network could be intercepted by the Yiranpin Alliance at will.

Therefore, important information cannot be transmitted on this network, otherwise it will be intercepted by the Yiranpin Alliance, which would be dangerous!

"Yes, I will pay attention!" Ji Zhentian responded in a deep voice.

At this time, Xiao Yi and others had returned to the headquarters, and Du Kang and others immediately greeted them.

"Brother Jiang, you are awesome, this is a double kill!"

Jiang Yuntian rolled his eyes helplessly: "I didn't kill him this time!"

Hearing what Jiang Yuntian said, Du Kang was stunned: "Huh? What does this mean?"

Looking at the confused people, Jiang Yuntian said: "Island Master, you are right. Even if other survivors see it, they will not be able to understand our trump card! Even people in our own alliance can't understand it, let alone Talk about other people.”

"What's going on?" Du Kang asked with a confused look on his face.

Jiang Yuntian said helplessly: "This battle is completely led by the island owner, we are all just soy sauce!"

Under everyone's doubtful eyes, Jiang Yuntian told the situation in detail.

"Wucao, island owner, you are so awesome!" Du Kang shouted immediately after hearing this.

"How old are you, can you be more steady?" Xiao Yi said helplessly.

"How can this make me stable!? I usually only see you practicing, but I never knew you were so awesome!" Du Kang continued to shout.

Xiao Yi was speechless and had no choice but to walk back to his seat and sit down.

"Island owner, can you tell us about your experience?" Du Kang immediately followed.

Xiao Yi glanced at Du Kang, who had a longing face, and replied: "My experience is very simple!"

Hearing this, everyone pricked up their ears.

"That is to keep practicing to improve your mental power. As long as your mental power is strong enough, you can do what I do!" Xiao Yi continued.

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