After Ji Jiying entered the room, Ji Zhentian frowned slightly and whispered: "Brother, you may not be able to grab this marrow cleaning pill!"

The effect of the Marrow Cleansing Pill is so powerful that it will definitely be sought after by everyone. By then, there will definitely be a situation where there are too many monks and too few people.

Ji Batian squinted his eyes and replied: "If you can't get it, buy it at a high price. You can use more resources to exchange for some of the Yiranpin Alliance's virtual currency."

"Okay!" Ji Zhentian responded, and then started to exchange virtual currency on the computer.

The Ji family still has a lot of resources in hand. In the past, they used to exchange as much as they could, but now the emergence of Marrow Cleansing Pill prompted them to exchange for virtual currency in advance.

In fact, not only the Ji family, but all the survivors in the Domire Galaxy are frantically collecting resources and exchanging them for virtual currency.

The Chaos Star soldiers who stayed in the Domire Galaxy immediately reported the situation.

"Captain, there is a large amount of virtual currency exchange in the Domire Galaxy."

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment when he received the news, and then replied: "Okay, I understand, just accept their exchange as normal!"


Yang Jian only thought about this matter for a moment and understood the reason.

As soon as the Marrow Cleansing Pill came out, those survivors who had the resources in their hands could no longer sit still and exchanged them for virtual currency. They were all worried that if they delayed grabbing the Marrow Cleansing Pill due to lack of money, the gain would outweigh the losses. .

"This situation is not considered abnormal. It won't be too late to report it to Xiao Yi tomorrow morning."

With this in mind, Yang Jian entered a state of cultivation. He planned to practice for two hours before resting.

The competition between them and Xiao Yi just now was very stimulating to Yang Jian. He successfully awakened and controlled his superpower. He always thought that he had excellent talent, but he just awakened a little late. As long as he practiced well, he would definitely be able to surpass him soon. All survivors in the alliance.

But today, after he saw Xiao Yi's strength, he realized how big the gap was between him and the island owner.

This gap cannot be made up by practicing for a few more months!

Yang Jian knew that even if he practiced for another half a year, he would not be able to reach the level of the island master.

Not only Yang Jian, but everyone else that night also practiced for two hours before lying down to sleep.

A night of silence.

The next day, Xiao Yi signed in as soon as he got up.

"Sign in successfully and receive a reward: Intelligent Tracking System Template (Level I)*1."

"It's not a weapon!" Xiao Yi secretly thought, "It seems that the system thinks that the weapons I harvested from the Munken Star Fleet are enough for use!"

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, then washed up and rushed to the training cabin.

After yesterday's stimulation, everyone got up earlier, and some had already entered a state of cultivation.

As long as Xiao Yi practices beside them, they will have a speed bonus, so they don't have to wait for Xiao Yi to come over before they start practicing.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then started today's practice without saying anything.

Two hours later, Xiao Yi ended his practice, and most of the people followed suit, but some people did not stop.

Xiao Yi signaled the survivors who had finished their training not to disturb them and to leave directly.

Jiang Yuntian followed Xiao Yi out of the training cabin and asked: "Island Master, do you have any weapons today?"

"No, I guess you won't have it until you finish digesting Munken Star's weapons!" Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly and replied.

"Oh, it is like this again!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"However, the items harvested today should be able to enhance the power of weapons!" Xiao Yi continued.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuntian's eyes lit up: "Who is the island owner?"

"Intelligent tracking system!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Has it finally appeared? This thing should have appeared a long time ago!" Jiang Yuntian sighed with emotion.

It has appeared on earth for a long time, but Xiao Yi has never harvested a similar system.

"Let's study this system after breakfast!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

After breakfast, Xiao Yi came to the cockpit, took out the intelligent tracking system template, and used it on the island monument.

After using it, Xiao Yi checked the required raw materials. They were all in the warehouse, and he immediately made a set.

"Intelligent tracking system (Level I): can be installed on other devices to provide intelligent tracking functions..."

Seeing the system prompt, Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It can indeed be installed on other devices. You can install this on the weapon system to try the effect."

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian responded, turned around and walked out of the cockpit.

Xiao Yi traded the intelligent tracking system to Jiang Yuntian through Dao Bei.

Jiang Yuntian returned to his battleship and agreed to Xiao Yi's deal. He immediately installed the tracking system on the laser cannon.

But after the installation was completed, he suddenly realized that there was no chance to change the laser line after the laser cannon fired the laser.

"It seems that the only way to track them is to keep shooting." Jiang Yuntian thought.

The soldier on the side reported: "Instructor, everything is ready, do you want to start the test?"

"Release the drone, controlled by a dedicated person, and use a laser cannon equipped with a tracking system to fire automatically!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.


Soon a drone was released, and the soldiers controlling the drone continued to make various irregular evasive movements.

The weapons hand immediately started the automatic firing of the laser cannon.

I saw that after the laser cannon fired one shot, it immediately adjusted its direction and fired another shot!

And this second shot accurately hit the drone.

"This tracking ability is too strong!"

"Before, when we concentrated drones, we needed at least five cannons, right?"

"The best result is five shots, but most people need about eight shots to hit the drone."

"This tracking system is so powerful, it feels like our weapon operators are going to be out of a job!"

"Yeah, I guess most weapon players will be optimized!"

Jiang Yuntian was also a little surprised when he saw this scene. This tracking and analysis ability is too strong!

Hearing the discussion of the soldiers, Jiang Yuntian said: "Don't worry, the weapon master will definitely not be laid off, and even if he is laid off, new positions will appear in the future."

"Yes, instructor!" the soldiers responded in unison.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and said, "Continue to test the tracking system and other equipment!"

"Yes!" The soldiers immediately began to remove the intelligent tracking system from the weapon and installed it on other equipment for testing.

Jiang Yuntian took the spaceship back to the headquarters spaceship.

"Island owner, that tracking system is very powerful!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

After listening to Jiang Yuntian talk about the test just now, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "It seems that this intelligent tracking system can indeed improve our combat effectiveness!"

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