Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2356 The Zerg are scared, and the giant skeleton transports the insect corpses

"Report to the island owner and instructor, we just discovered that the Zerg were fighting with that giant skeleton!"

Just when Xiao Yi and others were thinking about the reason for the gathering of the undead, the intelligence department hurriedly walked in.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then ordered: "Send the captured image immediately!"


Soon, several videos were sent to Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian's computers.

The background of the video is deep in the meteorite area, and a small Zerg wormhole appears on one of the meteorites.

One insect after another crawled out from inside.

And this Zerg wormhole happened to appear near where the giant skeletons gathered. Those giant skeletons would not let the bugs move around them.

They rushed directly towards the bugs crawling out of the wormhole.

This Zerg wormhole is too small, and the number of bugs that can crawl out at once is very limited. The giant skeletons have an absolute numerical advantage!

In addition, the size of the bugs is far smaller than that of these giant skeletons. Basically, every one that comes out will be killed by the giant skeletons.

"The attack power of these giant skeletons is so powerful?" Du Kang said in surprise as he watched the bugs being killed easily and seemingly without any resistance.

The previous attacks from these giant skeletons did not fall on Xiao Yi and the others at all, and they could not tell how powerful they were. We just knew that they were very agile.

Now their attacks can hit those bugs every time. Although those bugs are protected by a layer of biofilm, none of them can block the blow of those giant skeletons.

"They are already strong, but we are stronger!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "I have said before that ordinary survivors may not be able to defeat them!"

"If several survivors cooperate, they still have a chance to kill it. Just like the team just now, they successfully hunted a giant skeleton." Jiang Yuntian replied.

Du Kang nodded and said, "Yes, if you make full use of the items at hand, you may gain more."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and looked at the video again.

After those giant skeletons killed the bug, they actually transported the bug's body to the giant skeleton group.

"These bugs are also collecting the corpses of those bugs?" Du Kang said doubtfully.

Xiao Yi frowned: "They must have other purposes for collecting these Zerg corpses!"

"These undead people are behaving more and more strangely!" Jiang Yuntian was also puzzled.

The Zerg wormhole only appeared for ten minutes, and disappeared again without any external force!

"It seems that the Zerg still know that these giant skeletons are difficult to deal with!" Xiao Yi said with a slightly raised brow.

Jiang Yuntian smiled and replied: "The Zerg treat us as weak persimmons!"

"Yes, they will bully us and have the ability to fight against giant skeletons!" Du Kang said dissatisfied.

This scene was also captured by other survivors' detection satellites.

They immediately posted the video in a public chat room.

"Come and watch the undead fight against the Zerg!"

"Wucao, are the undead and the Zerg fighting? Where are they? Give me a link to the live broadcast and I'll go watch it right away."

"No need to look anymore, the battle is over!"

"So fast? Who won?"

"Giant skeletons! When I saw them killing those Zerg, I realized that their fighting power is still very powerful!"

"Don't keep asking questions. Just watch the video above and you'll know for yourself!"

"That's right, I hate people who don't look at anything and just ask everywhere."

"It makes sense to at least understand the basic information first before asking others!"

"That's right. It seems that this Zerg race knows how to retreat even when faced with difficulties!"

"Yes, after they found out that their team could not survive the siege of giant skeletons, they decisively chose to give up teleportation."

"Can the Zerg control the appearance and disappearance of wormholes at will? This is incredible!"

"You can control the appearance and disappearance of wormholes. This is something that even a first-level civilization cannot do, right?"

"Doesn't this mean that the civilization level of the Zerg race is very high?"

"Not necessarily. Maybe it's the backdoor opened to them by the rules of the world."

"This is also possible. After all, the rules of the world want to set a test for us. It is logical to give these Zerg some conveniences."

"And why do the undead collect Zerg corpses? How strange!"

"It's indeed a bit strange. I feel like those giant skeletons must be doing something. You'd better get rid of them quickly!"

At this time, Xiao Yi, Jiang Yuntian and others were also discussing that Xiao Yi could not let the giant skeletons behave like this.

"Island owner, now that they have been transformed into dark gold, you can directly use nuclear explosions to explode the dark mines!" Jiang Yuntian suggested.

Du Kang frowned slightly: "If you use a nuclear mine to explode, the ultra-high temperature generated by the explosion may destroy the dark gold in the giant skeleton. Even if it is not destroyed, it will be more troublesome to collect it later."

Xiao Yi said in a deep voice: "We can only choose the lesser of two evils now. Brother Jiang, try them first with nuclear explosions and hidden mines!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then immediately walked out.

At this time, the team that hunted the giant skeleton had already calculated its own consumption.

Not counting the loss of spacecraft weapons, their five spacecrafts consumed a total of less than 3,000 yuan in resources.

Mainly due to electricity consumption. Now that everyone has a cold nuclear power station sold to them by the Yiranpin Alliance, the cost of electricity has become very low!

In addition, a net was damaged. That net was A-level equipment and required some resources to be repaired.

"This skeleton can collect at least more than 30,000 dark gold, which is worth more than 15,000 yuan. This is really a profitable business!"

Compared with cornerstones, dark gold is more precious!

"Yeah, I feel like we can finish collecting as soon as possible and let's continue hunting!"

"But those giant skeletons are all gathered together, so it's hard to find one alone!"

"Look for it first. I believe others will imitate it after seeing the process of us killing the undead."

"It's useless. They don't have the A-level black gold net. They can't contain the giant skeleton at all. They can't kill it!"

"But other survivors may have similar equipment. As long as they can control it for a while, they will have a chance to kill."

"That's true, but it's not a big problem. There are so many giant skeletons that our team can't kill them all!"

"That's right, let's take a rest first, and I'll go explore the road first."

"Okay, stay safe!"

"rest assured!"

At the Yi Ranpin Alliance headquarters, Xiao Yi spoke on the public channel of the island monument: "Dear survivors, because the undead's movements are very abnormal, our alliance has decided to directly use nuclear explosive mines to attack the giant skeleton group."

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