After Xiao Yi analyzed the rules of the trial space, many people couldn't wait to return to their spaceships.

Because of the existence of mandatory challenge cards, everyone has their own independent satellite-class battleship and island monument.

When they were transferred here, although the island monuments were not transferred simultaneously, Xiao Yi later killed many survivors from the Mudisen Galaxy who wanted to rob the Yi Ranpin Alliance and harvested a lot of island monuments, so Xiao Yi Each of them was assigned an island monument.

Bai Qi watched them leave and said with unfinished content, "It would be great if I could enter the trial space a few more times a day!"

"It's not a good thing to improve too much all at once!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Island Master, I understand, but it feels so good to defeat monsters and level up!" Bai Qi said with emotion.

Jiang Yuntian frowned and said: "Since the rules of the world can design such a trial space, it should be able to directly help us improve our strength. Why do we have to do so many things."

"God knows, maybe there are certain hidden dangers in directly improving strength!" Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, "We can't find the answer to this question now, so don't worry too much! How is the injury on your arm?"

"You still don't know Mimi's skills? It's already been treated!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Then let's go back to the headquarters spaceship!"

Xiao Yi and the other three returned to the headquarters spaceship, and then shared the rules in the trial space they had just summarized to the public channel.

"Please note that the above are just the rules tested by the three survivors in our alliance and are not guaranteed to be correct."

Xiao Yi added one last sentence.

"Wucao, except for the first one, we know nothing else!"

"Yes, so many of us survivors have never discovered so many rules when entering the trial space."

“The Yiranpin Alliance figured out so many rules with only three survivors, that’s awesome!”

"It's mainly because the boss has too many masters. They can make full use of their abilities. As long as they can defeat the wild monsters in the trial space, they can understand these rules!"

"That's right, that's why I say the boss is awesome!"

"Killing wild monsters can also increase mental power? Is this too outrageous?"

"It's not outrageous at all. This trial space itself helps us train our mental power. Isn't it normal to improve our mental power?"

"That's true! If I haven't awakened yet and enter the trial space and kill the wild monsters in it, can I increase my mental power?"

"There is a high probability that it is possible!"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be easier to awaken after improving your spiritual power?"

"That's how it should be in theory!"

"Then you have to go in and have a look. If you kill him, you don't have to rush to buy the Marrow Cleansing Pill!"

"That makes sense! I'll go in and give it a try!"

"I suggest you not try it. I was instantly killed as soon as I entered. It is still difficult for ordinary people to defeat wild beasts."

"That's because you're good at it, it's up to me!"

"Tch! Sit back and wait for you to be killed instantly!"

After a while, the survivor who had just entered the trial space spoke again: "I overestimated my strength!"

"Now you know the strength of those wild monsters!"

"Alas, we ordinary survivors probably won't be able to defeat that wild monster!"

"Yes, it was so difficult. I was also killed instantly. It hurts so much!"

"Made, I'm just a little bit close to defeating that wild monster!"

"Hahaha, I succeeded. I can really improve my mental power. It feels very obvious. If it doesn't work, I'll practice first!"

"No, is there really an awakened survivor who has defeated wild monsters? This is too fake. Brothers upstairs, please don't leave. Can you share your experience?"

"I don't have much experience. I just have to make full use of the surrounding environment to have a chance to kill the wild monster!"

"Making full use of the environment? Indeed, when the strength is insufficient, we can only make full use of all favorable conditions!"

At this time, some survivors in the Yi Ranpin Alliance had already returned to the headquarters.

Xiao Yi doesn't even need to ask everyone about the trial results, it can be seen from their expressions!

Most people still failed, and only those who had actually fought successfully killed the wild monsters.

Those survivors of special types can kill wild monsters very easily, such as Dili, the time type, which slows down the opponent's time flow and uses branches on the side to poke into the eyes of wild monsters and reach the brain!

Special types have inherent advantages.

"Everyone, don't be depressed if you haven't successfully killed the wild monster. There will be another chance tomorrow. The trial space itself is to train everyone's combat skills and improve their combat ability. You will always improve if you practice a few more times!" Xiao Yi looked at By the time everyone had returned, he started to comfort them.

The failed survivors nodded, finally feeling better.

At this time, someone has already put the rules summarized by Xiao Yi on the Internet.

Survivors from other galaxies immediately started talking after seeing these rules.

"Is this trial space so powerful? Can it directly increase mental power?"

"Yes, we are already lagging behind, and in this way, even more will fall behind!"

"It's too difficult, another day of envy for the chaotic galaxy!"

"Another day I want to go to the Chaos Galaxy. Wait for the comet merchants to come over and ask them if they have any immigration business!"

"Forget it, we still can't get over it. The group that was developing well here originally turned into the worst in the chaotic galaxy."

"You would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail!"

"That's not true. The main reason is that the chaotic galaxy develops quickly and encounters many tests. I'd better develop in this galaxy slowly."

"Yes, our development may not keep up with the survivors of the Chaos Galaxy, and we may be eliminated if we rush over!"

"That's true, but I shouldn't be among the last ones there. After all, I'm developing well now."

"Who can tell? If you really don't want to give up, then go ahead and give it a try!"

"You can indeed give it a try. I have analyzed it. Although it may be the last time after passing, but being able to enjoy the Marrow Cleansing Pill and the trial space in advance will definitely improve your strength quickly."

"Then it's up to you. Anyway, that's all I've said."

At this time, in the headquarters of the Yiranpin Alliance, Xiao Yi was asking those companions who had just come out of the trial space to confirm whether there were any violations of the rules they had summarized before.

After some questioning, everything was the same as the rules summarized before.

"It seems we should be inseparable!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "That's true. I'll ask other survivors about their situation later."

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