Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2377 The plan is successful and the portal is completed

The giant skeleton rushed out and fired a feint, then immediately retreated.

The other survivors also reacted immediately.

"Mader, this undead can still feint attack!"

"If I had known they were feinting, I would have stayed where I was and killed them!"

"If you dare to stay where you are, they will definitely leave you behind!"

"Yes, although the giant skeletons are targeting meteorites with energy stones this time, if you dare to stay where they are, they will definitely not mind taking you down!"

"In this case, the boss's idea of ​​delaying the giant skeleton will be impossible to realize!"

"Yeah, I don't know what they are doing!"

"It should be what the boss speculated before, creating a teleportation wormhole or teleportation gate!"

"Then we probably can't stay here anymore, so we'd better evacuate immediately!"

"Yes, if the undead have a portal, there will definitely be a large number of giant skeletons coming over. This meteorite area will be quickly occupied by the undead. Let alone killing them, even collecting resources from the periphery is a luxury. !”

"It slipped away. Don't blame me, boss. The opponent is really too fierce and I can't hold it back!"

Xiao Yi saw the discussion and shook his head helplessly.

As everyone has said, there is really no way to delay those giant skeletons from obtaining energy stones. We can only take one step at a time to see how they develop next.

"Island owner, according to the comparison of our spy satellites, many meteorites did disappear in the area where those giant skeletons passed. They should have been brought back by them!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Keep monitoring them, and the peripheral teams continue to look for opportunities to kill them."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

At this time, on top of a huge meteorite among the giant skeletons, the meteorites that the small skeleton was bringing back the giant skeleton were arranged in a very special way.

The little skeletons are still carving something on the arranged meteorites with the blood of the Zerg!

Originally, in space, blood should be frozen solid instantly, but the little skeleton didn't know what method he used to smear it on the meteorite and solidify it into a special pattern.

After three hours of painting, the little skeleton finally completed all the patterns. When it put the last stroke on, the patterns on all the meteorites actually lit up.

These patterns connect together to form a huge portal!

All the giant skeletons spread out spontaneously, leaving enough space for the portal.

"Hey hey hey!"

The little skeleton made an eerie and hoarse little sound.

"Get ready for the undead invasion!"

Xiao Yi and the others did not leave. They looked for opportunities to kill the giant skeletons on the outside while observing the situation inside the giant skeleton group.

Just now, Xiao Yi and the others discovered that a bright light suddenly appeared in the giant skeleton group and lasted forever.

"It seems that the giant skeleton has succeeded." Xiao Yi looked at the bright light and said with a frown.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "Yes, I just don't know what they did?"

"Let everyone retreat, the giant skeleton should make further moves!" Xiao Yi ordered.

At this time, Du Kang, who was staying at the headquarters to study formation formation, rushed over.

Xiao Yi saw him and asked with a smile: "Have you finished reading?"

"Yes, this is too much. There are too many formation diagrams. I will have to memorize the complicated ones later." Du Kang replied helplessly.

Of course, Xiao Yi also knew the complicated formations Du Kang mentioned. They were indeed very complicated, and he could still memorize them as long as he took some time to memorize them.

It was obvious that Xiao Yi and the others had arrived at the meteorite area, and it was difficult for Du Kang to calm down alone.

"Then let's take it slow in the future!" Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Du Kang asked hurriedly: "What's the situation here now?"

"The giant skeletons have obtained enough energy stones, and they should have achieved their goals now. Let's see what their next moves are!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Are these giant skeletons so powerful?" Du Kang was a little surprised, "Aren't we always harassing them from the outside? How could they collect enough energy stones so quickly?"

"These giant skeletons just launched an army attack, and with one false shot, they brought back a lot of meteorites!" Jiang Yuntian explained concisely and concisely.

Du Kang was slightly startled, then said: "Is this giant skeleton so smart?"

"I feel that there must be an undead mage among these giant skeletons. It's impossible for these stupid guys to do this!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, if we could even find it, we wouldn't be so passive."

When Xiao Yi and the others were studying the darkening process of giant skeletons, they randomly selected meteorites for mining at the center of the meteorite rain.

In Xiao Yi's view, the very important characters in the giant skeleton should be in the center. This is why the Yi Ranpin Alliance team always chooses the center to mine giant skull meteorites!

In fact, Xiao Yi didn't think about any problems. The undead mage was always in the center, it was just a very small meteorite.

Because the one who leads these giant skeletons is an adult-sized skeleton, and the size of an ordinary adult does not require a large meteorite to hide.

The Yi Ranpin Alliance mined giant skeletons at the beginning, which gave them the habitual thinking that the undead coming this time were all giant skeletons.

But he didn't expect that there was a "small" skeleton mixed in among the giant skeletons.

The Yi Ranpin Alliance team has been hanging around the undead mage.

The giant skeletons they mined would immediately flee far away.

This is because the undead mage has already issued an order to flee as soon as there is a battle before the darkening process is completed!

It is worried that the battle between the giant skeleton and the Yi Ranpin Alliance will affect itself.

In this way, the undead mage avoided the mining by the Yiranpin Alliance and successfully completed the dark gold transformation.

Jiang Yuntian nodded in agreement: "Yes, if we can find this mage, these giant skeletons will become our resources."

"It's too late now, they should have already made the portal." Xiao Yi sighed helplessly.

"After making the portal, at most it will just add a few more skeletons. It shouldn't have much impact on us!" Du Kang said nonchalantly, "At most, we can just look for other meteorite areas!"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "It's not that simple. If the undead's invasion method succeeds, do you think they will let other meteorite areas go?"

Du Kang was startled for a moment, then shook his head and frowned: "But it seems that the undead haven't appeared in the meteorite belt on the Chaos Star side yet. Do you think it will..."

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