Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2378 Is there a bottom line? Is the formation powerful?

"Bah, you crow's mouth, we have just built the insulation device, and you are saying this, it is so unlucky!" Jiang Yuntian said immediately.

Du Kang scratched his head: "I'm just talking about a possibility. Brother Jiang, don't have such a big reaction!"

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and replied with a smile: "There should be a bottom line for the rules of the world. There are already two stars in the Chaos Galaxy, and adding the undead to it, it would be a bit rude!"

"Island Master, are you really sure that the rules of the world have a bottom line?" Du Kang asked uncertainly.

"Ahem, I'm really not sure about this, but the rules of the world are to train us, not to destroy us!" Xiao Yi was also a little unsure.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "Maybe it sees that we are developing too well and wants to give us more training!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said: "No matter what, as long as you exercise, you will have a chance to solve the difficulties you encounter!"

"That's true. We have encountered so many difficulties before, haven't we all overcome them?" Du Kang said nonchalantly.

At this time, the team that was hunting the lone giant skeleton in front suddenly reported: "Island owner, instructor, the giant skeleton has moved out again."

Jiang Yuntian did not hesitate at all, and ordered in a deep voice: "Retreat immediately! Repeat that, all teams will retreat immediately!"

Xiao Yi stared at the giant group of skeletons moving outwards and frowned: "Did the team start teleporting so soon?"

This time is different from the previous army attack. The speed last time was very fast, but this time the speed of those giant skeletons is very steady and slow!

"It should be that those newly transferred undead also need time to darken." Jiang Yuntian speculated.

"It seems that there will be no chance to kill them alone for a while." Xiao Yi said with emotion, "Let our team collect resources on the periphery and collect more resources before the undead completely occupy this meteorite area. At the same time, Stare at those giant skeletons.”

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

Du Kang said from the side: "Actually, if you think about it from another perspective, the invasion of the undead also provided us with a source of dark gold. After all, the dark gold resources are still somewhat scarce now."

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then nodded in agreement: "There's nothing wrong with your idea."

"These undead must come out if they want to expand. As long as they dare to come out, without these meteorites hindering them, they can't stop the weapons on our battleships!" Du Kang continued.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and gave him a thumbs up: "That makes sense!"

"Well, let's go back. The team staying here must pay attention to safety!" Xiao Yi warned, and then asked the driver to drive to a nearby station.

Through the teleportation array at the station, Xiao Yi returned to the alliance headquarters spaceship.

"Island Master, are those formations really that powerful?" Du Kang couldn't help but ask after returning to the headquarters.

"If you want to know if it's powerful, don't you know if you try it yourself?" Xiao Yi replied.

"Don't you need energy stones to try it? This thing is not very common, so I have to let you know!" Du Kang chuckled.

"So you want to apply for energy stones!" Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then said with a smile, "Yes, but the limit is three small cuboids of 2*2*0.5 cm per day!"

"Ah? It's so small! Can you make it a little bigger at first? You have to practice your skills!" Du Kang said with a bitter face.

Xiao Yi glanced at him and replied: "Since you know that energy stones are not common, you should learn to save! If you want to practice, go to the virtual cabin, or use paper to practice drawing formations!"

"Okay!" Du Kang responded helplessly, then found a pen and paper and started drawing.

Xiao Yi returned to his seat and also began to practice drawing formations.

Zhu Wu came over, looked at the lines drawn by Du Kang on the paper, and said with a smile: "Xiao Kangkang, what you drew looks like a ghost drawing. Are you sure it is a formation?"

Du Kang took a long breath and replied: "Of course, please don't disturb me when I draw the formation!"

Zhu Wu smiled and walked to the bar nearby, ordered a glass of beer, and browsed the messages on his phone.

Xiao Yi had successfully drawn several formations. After thinking for a moment, he stood up and walked out.

Xiao Yi took some energy stones from the warehouse, found a quiet location, and carved on the energy stones with a carving knife.

Twenty minutes later, Xiao Yi carved the last stroke, and the energy stone flashed a red light and then disappeared.

"Successful!" Xiao Yi looked at the small energy stone with satisfaction, which was full of lines.

This is an energy stone engraved with a fireball formation.

Xiao Yi took the energy stone and walked to the training ground.

The training ground on the headquarters spacecraft was specially set up for Xiao Yi and his companions to train, and it was specially reinforced inside.

Arriving at the training ground, Xiao Yi threw the energy stone in his hand at a dummy target.

Halfway through, he used his mental power to activate the magic circle above. The energy stone disappeared instantly and turned into a ball of fire that hit it.


The upper body of the dummy was directly burnt to pieces!

"This is powerful!" Xiao Yi was a little surprised, because the fireball formation he depicted was just the simplest formation, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Those in the alliance who have just mastered the fire power may not necessarily be as powerful as the fireballs they release!

Xiao Yi walked out of the training ground with satisfaction and returned to the cockpit.

When he came to Du Kang, he patted his shoulder and said, "Study hard, maybe it will surprise you!"

Du Kang was startled for a moment, then immediately responded: "Okay!"

Xiao Yi just went out for a while. Since he told himself this when he came back, it means that he must have tested the power of the formation.

As a result, Du Kang became even more motivated!

Xiao Yi looked at the time and said, "You guys keep having fun, I'm going back to rest first!"

After saying that, Xiao Yi turned around again and left the cockpit.

Zhu Wu sat at the bar and continued to tease Du Kang: "Xiao Kangkang, come over and have a drink. You must take a rest and study in a relaxed manner."

"Get lost!" Du Kang immediately replied, "Don't disturb my study!"

At this time, around the undead meteorite area, there was a miniature spaceship contacting its main ship.

"Commander-in-Chief, the undead people outsiders call them are expanding!"

"Well, we are rushing over there and we will meet you in about half an hour. You keep an eye on this side first and don't act rashly!"


This miniature spaceship belongs to the planet Worm. When they started teleportation in the Yiranpin Alliance, Qixing, the commander-in-chief of the Worm fleet, arranged for someone to come over.

Nowadays, there are many races of survivors, and it is impossible to tell whether the other party is really a survivor.

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