"Look, I just said that the Yiranpin Alliance kept something secret yesterday, now you know it!"

"Maybe I still have a trick up my sleeve this time!"

"Yes, the Yi Ranpin Alliance is too unfathomable. The sole of the foot that just hit the giant skeleton is so amazing! This requires precise judgment and decisive shooting."

"It is precisely because that blow shattered the soles of the giant skeleton's feet that it reduced the giant skeleton's agility and made it so easy to kill it later!"

"Are the Yi Ranpin Alliance's weapon masters so powerful?"

"Of course, the Yiranpin Alliance has a virtual cabin, which is a machine that uses virtual technology to achieve virtual reality. Their soldiers have been training in the virtual cabin for who knows how long!"

"Virtual cabin? What is this?"

"You don't know this? You'd better study online. As long as you pay more attention to the news on the Internet, you won't be unaware of the news about the virtual cabin."

"No, I'm not even familiar with Xia Mandarin yet, so I can't browse the web at all."

"If you don't even know Xia Mandarin, then you are already far behind, so make up for it slowly!"

"No, just tell me no."

"No time, no time!"

"Simply put, the virtual cabin allows you to use virtual reality technology to train in the virtual world!"

"Ah? Isn't this just playing a game?"

"Indeed, but the most rare thing about this virtual cabin is that the experience he gained in the game can be directly used in reality."

"No, is this okay? No wonder the Yi Ranpin Alliance team has such a strong fighting capacity."

"Then Yiranpin Alliance training doesn't consume any resources at all?"

"Of course, you only need to go into the virtual cabin to conduct non-destructive training. Of course, it still consumes electricity!"

"This little bit of electricity is nothing. We don't dare to train at all on a daily basis because training is such a waste of resources."

"Yeah, I still don't dare to fire the cannon easily. Once the cannon goes off, it's worth ten thousand taels of gold! I really can't afford to fire it."

“I really want to experience the feeling of virtual in-cabin training!”

"Everyone wants to experience it, but this thing is only for rent and not for sale in the Chaos Galaxy. It is probably difficult for us to experience it here."

"Isn't there a station of Yiranpin Alliance in our galaxy now? We can also get a few virtual cabins to come over!"

"That's right, ask the boss of Yiranpin, maybe you can start leasing business here."

Su Wan had been paying attention to the public chat group on the Internet. When she saw this, she raised her head and said: "Island Master, now that the Internet is open, other galaxies have learned a lot about our galaxy, so they want our alliance again. Carry out virtual cabin rental business.”

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then replied: "Let Feng Menglong and the others discuss and decide on their own!"

Su Wan nodded and said, "Okay!"

After speaking, Amelia Su sent this matter to Feng Menglong.

Feng Menglong pulled a group here and brought in Zhu Wu, Yang Jian, Jie Yi, Zhao Baishui and other foreign trade people.

Feng Menglong directly posted this matter in the trade group chat.

"What do you think?" Feng Menglong finally said.

"Now that everyone has virtual cabins in their hands, they can't use them 24 hours a day. I think it's a good idea to rent them out to generate income!" Zhu Wu agreed.

Jie Ji also said: "Yes, I also agree to rent it out. It is a loan anyway. We can completely control the number and time of the loan."

The others all agreed.

Seeing that no one had any other opinions, Feng Menglong said, "Since no one has any opinions, we will open the leasing business at the same time."

"Well, why not do it in two hours?" Jiebi suggested.

"Okay, let's go back and count the number of virtual cabins owned by the station, and then rent them out in a staggered manner!" Feng Menglong nodded slightly.

"Yes!" everyone responded.

Feng Menglong reported the results of their discussion to Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi replied: "Okay, just do it according to the method you discussed!"


After Feng Menglong responded, he immediately sent a notice in the public chat room on the Internet.

"At the request of all survivors, each station in our alliance will soon open the business of renting virtual cabins. This move is just to let everyone experience the virtual cabin, so each person only has one hour of rental time, please forgive me!"

Seeing this news, the survivors in other galaxies immediately became excited.

"Look, as long as we fight for it, we will have the opportunity to enjoy the same items as those in the Chaos Galaxy!"

"Yeah, although it didn't last long, I can finally experience it!"

"Great, I've already prepared the money, just waiting for Yiranpin Alliance to be launched!"

“Hopefully there will be more on the shelves.”

The number of residents in each galaxy is now basically stable, around a thousand.

Jiebi and the others divided people into four groups and launched 250 virtual cabins each time.

The time quickly came to the time they had agreed upon. Except for the Chaos Galaxy and the Dinosaur Galaxy, every galaxy immediately launched virtual cabin rental transactions.

"Wucao, what's going on? I haven't seen it clearly yet. Why is it gone?"

"Yes, do you dare to put more on the shelves of Yiranpin Alliance? There are only 250, which is not enough!"

"Made, whose hands are so fast?"

"Don't worry, everyone, we have set up the system that each survivor can only rent it once. Everyone will definitely be able to rent it in the end!" Feng Menglong explained.

"Although it can be rented, I'm worried that I won't be able to wait until then!"

"Yes, even if there are very few survivors in our galaxy, there will still be at least over 100,000 survivors, 250 at a time, one hour each, a total of four hundred hours, which is more than half a month!"

"More than half a month, it's too long. Can the boss release more of it?"

Feng Menglong smiled and replied: "Sorry, the number of stationed virtual cabins is very limited, we can only rent these!"

Then Feng Menglong stopped paying attention to the requests of those survivors.

You can't always meet the requirements of these survivors, otherwise they will take advantage of them!

And those survivors who have rented virtual cabins have already begun to experience it.

An hour passed quickly!

Those survivors who had experienced the virtual cabin immediately started discussing on the island monument.

"Wucao, this virtual cabin is too powerful. If I keep training like this, I feel like I can defeat that giant skeleton!"

"Yeah, how can this virtual reality technology be so advanced?"

"This virtual cabin is indeed powerful, but defeating that giant skeleton cannot be trained overnight!"

"That's right, I feel like the Yi Ranpin Alliance's ability to kill that giant skeleton today must have a certain amount of luck!"

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