After hearing Xiao Yi's experience, everyone was immediately speechless.

Isn't this nonsense? As mental power becomes stronger, the control distance and power of supernatural powers will become stronger. This is something everyone knows.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Xiao Yi continued: "So don't think about shortcuts or techniques. Without enough mental support, everything will be mirrored."

"Yes, the island owner is right, everyone should work hard to practice!" Jiang Yuntian agreed.

Everyone nodded.

"Island Master, how much dark gold can be collected from that giant skeleton?" Du Kang asked curiously again.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "I don't know, I guess there should be three thousand units!"

"That's quite a lot, more than what we get every day!" Du Kang nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian continued: "According to the speed of the undead's dark gold transformation this time, it is estimated that it can be completed in six days!"

"This speed is still very fast!" Xiao Yi exclaimed, "The question now is whether the speed of the undead's darkening is constant! If it changes, it might not take six days at all!"

"Then we can only watch it tomorrow." Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

At this time, Su Wan said: "Everyone on the island monument is asking about the situation of this battle and the information gained."

Xiao Yi said: "Let me tell you!"

With that said, Xiao Yi came to the island monument and sent a message on the public channel.

"Hello, fellow survivors, everyone has seen my battle with the undead through the live broadcast. I won't go into details here. I will mainly talk about the information we got through this undead."

"First of all, the undead's priority for darkening is the skull, probably because the soul fire in the skull is very important to them."

"Secondly, according to the current speed of dark gold transformation, and the speed remains unchanged, it will take about six days to complete the whole body dark gold transformation!"

"Finally, there is indeed a lot of dark gold in the dark gold skull. It is initially estimated that three thousand units can be collected."

After reading the three aspects summarized by Xiao Yi, everyone immediately started talking.

"If the dark gold transformation is completed in six days, don't we only have six days to collect resources?"

"Yeah, you still have to hurry up!"

"That's right. Fortunately, I came at the beginning, otherwise the people who came later would have less and less time to collect!"

"That's not necessarily true. After six days, the undead will come out at most, and they may not be able to interfere with our collection of resources!"

"That is, although I have not awakened as a superpower, I only need to use the weapons on the escape pod to attack the undead severely."

"Yes, the weapon attacks on the Yi Ranpin Alliance battleship can still drive back the undead!"

"We just want a place to collect supplies, and we don't need to kill the undead."

"Haha, I can only say that you are really too naive. Can the weapons on your spaceship and escape cabin be the same as those on the boss's battleship?"

"That's right, these undead are obviously arranged for us by the rules of the world. You don't really think we can handle it easily, do you?"

"Are we really going to fight that giant skeleton?"

"Why not? With so much dark gold in front of you, do you want to just let it go?"

"Yes, the undead skeleton can be used to collect dark gold. This is also one of the sources of a large number of dark gold!"

Xiao Yi's speech on the Dinosaur Galaxy public channel was quickly uploaded to the Internet, and survivors in other galaxies also saw it.

They also started talking immediately.

"Actually, the battles in the Yi Ranpin Alliance should be explained carefully, so that we can understand how to fight with supernatural powers!"

"That's right, as for the undead, it's not that important for the time being!"

"Survivors of the Dinosaur Galaxy, please quickly ask the boss!"

Other galaxies naturally don't care about the undead, because no matter how ferocious the undead are, they won't be able to affect them for a while, and supernatural combat is what they need.

The survivors of the Dinosaur Galaxy also need experience in supernatural combat.

So everyone started asking Xiao Yi on the public channel.

Seeing everyone at Aite himself, Xiao Yi immediately replied: "There is nothing to explain about this battle. The main reason is that our instructor is more powerful. He controlled the metal needle to successfully attack, and there was also an earth superpower who helped with the defense. !”

Xiao Yi said a few words casually to fool him.

But there are always a few sober ones in a galaxy.

"Boss, I would like to ask, why did the giant skeleton have no reaction to the metal needle at first, but then reacted so much later?"

Xiao Yi replied decisively: "I guess you can only know this by asking the giant skeleton!"

"I mean, have you done anything special here?" the survivor asked.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then continued to lie: "There is nothing special. The main reason is that our alliance instructor's mental power is very strong. He controlled it very well at the beginning and his movements were hidden, so that the giant skeleton didn't notice it!"

Xiao Yi paused and then said: "Of course, it is also possible that this giant skeleton has turned its head into gold. It thought that the metal thorns could not hurt itself, but in the end it was found that this was not the case, so it was so violent. Struggle!"

No one can tell if this is half true or false.

"I am more inclined to the speculation behind the boss!"

"Yeah, if it's really just the instructors from the Yi Ranpin Alliance who control it well, maybe they won't be discovered in the end!"

"Are dark gold bones that hard?"

"If you think about our escape capsules and spaceships, you will know that they are all made of dark gold!"

"Boss, will you still open a meteorite every day in the future?"

Xiao Yi replied: "Yes, we must at least pay attention to their dark gold transformation process and roughly estimate the time when they will come out, so that we will not be in a hurry."

"The boss is right. Thank you very much, boss, for helping us keep an eye on those undead."

"You're welcome, I'm helping myself too!" Xiao Yi replied with a slight smile.

After replying, Xiao Yi asked Feng Menglong: "How is the collection of raw materials for the insulation device going?"

"Back to the island owner, we have collected ten sets!" Feng Menglong checked the quantity of raw materials purchased and replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Okay, now that I have these, I feel relieved!"

At this time, Zhu Wu sent a video call.

After Xiao Yi connected it, he put it on the big screen.

"Hello, island master, killing that giant skeleton this time feels even easier than last time!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian replied angrily: "It's not that the island owner insists on following him, but in the end we are all just fools!"

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