Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2343 Live broadcast again, this time it was an instant kill

What Xiao Yi meant by expanding the five ships was to expand the planting of those herbs on the five ships with island monuments.

At the current pace of survival, if there is no island monument, this expansion of planting means nothing.

Herbal medicines can be used, but they also need a certain number of years to be used. They are just planted daily, and we don’t know when they can be used.

After Sun Yao planted the herbs on the five spaceships, he arranged for people to transplant those herbs to the chaotic planet in Space 1.

Sun Yao's method of transplanting herbs was extremely rough. They just confirmed the surrounding growth environment and randomly scattered the herb seeds as long as they were suitable.

Whether it can take root or sprout depends on God's will.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian and the others had arrived at the meteorite area discovered by the spy.

The surrounding survivors saw the Yiranpin Alliance's satellite-class warship approaching again, and knowing that the Yiranpin Alliance was going to cut through the meteorite again, they arranged detection satellites to follow them.

Du Kang frowned slightly and then said: "Brother Jiang, is our attack on the undead not suitable for live broadcast?"

Jiang Yuntian pondered for a moment and replied: "It doesn't matter, the island owner said that even if they saw it, they don't know what our trump card is."

Du Kang nodded slightly: "That's true!"

They could only see that the Yi Ranpin Alliance defeated the giant skeleton, but they didn't know exactly what happened!

Just like the last time Xiao Yi helped Jiang Yuntian kill the giant skeleton, but outsiders could not imagine that there was help. They only saw a metal superpower killing the giant skeleton.

And this time, even if they saw the Yi Ranpin Alliance team using battleships to kill the giant skeleton, they probably just thought that the Yi Ranpin Alliance's weapons were stronger.

At this time, the survivors on the island monument had already begun to ask questions.

"Boss, can we follow you and film you killing the undead this time?"

"Yes, we still want to continue the live broadcast, okay?"

Xiao Yi replied directly: "Okay, the requirements are the same as last time, don't get close, don't interfere with the battle between us and the undead."

"Okay, don't worry, boss, we are only shooting from a distance, never close!"

"That's right, thank you boss, I can make some money again this time!"

"Yes, survivors in other galaxies are still very interested in the alliance of bosses killing the undead!"

"Every survivor will be interested. After all, the undead are likely to be the final bosses of us survivors. There is nothing wrong with learning more about them!"

"Stop talking, let's start broadcasting! Welcome all veterans to my live broadcast room!"

Soon, a large number of live broadcasts appeared on the Yiranpin Alliance network.

"The Yi Ranpin Alliance has three kills on the undead. Please stay tuned to see if they can successfully kill them!"

"The undead have turned into gold to such an extent..."

"It was difficult to win last time. How should the Yiranpin Alliance respond this time?"

Looking at these gimmick titles on the Internet, any survivor who is not in the meteorite area of ​​the Dinosaur Galaxy can't help but enter the live broadcast room to find out!

Whether it is the public channel of Dao Bei, the public chat room of the Yi Ranpin Alliance network, or every live broadcast room, all the survivors are discussing whether the Yi Ranpin Alliance can kill the undead this time.

"It feels like it wasn't difficult to kill last time, so it shouldn't be a problem to kill this time either!"

"Isn't it difficult? They have been struggling for so long, which means it must not be easy!"

"Yeah, plus the undead should have become stronger this time, so it's hard to say!"

"The Yiranpin Alliance has so many high-end equipment and so many high-level superpowers, I think there must be no problem!"

"That's right, although it took a while last time, no one can tell whether the Yiranpin Alliance has tried its best."

"That's right, maybe they just want to test their abilities as a superpower, and they don't try their best at all!"

Amid everyone's discussion, Jiang Yuntian and the others had arrived at the center of the meteorite rain and determined a target.

"Carry out the collection operation immediately!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.


The satellite-class battleship immediately released more than twenty collectors to collect the target meteorites!

Under the collection of so many collectors, they soon encountered the undead in the meteorites.

"Evacuate all collectors immediately!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice, "Prepare weapons, automatically track and shoot!"


The meteorite trembled and shattered, and a half-black and half-white giant skeleton appeared in front of everyone.

"It feels like this giant skeleton turns into gold much faster!"

"Yes, yesterday it was just a head, but today the entire upper body has been transformed into dark gold!"

"This speed is definitely faster than the Yiranpin Alliance expected!"

Jiang Yuntian looked a little solemn after seeing this giant skeleton, but the weapon man on the side had already started the automatic tracking fire for the first time!


Three lasers were shot out one after another!

The giant skeleton was as agile as ever, jumping to one side and trying to block the battleship's attack with the help of a meteorite!

But the intelligent tracking system perfectly predicted the giant skeleton's avoidance route.

The last laser hit the giant skeleton's foot, directly shattering the foot!

"Well done!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

When they attacked manually with weapons before, they were unable to hurt the giant skeleton.

This time, it only took three shots to shatter one of the giant skeleton's feet.

Make a decision!

And a giant skeleton with a broken foot, its agility was also affected.

The battleship immediately chased after him, and this time he fired five shots in a row!

The giant skeleton dodged two of the lasers, and the remaining three lasers all hit, and one of them hit its head!

The soul fire was extinguished, and the giant skeleton immediately stopped moving!

"Catch it and take it away, pay attention to collect the smashed skulls!" Jiang Yuntian ordered happily after seeing how easily he had solved the giant skeleton.


The satellite-class battleship of the Yiranpin Alliance stepped forward to grab the bones of the giant skeleton, collected the broken skulls, and then returned!

As for the broken foot sole, it has not been turned into dark gold, and the dark gold cannot be collected, so there is no need to collect it at all.

It took less than a minute for the giant skeleton to emerge from the meteorite and be killed.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"What is going on? Is this the end?"

"Yeah, wasn't there a lot of fighting yesterday? Is it an instant kill today?"

"Yes, didn't the Yiranpin Alliance say before that it would be difficult for the weapons on the battleship to attack such agile undead?"

"Didn't you agree to kill the undead alone?"

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