Xiao Yi's smile was like spring breeze, and their skills were like ice and snow.

The spring breeze blows and the ice and snow melt!

Everyone was stunned. The superpower they had worked so hard to release just disappeared?

"You see, you thought you would do your best to make the island take the initiative, but in the end you were laughed at by the island owner!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

Currently, only two or three people know that Xiao Yi is a full range of superpowers, and no one else knows.

The main reason is that Xiao Yi has never shown all his abilities.

"Island Master, how did you do this?" Bai Qi asked with his eyes widened. As a fighting maniac, he was most concerned about various fighting techniques.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "If your mental power is strong enough, you can seize control of the other party's abilities and just disperse!"

Listening to Xiao Yi's flat tone, everyone twitched their lips.

This sounds easy but is too difficult to do.

If you want to achieve this situation, your mental power must completely crush the opponent. That cannot be achieved by just being a little higher!

At this time, Lu Meiyu couldn't help but ask: "But we have various types of superpowers here. How did you manage to instantly dispel all the superpower-generated skills?"

Xiao Yi replied again: "Because I am special and can control various types."

Hearing this, except for Jiang Yuntian and a few others, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Can you control various types of players? Is this a player from the fifth series?"

"Island Master is not a fifth-series player. You must know that we have a very special time system just now!"

"Yes, the island owner is from all departments, all departments!"

"The island owner is so awesome!"

Everyone sighed with emotion.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go back and rest early. We have to get up early to practice tomorrow!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, then turned and walked towards the spacecraft.

"Oh, I feel like I'm a loser compared to the island owner!"

"Good-for-nothing +1, the island owner's ability is too strong!"

"You still want to compete with the island owner? It's better to catch up with Brother Jiang first. You haven't even caught up with Brother Jiang, and you still want to compete with the island owner? You're totally humiliating yourself."

"That's right, let's practice slowly and catch up with Brother Jiang first!"

Everyone followed Xiao Yi onto the spaceship.

Through the wormhole, Xiao Yi and the others returned to the headquarters spacecraft, and Xiao Yi went directly to his room.

The rest of the people still gathered at the bar in the cockpit.

"Everyone, please keep the matter that the island owner is a full range of superpowers secret, at least don't reveal it so early!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Brother Jiang, everyone knows what to say and what not to say!" Du Kang replied, "Of course, except for some talkative people!"

"Who are you trying to poke at?" Zhu Wu immediately became unhappy.

Du Kang glanced at him: "Some people are quite self-aware."

"Although I talk a lot, I have the strictest tone. The island owner knows this!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Okay, you two can use your strength in cultivation. Just keep it a secret. I'm going back to rest!" Jiang Yuntian stopped the two of them from continuing to bicker, then turned and left.

After Jiang Yuntian left, Du Kang immediately said with emotion: "The island owner is really too strong. I really don't know how the island owner practices!"

"Yes, we are working very hard, why is there such a big gap with the island owner!" Zhu Wu rarely held the same view as Du Kang, "Although the island owner practiced for a while before us, it was only two or three months at most! How much can you accomplish in two or three months of cultivation?"

"Yes, cultivation must be based on years at least!"

"The island owner is not the same kind of person as us, so stop comparing yourself to the island owner!"

"That's right, we'd better make the best of ourselves, otherwise we'll be too shocked!"


At this time, in the Domire Galaxy, Ji Jiying, who was struck to the point of being autistic, finally recovered and walked out of his room.

"Ying'er, come here!" Ji Batian greeted.

Ji Jiying walked over with a frustrated look on his face and said, "Dad, what do you want from me?"

"Ying'er, the Yiranpin Alliance is preparing to sell the Marrow Cleansing Pill!" Ji Batian said in a deep voice.

"Marrow Cleansing Pill?" Ji Jiying looked at Ji Batian doubtfully.

He was hit by so many high-level superpowers in the Yiranpin Alliance team before, so he went back to be autistic, and he didn't see any news about the Marrow Cleansing Pill!

Ji Batian immediately explained to him the function of the Marrow Cleansing Pill, and Ji Jiying's eyes widened.

"Is this elixir so powerful?"

Ji Batian nodded slightly: "This may be the reason why the superpowers in the Yi Ranpin Alliance are so powerful! They are on drugs!"

Ji Jiying frowned slightly and asked, "Why do they sell such a good elixir to others?"

"It should be to improve the strength of all survivors, so that the Yiranpin Alliance can be profitable!" Ji Zhentian said from the side.

"Yes, and this marrow cleansing pill is also a consumable product and needs to be taken at intervals, so selling it to others can also make a lot of profits." Ji Batian said in a deep voice.

Ji Jiying nodded slightly.

"When the comet merchants from the Yi Ranpin Alliance come to our galaxy next time, I will definitely grab a marrow cleaning pill for you, and your strength will also improve by leaps and bounds!" Ji Batian continued.

"Is this really going to happen?" Ji Jiying was a little unsure.

Ji Batian looked into Ji Jiying's eyes and said, "You must believe in yourself. You are the genius of our Ji family, and this will never change!"

"They just took a shortcut with the pill. I believe that as a down-to-earth person like you, you have a more solid foundation. After you use the marrow cleansing pill to break through in the future, you will definitely be stronger than them!"

Ji Batian's tone was extremely determined, and the confidence in Ji Jiying's eyes slowly returned.

"Well, please don't worry, father, I will definitely practice hard, and after taking the Marrow Cleansing Pill, I will definitely have a breakthrough!" Ji Jiying responded in a deep voice.

With Ji Batian's comfort, Ji Jiying slowly came out of frustration.

Looking at Ji Jiying who was regaining his energy, Ji Batian nodded with satisfaction.

Ji Batian didn't just want to comfort Ji Jiying, but that was what he thought in his heart.

As a member of an ancient martial arts family, Ji Batian has always believed that ancient warriors are definitely much stronger than ordinary survivors!

And Ji Jiying, as a genius among ancient warriors, is naturally stronger than them!

There is no doubt about it!

"The day when I get the Marrow Cleansing Pill, my son will take off!" Ji Batian was looking forward to this day in his heart.

"Dad, then I'm going to practice!" Ji Jiying stood up again and walked to her room with confident and firm steps.

Ji Batian nodded slightly: "You can practice with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me and your second uncle!"

"Well, thank you dad, thank you uncle!" Ji Jiying said with cupped hands.

"One family does not talk about two families!" Ji Zhentian replied with a smile.

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