"It has nothing to do with being cowardly or not. Safety comes first. Even if I am outside the meteorite area, I can still release the collector into the meteorite area to carry out collection activities."

"That's right, I'll quit too."

"But the meteorite resources on the edge of the meteorite area are still a little lacking."

"Just a little less, wait until the giant skeleton's movements stop, and we'll go deep into the collection!"

Some survivors retreated outside the meteorite area, while others thought it didn't matter and stayed in the area to collect resources.

About ten minutes later, the giant skeleton group rushed out again.

Those survivors who stayed in the meteorite area hurriedly retreated again.

The giant skeletons simply drove them out of the meteorite area before retreating again.

"Wucao, this giant skeleton is so boring. It goes back and forth like this, looking for pleasure?"

"Yeah, if you can, chase it out. It's really boring to go back every time you chase it to the edge of the meteorite area!"

"It feels like there are a lot of meteorites around. They didn't come out for the meteorites. What are they doing?"

"You can only ask those giant skeletons this question!"

"It seems they want to interfere with our collection of resources and slow down our development!"

"It's possible, but I don't think it makes much sense. If we really want to collect resources, we can just go back to the Chaos Galaxy. There is an entire meteorite belt there, which has much more resources than here!"

The undead attacked back and forth several times. Bone Soul looked at the survivors who were already familiar with the periodic movements of the giant skeletons, and sneered: "The mechanical skeletons are dispatched, be careful to hide among the ordinary skeletons. This first sneak attack has the best effect." Yeah, don’t screw it up!”

The surrounding skeletons did not respond. They had no vocal cords, and of course they did not need to respond. The soul fire of these giant skeletons was created by bone souls.

Bone Soul can completely control them.

The giant skeleton rushed out again.

"Fuck, here we go again! It's endless, right?"

"It's okay. It's just a shock. It's not a big problem. As long as they are not tired, I can play with them."

"Through the first few attacks, I found that their formation is not that good. We may have a chance to find the lone ones when they retreat and complete the kill!"

"Better say goodbye, safety first!"

"Any brothers want to give it a try? Let's form a team!"

"I'm afraid I'll die if I try it! Let's forget it and just fight with the giant skeleton!"

Those survivors who wanted to take action were still in the minority and could not form a team, so they had no choice but to give up.

Following the impact of the giant skeleton, the survivors retreated outside the meteorite area again.

When those giant skeletons saw that the survivors had withdrawn, they also retreated to the center of the meteorite area.

The survivors immediately followed in, found random meteorites and started mining them.

At this moment, those giant skeletons that retreated unexpectedly rushed forward again, this time faster.

"Hey, I know there have been changes, but you still can't catch us!"

"Yes, this has no effect. The giant skeleton is just doing useless work!"

"It's not a waste of effort. If this continues, we won't be able to collect resources with peace of mind. Let's just give up here."

"That's not possible. There are energy stones here."

"Yes, the resource content is relatively rich!"

The survivors who had exited had stopped. According to the previous impacts of the giant skeletons, they had not left the meteorite area, so the survivors stopped their spaceships and waited for the giant skeletons to retreat.

But this time, the giant skeleton did not retreat immediately. Instead, it opened a space, and a giant skeleton with a skeleton full of mechanical devices rushed out.

Cooperating with the power system on the armor, the mechanical skeleton arrived in front of the survivors' spaceship in an instant.

What's even worse is that the survivor who was listed as the target was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, the giant skeleton had captured their spaceship, and the weapons on the armor immediately activated. With such a close attack, the survivors had no way to avoid it!

Fireworks bloom silently!

Before the surrounding survivors could react, ten micro spaceships were captured by ten mechanical skeletons. Those ordinary giant skeletons immediately rushed out and took the ten micro spaceships back.

"Wucao, what was that thing just now? Why was it so fast?"

"Yeah, much faster than the average giant skeleton!"

"I seem to have seen mechanical devices on them?"

"Who put them in?"

While everyone was discussing, Xiao Yi let out a long breath: "It turns out that the natives are not sending spaceships to the undead, but armors!"

"Giant skeletons wearing armor are even more difficult to deal with!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"Yes, this kind of armor and the giant skeleton are a perfect match!" Xiao Yi sighed, "It seems that this indigenous force is not simple either!"

Within the Yiranpin Alliance, individual soldier armors are still being researched into miniaturization, and the first-generation mechas developed by Dou Ji may not necessarily be able to match the performance of the armor worn by giant skeletons.

Outside the meteorite area, all the survivors continued to move outside. The original safe distance was no longer safe!

Xiao Yi said in the public channel at this time: "Everyone should have seen that some giant skeletons are equipped with armor. The undead have no mechanical civilization, so this armor must be provided by the indigenous fleet!"

"Mader, this indigenous fleet is absolutely a charlatan, it actually helps the undead!"

"Where is that fleet? I'm going to kill them!"

"Save it, they are closer to the meteorite area than us, and the undead have not attacked them. They must have hooked up!"

"Hmph, why can't we cooperate with the undead?" Qixing said coldly, "Haven't you heard that there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests?"

"You are the person in charge of the indigenous fleet, right? Boss, you must block this ID!"

"Don't worry, I've been blocked!" Xiao Yi replied immediately.

Qixing continued: "Yi Ranpin, since you have discovered us, why don't you come and attack us? We have been waiting so hard!"

"Don't worry, we will go!" Xiao Yi said with squinted eyes.

"Boss, don't be fooled by him. He must have prepared weapons specifically to deal with you!"

"Yes, what's more, now that they have colluded with the undead, you used to be one against two!"

"Don't worry so much. The boss has discovered them a long time ago. He didn't attack immediately, which shows that the boss is still on guard against them!"

"However, have these indigenous forces ever interacted with Big Boss Yi Ranpin? It sounds like they have deep grudges!"

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