Wang Yang looked at them and shook his head: "Taking the Marrow Cleansing Pill itself must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. I was the first to apply, and naturally I was the first to take the Marrow Cleansing Pill!"

"What's more," Wang Yang paused, looked at everyone, and continued, "I believe the island owner!"

Everyone looked slightly stern, and then nodded.

Wang Yang and the others poured the divided marrow-cleansing elixir powder into their mouths, and then took a few sips of water to ensure that the elixir powder was fully absorbed.

After drinking the elixir powder, everyone's bodies began to heat up.

Immediately afterwards, someone began to cry out in pain. Wang Yang also felt uncomfortable, but he still encouraged everyone.

"Hold on, it's not that easy to improve your strength!"

Amidst Wang Yang's shouts, everyone gritted their teeth and persisted!

Soon, an unusually unpleasant smell filled the air. However, the statisticians observing them had already put on masks, and Xiao Yi had already reminded them.

I don't know if it was because of the small portion, but the marrow cleansing process for these people only lasted about half an hour.

All managed to persevere.

After everyone cleaned themselves, they felt refreshed.

"My senses seem to be sharper!"

“My eyesight seems to have gotten better and I can see further!”

"The island owner's Marrow Cleansing Pill is awesome. We made a lot of money this time!"

"Yeah, it's just half an hour of pain, but it's a great deal in exchange for an increase in one's own strength!"

Wang Yang looked at everyone with a smile and said: "This marrow cleansing pill only removes the impurities accumulated in our bodies. To increase our strength, we still need to train slowly!"

"Yes, I will obey the Star Lord's teachings!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Okay, let's all disband first!" Wang Yang ordered, and then he came to the alliance headquarters spaceship again to report the conclusions of his experiment to Xiao Yi.

After listening to Wang Yang's report, Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, it seems that my inference is correct. You can continue to promote it. However, Mimi should pay more attention to those who are weak and have medical conditions."

"Yes, thank you island owner." Wang Yang responded, and then took away five thousand high-level marrow cleansing pills.

One pill can be divided into 64 parts, and a total of 5,000 pills can be divided into 320,000 parts. Even taking into account the loss of grinding in the middle, it is enough for the Chaos Stars!

After Wang Yang left, Xiao Yi immediately told everyone about their test results on Dao Bei's public channel.

After all, breaking up the elixir and taking it was the inspiration given to Xiao Yi and the others by other survivors, telling more people to avoid losing the men they had finally captured.

Now that the undead have appeared, they, the survivors, must unite the front and not cause non-combat attrition due to this kind of thing!

"Hello, fellow survivors, our alliance has just conducted a test, and the results are as follows: a total of sixty-four people participated in the test, including males..."

"The final result shows that the sixty-fourth dose of the elixir is bearable for ordinary people. You can use this dose to improve the physique of ordinary people under your command."

Xiao Yi also specifically explained why he tested the number sixty-fourth.

Finally, Xiao Yi concluded: "The above are the words of the Yi Ranpin Alliance and are for reference only. We are not sure whether other abnormalities will occur during the process of taking the Marrow Cleansing Pill."

"Brother, you're so awesome, you even tested this number!"

"Rather than being tested, it is better to say it is the wisdom of the boss. Testing requires constantly changing variables to finally determine the best value. But the boss guessed a value by himself, and then tested according to this value, and then It was a success!”

"Yes, the boss is the boss and will not blindly joke with human lives!"

"Boss, you told me earlier, I already lost one of my men! I thought one-tenth of the pill was enough, but I didn't expect that he still couldn't resist!"

At this time, the Munken star fleet in the Yiranpin Alliance could not sit still.

"Captain, should we also apply to the island owner to improve our physical condition? It's still too slow to eat those levels of food!" the staff officer on the side said with eagerness.

Sun Xun nodded slightly: "Well, let me go find the island owner!"

With that said, Sun Hong took the satellite spaceship and flew to the alliance headquarters.

"Report, Sun Xun is asking for a meeting outside the headquarters!" A soldier walked into the cockpit and said.

Wang Yang can enter and leave the headquarters at will, but Sun Hong does not have this authority yet. He must first notify Xiao Yi and others before they can enter.

After Sun Xun was brought to Xiao Yi, he said respectfully: "Island owner, our Munken star fleet also wants to apply for some marrow cleansing pills. Is it okay?"

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "Of course, you can buy it at the internal price of the alliance!"

"Yes, thank you island owner!" Sun Xun said excitedly.

"You're welcome. After you buy the Marrow Cleansing Pill, just like Chaos Star, test it on a small scale first!" Xiao Yi warned.

"Yes!" Sun Hong nodded.

Soon, the news of using Marrow Cleansing Pill for ordinary people spread on the Internet.

Survivors from other galaxies feel as if they have several slices of lemon stuffed in their mouths.

"We survivors haven't even taken the Marrow Cleansing Pill yet, but the ordinary natives of the Chaos Galaxy have started taking it!"

"Yes, it feels like we are falling further and further behind!"

"Even if ordinary people eat it, their health will be better, but it is of no great use!"

"Why do I smell a sour smell?"

"Alas, it's another day of envying the chaotic galaxy."

"I would like to ask again, when will the Yiranpin Alliance start interstellar immigration business?"

"Ask the same question."

The person who was monitoring network information reported the news.

When Xiao Yi heard the news, he was slightly startled, and then immediately shook his head and refused: "If it is not turned on for the time being, it is not a good thing for survivors to gather in one galaxy!"

"Yes, I will make a statement on the Internet right now." Feng Menglong responded.

Feng Menglong quickly wrote a statement and posted it on the Internet.

"Hello everyone, Survivors of all galaxies. After discussion, our alliance has decided not to start the interstellar immigration business for the time being. This is mainly because each galaxy has its own characteristics. If they are all transferred to the chaotic galaxy, it will not be conducive to the development of our survivors. diversity.”

"Furthermore, there is now a small star in the chaotic galaxy. The business route passed by the comet merchants is very close to the small star. If you come with the comet, your spaceship may be roasted. Are you willing to bear this loss? ?”

Seeing Feng Menglong's statement, the survivors in other galaxies gave up completely.

"Oh, I knew they wouldn't start interstellar immigration. Otherwise, if everyone goes there, the other three galaxies will be empty, and the resources of these galaxies will be wasted!"

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