"Don't you know that the Yi Ranpin Alliance team once fought against the indigenous forces of the Dinosaur Galaxy!"

"That's right, at that time, the indigenous forces wanted to eat the team led by Ergou Boss, but he was killed by Ergou Boss."

"Oh, I remember it. Didn't you say that this indigenous force escaped back to its own galaxy through the wormhole?"

"It's very simple. Not all the indigenous forces have left this galaxy. There are still remnants."

"Having seen the function of our Survivor Island Monument and those high-end items, it's strange that they are willing to leave."

"So, this indigenous force was defeated by the Yi Ranpin Alliance!"

"You can say that, but since the Yiranpin Alliance has discovered them, why didn't they eliminate them as soon as possible?"

"Any opponent who can be selected by the world's rules and be our trial opponent, do you think they can be easily defeated?"

"Didn't you get defeated by the Ergou boss last time?"

"That can only be regarded as driving them away. At that time, there was a wormhole and they had a way out. Now there is no way out. The natives are resisting desperately. The Yiranpin Alliance team may not be able to take advantage."

"Coupled with what the native said just now, the Yi Ranpin Alliance is right not to act rashly!"

"Yes, the natives just said they have been waiting for the Yi Ranpin Alliance to attack them."

"Do you think it's possible it's an empty city plan?"

"It's possible, but there is no need for the Yiranpin Alliance to take this risk."

While everyone was discussing, in the center of the giant skeleton group, near the portal, the bone soul looked at the ten captured spaceships and smiled with satisfaction.

And the Worm Star Fleet sent a message: "According to our previous agreement, the resources on those ten spaceships belong to us, including five island monuments."

After receiving the news from the Worm Star Fleet, the corner of Bone Soul's mouth curled up.

"Of course, I will concentrate the resources on five spaceships and send them to you. After you transfer the island monument and resources, you can send the spaceships back!"

Qixing was not surprised at all when he received this reply from Bone Soul. The fact that he was able to harvest so many spaceships this time was all due to the armor he provided.

Having seen the power of armor, he believed that Bone Soul would continue to cooperate with them.

And your own fleet only needs to control the output quantity of armor to maintain cooperation with the undead.

In less than a day, they had harvested the resources of ten survivors and five island monuments. This profit was enough to drive Qixing crazy!

"Thank you so much, Elder Bone Soul!" Qixing replied excitedly, "I believe our future cooperation will be more and more pleasant."

After receiving Qixing's reply, Bone Soul sneered and did not continue to answer. Instead, he personally went to those micro-ships and concentrated resources on five of them.

It's not that it's diligent, but that the micro-spaceship is too small for the giant skeletons, and they simply can't enter the micro-spaceship to perform tasks.

The small-sized skeletons have not yet completed the darkening process, so the bone souls can only do it themselves.

After gathering the resources together, arrange for the giant skeleton to push the five micro spaceships outward.

The bone soul stayed in one of the miniature spaceships, looked at the dark gold in front of him, and said with a smile: "With these, it should be able to speed up the process of dark gold!"

Those resources that were completely useless to the undead, the bone souls were naturally prepared to be given to Qixing, and the dark gold was still very useful to them, so he intercepted most of them.

The giant skeleton group dodged a gap, and five miniature spaceships flew outside, driven by the giant skeletons.

Qixing and the others became happy when they saw this scene.

After those giant skeletons pushed the micro-ship outside, they returned to the group of skeletons.

Qixing immediately ordered: "Bring those five micro-ships back!"


At the same time, the spy satellites of the Yiranpin Alliance and the detection satellites of other survivors captured this scene.

"This indigenous force is really desperate for their lives!"

"They have tasted the benefits and will cooperate even more closely in the future!"

"Capture ten ships and send five to the indigenous forces. The undead are still very generous!"

"What? Do you also want to cooperate with the undead?"

"That's not true. I'm just sighing. The undead are our main mission. If we cooperate with them, our main mission will not be completed!"

"Perhaps this is an open-ended mission. Maybe you can complete it by cooperating with the undead?"

"Then you can try it!"

Xiao Yi saw the giant skeleton pushing out five micro spaceships, frowned and thought for a while, and said: "The undead have left at least five island monuments for themselves, and these five island monuments are probably going to be infected by the death energy again. .”

"Yeah, I just don't know why the undead would infect the island monument with death energy. Is there any benefit to them?" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly: "Who knows? In the first stage, we only restored some island monuments and islands that were infected by the death energy. We don't know exactly why they were infected."

"Could it be that with the island monument, they can speed up their development?" Jiang Yuntian speculated.

"The only things they need to develop are their bones and mental strength, but the island monument doesn't seem to have an accelerating effect on these two aspects!" Xiao Yi shook his head slightly.

Jiang Yuntian sighed, and then said: "Island Master, I suggest you test and attack the indigenous force."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied: "Yes, but you must pay attention to safety. I feel that their trump card should be able to threaten our satellite-class battleships!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian turned around and walked out.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yuntian arranged for a large spaceship and five micro spaceships to fly to the Worm Star Fleet.

There are no soldiers on these six spaceships, only some intelligent robots!

The space intelligent robot harvested by Xiao Yi's sign-in has been scanned to generate a template, so now part of the work in the Yi Ranpin Alliance is completed by intelligent robots.

At the same time, Jiang Yuntian also arranged some large space battleships equipped with anti-reconnaissance systems to follow the six spacecraft.

To put it simply, let the six spaceships go to mines.

Although the Yiranpin Alliance has spy satellites with strong detection capabilities, no one is sure whether the other party has more advanced items and whether they can escape the detection of spy satellites.

With those six spaceships, the battleships following behind also have more reaction time.

"Report, we found a large spaceship and five micro spaceships approaching us!"

Qixing, who was receiving supplies from the five micro-ships, was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: "Is the Yi Ranpin Alliance finally unable to sit still?"

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