Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2357 Use nuclear explosions to explode hidden mines and withstand it

After seeing the news about Xiao Yi, the public channel on the island monument immediately became lively.

Now most survivors are following the live broadcast or chatting in the Yi Ranpin Alliance's public chat room.

Therefore, the island monument seems a bit deserted.

After Xiao Yi spoke, everyone immediately started discussing.

All the survivors in the chaotic galaxy set Xiao Yi as the person they pay special attention to.

As soon as Xiao Yi speaks, a special prompt will appear on the island monument.

"What unusual behavior are those giant skeletons doing?"

"Did the village just get internet access upstairs? Just look at the chat in the public chat room and you will know!"

"To summarize briefly, the giant skeletons gathered together, solved a Zerg wormhole, and transported the insect corpses deep into the giant skeleton group. I don't know what to do!"

"Excellent summary! That's it. It really doesn't look normal. These giant skeletons must be a test for us, but now they are hiding deep in the meteorites!"

"Yes, we don't know what they want those insect corpses to do. It's really worrying!"

"But wouldn't it be too impulsive to directly use nuclear mines?"

"Impulsive? No, I think it must be used immediately. These giant skeletons must not be holding anything back!"

"But in this case, we may not be able to collect the dark gold."

"How long has it been and you are still thinking about resources?"

"That is, if they are really planning to eliminate us survivors, you won't be able to survive, so what's the use of resources?"

"It shouldn't be that exaggerated. At most, I will stay away from this meteorite area, or return to the chaotic galaxy through the wormhole."

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to hide when the time comes!"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"In any case, I support the decision of Mr. Yi Ranpin."

"Me too!"

The team that hunted the giant skeleton also saw the message on the island monument.

"Captain, Boss Yi Ranpin is preparing to use nuclear explosions and hidden mines!"

"Then there's no way we can continue to hunt giant skeletons?"

"It's okay, it's not a big problem. Let's take a look at the situation first. After all, the boss's worries are not unreasonable!"

At this time, the battleships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance had arrived at the meteorite area.

"Immediately release ten nuclear explosive mines and approach the giant skeleton group from different directions!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.


Xiao Yi's preparations to use nuclear explosive mines against the giant skeleton group has spread to the Internet, and all the survivors are paying attention to this action of the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

The Yiranpin Alliance's satellite-class battleship was naturally surrounded by a large group of detection satellites, and Jiang Yuntian's actions were broadcast live on the Internet.

Ten nuclear explosion mines immediately approached the giant skeleton group. Just when they came to a position five kilometers away from the giant skeleton, ten giant skeletons suddenly jumped out of the giant skeleton group and rushed towards the ten nuclear explosion mines.

"Wucao, what's going on? Is this giant skeleton so sensitive?"

"Yes, there are still several kilometers to go! This is what I found!"

"It seems it's not easy to blow them up with nuclear mines!"

Jiang Yuntian saw this scene and ordered in a deep voice: "Immediately control the nuclear explosion to avoid the ten giant skeletons, and try to get as close to the group of skeletons as possible."


Ten soldiers immediately began to operate the nuclear mines.

The giant skeleton quickly approached the nuclear mine. Just when they wanted to grab the nuclear mine in front of them, the nuclear mine tilted to one side and flew away from the side of the giant skeleton. past.

The giant skeleton was extremely agile. It immediately pushed away a meteorite and used its strength to rush towards the nuclear explosion mine. At the same time, it also grabbed a meteorite in its hand and threw it towards the nuclear explosion mine.

The soldier manipulating the nuclear mine immediately swerved aside, and the meteorite flew past the nuclear mine.

At this moment, twenty skeletons jumped out of the skeleton group again and continued to rush towards these nuclear explosions!

Three giant skeletons surround a nuclear mine.

This place itself is a location densely populated with meteorites, and the terrain is relatively complex. Now there are three giant skeletons that move quickly.

The soldier who controlled the nuclear mine was caught by one of the giant skeletons after evading three attacks.

The soldier also wanted to use the power system on the nuclear explosion mine to wrestle with the giant skeleton, but he soon discovered that the caught nuclear explosion mine could not escape the clutches of the giant skeleton.

The giant skeleton that grabbed the nuclear mine immediately rushed to the outside.

"Detonate!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.

Almost at the same time as Jiang Yuntian's order, the giant skeleton directly threw the nuclear explosive mine.

A dazzling light appeared, and then quickly extinguished.

The giant skeleton closest to the nuclear mine explosion still maintains the integrity of its skeleton, with only a lot of cracks on it.

"Wucao, what's going on? The nuclear blast mine can't kill the giant skeleton so close at hand?"

"Yes, before the nuclear explosion, it was able to destroy even the large wormholes of the Zerg race, but it can't be destroyed?"

"I don't know how many nuclear explosions were consumed by the boss before to destroy the large wormhole. There is only one here, so the power cannot be compared. However, the giant skeleton can withstand the explosion of nuclear explosions at close range. It is really beyond me. What a surprise!"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene, and then frowned: "You are really a tough guy!"

"Instructor, are we going to continue releasing nuclear explosive mines?" asked the soldier on the side.

The ten nuclear explosive mines just released failed to destroy even a single giant skeleton.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Yuntian immediately connected to Xiao Yi.

"I have seen it all. There is no need for nuclear explosive mines for the time being. It is probably too difficult to send nuclear explosive mines into the group of skeletons!" Xiao Yi said directly.

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "Yes, it is indeed too difficult, but the performance of those giant skeletons shows that there must be something very important happening among the skeletons!"

"Yeah, but we can't get in now!" Xiao Yi was helpless.

"How about trying rockets?" Jiang Yuntian suggested.

"The rocket is a huge thing for the Zerg, but for these giant skeletons, it is not too big, but it is just right. Maybe a giant skeleton can hold the rocket!" Xiao Yi replied, "You give it a try! "

"Well, let's try it first, in case it succeeds!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then immediately created a rocket.

The rockets in the Munken fleet have long been scanned into templates, so when Jiang Yuntian uses them, he can just make them directly.

After building the rocket, Jiang Yuntian hesitated for a moment, but still did not put a nuclear explosion into it.

If, as Xiao Yi said, a giant skeleton could do it, then all the nuclear explosions he put in would have been wasted!

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