Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2371 Thermal insulation device is sold and the undead behave strangely

"Yes, if survivors from three galaxies gather in one galaxy, competition for resources will become more intense. Aren't we making it more difficult for ourselves?"

"Rushly entering a galaxy with a high level of development will not be of any benefit to everyone. It is better to stay in your own galaxy and enjoy the high-end items brought by the chaotic galaxy. That is enough!"

"The living environment of the two stars in the chaotic galaxy is too harsh. I heard that there is no way to stay in the meteorite belt, and resource collection is seriously affected. Why do you think you moved there?"

"It's just that without resources in the account, even if you get to the Chaos Galaxy, you won't have the money to buy those high-end items."

"I won't go, I won't go. The Yiranpin Alliance is not ready to let us go there. We'll wait until we sail there by ourselves in the future."

"Sail there by yourself? Then you probably have to reach level two civilization to have a chance!"

"Take your time and you will get there."

While other galaxies were discussing immigration on the Internet, Xiao Yi had already posted a message in the public channel of Island Monument.

"Dear survivors, the Yiranpin Alliance will sell a batch of thermal insulation devices. After testing, the thermal insulation devices can protect spacecraft or other devices near the chaotic galaxy meteorite belt from being burned by small stars. If necessary, go to the Internet yourself. Photographed by the market.”

The other survivors in the Chaos Galaxy were stunned when they saw the message Xiao Yi sent.

"Thermal insulation device? What do you need this for? It's already hot enough, but it also keeps it warm?"

"There is no common sense upstairs. What does insulation mean? It means keeping the temperature constant and preventing heat exchange. It was originally ice, so it kept freezing. It was originally 20 degrees Celsius, and it was kept at 20 degrees. So, you understand Yet?"

"You mean this insulation device can keep the temperature inside the escape cabin at around 20 degrees, even if the outside temperature rises?"

"if not?"

"Wucao, then this device is awesome!"

"Yes, according to the boss, this insulation device can resist the burning of small stars in the meteorite belt, which means that we can completely move in the meteorite belt!"

"That's right, as long as this insulation device is installed, you can collect resources in the meteorite belt!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and rush!"

Xiao Yi only left 10,000 sets of thermal insulation devices for his alliance, and the other 190,000 sets were handed over to Feng Menglong and let him hang them on the market.

The collection spaceships of the Yi Ranpin Alliance are limited, so it would be more efficient to call on everyone to collect together.

"Why is this thermal insulation device still subject to purchase restrictions?"

"That's right, each ID is limited to two sets. I have more than two spaceships!"

"No, two sets are only enough for one spaceship, because one set is needed for the spacecraft and one set of collectors!"

"Yes, the collector cannot withstand the temperature released by that small star."

"That is to say, two sets of insulation devices can make one spacecraft and one collector work."

"if not?"

"There should be another way. You first grab a meteorite, then wrap the spacecraft and meteorite with an insulation device, and then collect it slowly."

"It seems that it will work, or the meteorites in the meteorite belt can be collected further away."

"It's a waste of time to zoom out. It's better to stay in the meteorite belt to collect."

"Brothers, aren't you too cruel? 190,000 sets are gone now?"

"It's not expensive. One hundred and ninety thousand sets can only support the purchase of ninety-five thousand IDs. Our entire galaxy has an estimated eight to nine million IDs! If you don't act quickly, you won't be able to buy it!"

"That's right, I just happened to grab it. I'm going back to the Chaos Galaxy to collect resources later."

"Let's go together. There are undead here, so collecting resources is always a bit scary."

"Yeah, it's almost impossible for a single person to kill that giant skeleton, and it's not safe to form a team. It's better to go back to the Chaos Galaxy!"

Looking at everyone's chat in the public channel, Xiao Yi frowned slightly and asked: "Brother Jiang, haven't there been any further actions from the undead?"

Jiang Yuntian shook his head.

At this time, the spy suddenly sent a message!

That meteorite area was discovered by the spirit detective using the innate skills of the spirit race.

"Boss, I found that those giant skeletons seem to be looking for energy stones!"

Xiao Yi's heart moved slightly when he saw the news about the spy, and then he replied: "How did you find out?"

The detective immediately replied: "We found a meteorite area containing energy stones, which was very close to where the giant skeletons gathered. We didn't dare to get close, but we kept observing the area. Just now, the giant skeletons began to carry the meteorites containing energy stones. Meteorite of energy stones.”

Jiang Yuntian said at this time: "Island Master, giant skeletons were found on the front line carrying meteorites!"

"I already know!" Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

"Got it?" Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "How did you know?"

Xiao Yi frowned and replied: "The spy just sent me a message. He said that there is a high probability that those meteorites contain energy stones!"

"What?" Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened, "How did he know there were energy stones in those meteorites?"

"This should be their special ability!" Xiao Yi replied, and then roughly recounted what the detective told him.

"So that's it!" Jiang Yuntian suddenly realized, "Why are these giant skeletons suddenly carrying these meteorites with energy stones?"

Xiao Yi exhaled a breath and replied helplessly: "You should have thought of it too!"

Now the role of energy stones is to provide energy for the teleportation array, so those giant skeletons will most likely use these meteorites containing energy stones to create teleportation gates, and then teleport more giant skeletons!

The tactics of the undead are also human sea tactics, but what is different from the Zerg is that the undead can continue to recover blood. They can continue to resurrect themselves even if they die, and their enemies can become their helpers even if they die.

"Then what should we do now? Use all our strength to blow them up?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Even if we blow up this one, there will be a second one. We don't have endless resources to create unlimited nuclear explosions."

"Are we just going to watch them create a portal and send the skeleton army here?" Jiang Yuntian was a little unwilling.

"For now, I can only watch!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly, "Let's see how they move!"

In Xiao Yi's view, even if they create a portal, without transportation, they can only move in that meteorite area. As long as the survivors are asked to leave, they will not affect the survival of the survivors.

Now that Xiao Yi already has an insulation device, he doesn't necessarily have to collect resources in this area. What's more, the Dinosaur Galaxy is so big, there may be other meteorite areas, so there is no need to hang from this tree!

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