"Is there anything strange happening on the undead side?" Xiao Yi suddenly asked.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "I just contacted the frontline team and found no unusual movements among the undead."

"It seems we can only wait until the undead themselves are exposed!" Xiao Yi was helpless.

After getting up and coming to the island monument, he said in the public channel: "After entering the trial space, if you find anything that does not comply with the rules summarized by our alliance, I hope you can share it."

"Don't worry, boss. As long as I find something different, I will tell you as soon as possible!"

"That's right, I didn't defeat the lion today. I haven't found anything different from the rules you summarized for the time being."

"Boss, I killed the wild monster and everything is just as you said!"

"Thank you all so much. If you find any differences, just tell them directly in the public channel or in the public chat room on the Internet." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Boss, you're welcome. You've already told us so much. We will definitely tell you if we find any abnormalities!"

"That's right, if it weren't for you, I still wouldn't dare to enter the trial space!"

"Boss, listen to me and thank you. It's because of you that I woke up!"

"What's going on upstairs? Did you buy the Marrow Cleansing Pill in advance?"

"What are you thinking about? Because of the boss's strategy, I entered the trial space and defeated the wild monsters. My mental power improved. After I came out, I started practicing and now I have successfully awakened!"

"It seems that our awakening is indeed related to the strength of our spiritual power!"

"Yes, the same principle applies to the Marrow Cleansing Pill. By removing impurities from our body, our mental power will naturally increase."

"Speaking of the Marrow Cleansing Pill, I have to ask the boss again, when will it be available?"

Xiao Yi said helplessly: "Wait a little longer!"

"Oh, I feel like every time I ask this question, we are asked to wait. I don't know how long we will have to wait!"

"A boss always needs time and raw materials. After all, this pill boss can also make money. If the boss has it, he will definitely sell it."

"It's better to be patient and wait. Others don't have it. This kind of monopoly business can only wait!"

Looking at the discussion in the public channel, Xiao Yi raised his head and asked: "Sun Yao, how many raw materials for the Marrow Cleansing Pill do you have now?"

After checking the inventory, Sun Yao replied: "Back to the island owner, there are already more than 260,000 raw materials for the Marrow Cleansing Pill in inventory."

Hearing this number, Xiao Yi was slightly startled: "So many?"

"Last time we expanded five satellite-class spacecrafts to serve as medicine fields, and we were able to produce more than 70,000 copies of raw materials every day. It has been three days since we last sold the Marrow Cleansing Pill, and 260,000 copies is normal." Sun Yao. explained.

Xiao Yi nodded: "After this crop matures, we can slightly reduce the amount of planting. This time we can definitely cover all the survivors in the chaotic galaxy!"

"Yes, I will reduce the amount of raw materials for marrow cleansing pills after I collect 400,000 yuan." Sun Yao replied.

"Well, that's okay!" Xiao Yi responded.

While talking, it was already nighttime, and Comet No. 1 left the Chaos Galaxy at about midnight.

"Island Master, do you have anything else to tell me?" Zhu Wu came to Xiao Yi and asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly: "Not yet. Anyway, we can contact you at any time. Let's talk about it later when we think of it!"

"Yes!" Zhu Wu turned around and prepared to return to his seat.

Xiao Yi suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute, are Jiebi and Qiyu coming back?"

Zhu Wu turned around and responded: "Yes, you can work remotely now. Come back and practice with you, faster!"

"Then arrange for two spaceships with island monuments to follow them, and let Jiebi and the others come back with their own spaceships with island monuments!" Xiao Yi replied.

Because now there is a trial space in the Chaos Galaxy, and to enter the trial space, you need to use the main island monument.

Jiebi and Qiyu came over with their own island tablets so that they could enter the trial space.

"Yes!" Zhu Wu responded immediately and responded.

The Munken Star Fleet, which had previously joined the Yiranpin Alliance, suddenly had a connection request appear on their inter-system communicator.

Seeing the connection request, Sun Hong narrowed his eyes and immediately agreed.

Several monkeys with hairy faces and thunderous mouths immediately appeared on the inter-galactic communicator, and they were exactly the same as Sun Xun.

"Sun Xun, you are so brave, you dare to surrender to the enemy and rebel!" The other party scolded him as soon as he came up.

Sun Xun glanced at the monkey and snorted coldly: "Sun Ciao, you don't have to be so arrogant. I'm far away from you. It's useless!"

"Bold! How dare you call Star Master by his name!"

"Sun Xun, don't you want to live?"

"Come back quickly and accept the trial of the military court!"

The other monkeys reprimanded each other, and Sun Hao sneered and continued: "I gave you suggestions before, but you didn't adopt them. Why are you contacting me now? Are you just talking about it?"

"Hmph, you took away our Munken team. Shouldn't I just ignore it and just pretend it didn't happen?" Sun Ciao asked.

"But what's the point of asking? I won't take them back!" Sun Xun smiled and shook his head.

Sun Xi narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you just want to float in space for the rest of your life?"

"Who said we would float in space for the rest of our lives?" Sun Xun raised his eyebrows slightly, "Wait a minute, let you see our current living environment!"

With that said, Sun Xun flew out of the battleship, and Sun Xun's actions were broadcast live in front of the inter-system communicator.

Sun Xun soon landed on a planet full of green!

Sun Ciao and others in the inter-galactic communicator looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

"How is this possible!" Sun Ciao frowned and said, "The returning team has told us that as long as there are survivors, the planet will not be safe, and there will definitely be many meteorites falling on this planet!"

Sun Xun nodded slightly: "You are right. It seems that you have asked a lot of things from the people who have returned. This is good. It saves me the trouble of explaining them one by one!"

Sun Xun paused for a moment and continued: "But there are always some exceptions. For example, our island owner, this is the island owner's independent planet space. I think I mentioned this before, but judging from the looks of you, I guess you don't. If you care, then I will say it again, we, the island owners, have complete control over this space, we can arrange the layout of the planets in this space, and we also control the access to this space."

Hearing this, Sun Chou's eyes lit up: "Sun Xun, if you can bring this independent planet space back, you can make up for your fault, and I will not pursue you for surrendering to the enemy and rebelling!"

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