"There is nothing to discuss about this matter. The Yiranpin Alliance lists low-level items and does not require everyone to buy them. It depends on personal needs. If you think it is suitable, buy it. If not, don't buy it. It's that simple!"

"That's right, you guys are really too idle. I would like to ask the brothers in the Mutisen Galaxy if anyone has bought that inferior marrow cleaning pill and how effective it is?"

"This has just been put on the shelves, and it's still a low-quality elixir. Even if someone buys it, it won't be effective so quickly!"

"Who said that, I have successfully awakened!"

"Damn, brother upstairs, are you sure you woke up after taking a low-quality marrow cleansing pill?"

"Not sure, but I did wake up after taking this pill."

"Is your reaction after taking the elixir the same as taking the advanced marrow cleansing elixir from Yiranpin Alliance?"

"It's different. The reaction is not as severe as described on the Internet. Maybe it's because the medicine is not very effective!"

"So, wouldn't it be less uncomfortable to take inferior elixirs?"

"You can say that."

"That's great. The descriptions from people online are too painful. I don't want to endure that much pain."

"But using inferior marrow-cleansing pills may have various side effects, and the upper limit is also limited. It may be more painful when using high-quality marrow-cleansing pills in the future."

"Don't think so far ahead. Let's wake up first."

"Yes, as long as you can awaken, your physique should be further improved after awakening, and maybe it won't be so painful."

"Brother, you are thinking too much. After awakening, the five senses are more acute. Do you think it hurts more or makes it easier?"

"That's right, you are too naive. It's me. I choose to do it all at once, and I only have to endure the pain once!"

"Forget it, the Marrow Cleansing Pill is not open to us yet, so there is no point in us discussing it so much."

Du Kang saw their discussion on the Internet and said, "Island Master, do we also have inferior elixirs on hand?"

Before Xiao Yi could answer, Wei Bo rolled his eyes and replied: "Of course, as long as it is not refined by the island owner, it is not a high-level elixir."

"Aren't those primary elixirs?" Du Kang said curiously.

"There are also inferior ones, such as the ones I refined recently." Wei Bo replied helplessly.

Du Kang was even more surprised: "Is your refining level still going to decline?"

Xiao Yi explained with a smile: "Wei Bo is trying to use his powers to refine elixirs recently. He needs to get familiar with it slowly, so the defective product rate is relatively high. Just take your time and it will be fine!"

"So that's it." Du Kang suddenly realized, then he rolled his eyes slightly, approached Wei Bo and said mysteriously, "I have a way to help you reduce the defective product rate."

Wei Bo was stunned for a moment and looked at Du Kang in disbelief: "What can you do? And you don't seem to have fire powers!"

"I can only help you reduce the defective rate, and I'm not going to help you refine it. Does this have anything to do with whether I have fire powers?" Du Kang replied angrily, "How about it? Do you want to try it? !”

Wei Bo looked at Du Kang in confusion. Just as he was about to speak, Xiao Yi's voice came: "You can try it, but you can't rely on Du Kang's method."

Although the conversation between Du Kang and Wei Bo was low, Xiao Yi could still hear it due to his strength.

Hearing this, Wei Bo was stunned: "Is there really a way to reduce the defective product rate?"

"Hey, the island owner has spoken, do you still doubt it?" Du Kang replied with a smile.

"Okay, tell me what to do." Wei Bo replied in a deep voice.

Du Kang handed over the work at hand to Sun Gudao and the other two, and then took Wei Bo to the alchemy room.

After entering the alchemy room, Du Kang slapped his head and said, "I forgot to take my things. Wait for me here!"

Wei Bo's face was full of questions, so he could only prepare the raw materials for the recovery pill first.

At this time, Sun Yao also returned from the Mutisen Galaxy. This time he came back to find some companions to discuss using supernatural powers to collect herbs from the Mutisen Galaxy.

Arriving at the cockpit of the headquarters spaceship, Sun Yao didn't even see Wei Bo. He asked in confusion: "Where did Wei Bo go?"

"I was dragged to the alchemy cabin by Du Kang!" Xiao Yi raised his head and replied.

"Huh? Is Du Kang going to learn alchemy?" Sun Yao asked with his eyes widened.

"You'll know when you go and take a look." Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

Sun Yao left the cockpit in confusion and rushed to the alchemy cabin.

At this time, Du Kang rushed to the alchemy cabin with the materials he applied for from the warehouse.

The two happened to meet at the door of the alchemy cabin.

"Dukang, are you planning to learn alchemy?" Sun Yao asked as he came up.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head: "I'm not interested in alchemy."

"Then what are you and Wei Bo doing here?" Sun Yao looked at him doubtfully and asked.

"Just follow me and you'll find out!" Du Kang replied mysteriously.

Sun Yao followed him in confusedly and saw Wei Bo who was also confused.

No need to ask, he definitely doesn't know what kind of medicine is sold in Dukang Gourd.

Taking out some cornerstones that could be used as the base of the formation, Du Kang began to carve them. What he wanted to carve was a formation that could increase mental power. As long as you were in this formation, your mental power could be increased by 20%.

Du Kang has practiced this formation on paper many times, so he is still very proficient in drawing it now.

Even though he was proficient, it still took Du Kang more than an hour to complete this spiritual power-increasing magic circle!

Sun Yao and Wei Bo's curiosity turned from curiosity to boredom. In the end, they almost fell asleep while sitting aside.

"Phew, it's finally done!" Du Kang stood up and stretched!

Sun Yao and Wei Bo, who were about to fall asleep, immediately stood up.

"Dukang, what kind of magic circle are you depicting?" Sun Yao asked curiously.

"I want Wei Bo to try the effect first!" Du Kang took out an energy stone, placed it in a depression of the array, and then activated the entire array.

Wei Bo nodded slightly and immediately sat on the magic circle and started refining.

As soon as he started refining, Wei Bo's eyes widened in shock!

"This magic circle can increase my mental power!"

Du Kang nodded slightly: "Yes, this magic circle can increase everyone's mental power by 20%. Of course, this is the explanation on the magic circle. It is not clear whether there is such a large increase. This is also related to the way I describe the magic circle. !”

Wei Bo nodded slightly, and then began to concentrate on refining!

Prior to this, when Wei Bo used fire powers to refine elixirs, he had poor control over the heat, the refining time of various medicinal materials, and the extraction of essences, etc., which resulted in inferior elixirs.

But with this mental power amplification formation, it became much easier for him to control it!

Wei Bo soon completed the refining and opened the alchemy furnace. There were 50 elixirs inside. Just by looking at the appearance, he knew that these were definitely not inferior elixirs!

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