Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2392: Fire Array Refining Alchemy, Too Hurtful, Abnormal

"So many!" Sun Yao said in shock as he looked at the number of pills refined by Wei Bo.

Wei Bo looked excited: "With this magic circle, it is easier to control the details of the alchemy process. These elixirs are at least primary elixirs!"

Sun Yao nodded slightly, then looked at Du Kang: "Is this the magic circle in the book the island owner gave you?"

"Well! This is just the simplest one. In fact, there are more powerful and complex magic circles!" Du Kang replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Sun Yao's heart moved slightly, and he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Is there such a magic circle for making fire?"

"Of course, isn't this the most basic magic circle?" Du Kang replied.

Sun Yao nodded slightly, then immediately turned around and left the alchemy cabin.

Du Kang and Wei Bo looked at his leaving figure in confusion, wondering why he left suddenly.

Wei Bo came back to his senses and asked, "How long can this array last?"

"As long as there are energy stones, it can run for a long time!" Du Kang replied with a smile.

"Great, we will never produce defective products again!" Wei Bo said happily.

Du Kang shook his head: "This won't work. The island owner said you can try, but you can't rely on it, so you still have to rely on yourself."

Wei Bo was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand, I will fully appreciate the feeling of refining, and try to make elixirs without the magic circle as soon as possible."

"Well, you should slowly experience it first, and I'll go back first!" Du Kang walked out.

Wei Bo cupped his hands and replied: "Thank you very much!"

"We are all brothers, why are you so polite!" Du Kang shook his hand and left.

At this time, Sun Yao had come to the cockpit and found Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, I heard from Du Kang that there is a magic circle that can make fire?" Sun Yao asked hurriedly.

Seeing Sun Yao's eager expression, Xiao Yi guessed his intention, nodded slightly, and replied: "You want to use the formation to make fire and make elixirs?"

Sun Yao nodded heavily.

"Then are you going to learn all the magic formations, or just the fire-making formation?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"Only learn the magic circle of fire!" Sun Yao's goal was very clear.

"Well, let me draw the formation diagram first. You have time to practice it. When you can draw the formation diagram proficiently, we will move on to the next step!" Xiao Yi said as he started drawing on the white paper.

It only took Xiao Yi ten minutes to draw the extremely complex fire formation.

Du Kang came back just in time, saw this scene, and said helplessly: "Island Master, you are drawing too fast!"

"It will be so fast when you become proficient!" Xiao Yi replied.

"We basically started looking at the solution on the same day. Your learning speed is too exaggerated. I feel like I am a scumbag in front of you!" Du Kang said helplessly.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian answered: "Most people are scumbags in front of the island master, and you are not alone!"

Sun Yao got the formation diagram drawn by Xiao Yi. As if he had found a treasure, he took it aside and started studying it.

Xiao Yi had no intention of dampening Sun Yao's enthusiasm, and he was not in a hurry to collect herbs. Moreover, the mandala was already in hand. They just needed to cultivate it carefully, and they would soon be able to refine the violent pill.

Since Sun Yao wants to study the fire formation first, let him do it!

Jiebi, who had entered the trial space before, had come out and returned to the cockpit of the headquarters spacecraft.

"The wild monsters in this trial space are really very effective in increasing mental power!" Jie Bi said with emotion.

Jiang Yuntian smiled and said, "Did you manage the first wave the first time you entered?"

"It's just a wild monster, you can still deal with it!" Jiebi replied with a smile, "Besides, there are strategies you provided. If I still can't beat it, then I'm too bad!"

After hearing this, some people were unhappy.

"Comrade Jiebi, are you criticizing us with your words?" Sun Gudao was speechless.

Jiebi was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "No, you are overthinking. I have an advantage over you. I was very good at playing games when I was on Earth!"

"No, what you just said has hurt our young hearts. We must treat us to a supper tonight!" Sun Gudao pretended to be very hurt.

Jie Bi immediately responded: "No problem, I'll treat you to tonight's supper!"

"That's pretty much it!" Sun Gudao immediately became happy.

After a while, Qiyu also came back.

"How's it going?" Jacky asked.

Qiyu shook the wings behind him and replied helplessly: "He was killed!"

"Have you persisted for so long and still got killed?" Jie Bi asked in surprise.

Qiyu nodded helplessly: "Yes, that wild monster has better endurance than me."

"Qiyu, let me tell you, Jiebi just said that survivors who have not defeated the first wave of wild monsters are all bad!" Seeing Qiyu's low mood, Du Kang started to stir up trouble.

Qiyu was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "It's indeed a bit bad, but it's too hurtful to say so!"

"So we ask him to treat us to a late-night snack. Don't be polite to him today. If you want to eat him up, let's see if he still sneers!" Du Kang said with a smile.

"That's okay, I won't eat dinner, I'll just wait for the midnight snack!" Qiyu said seriously.

Everyone chatted, and when it was dinner time, they all walked to the restaurant.

Feng Menglong prepared the meal and sat down next to Xiao Yi, and asked: "Island Master, when will our Marrow Cleansing Pill go on sale in the Mutisen Galaxy?"

Nowadays, inferior marrow-cleansing pills have appeared in the Mudisen galaxy, so Feng Menglong wants to directly put high-grade marrow-cleansing pills on it, and cannot let inferior marrow-cleansing pills seize the opportunity.

"Let's launch sales at the same time as the Duomire Galaxy. Each galaxy has 100,000 high-grade marrow cleansing pills." Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied, "The audience for our pills is different from that of the inferior marrow cleansing pills. No need. Anxious to get the upper hand with them.”

"Well, I understand!" Feng Menglong nodded slightly.

While Xiao Yi and the others were eating, an intelligence officer walked in quickly.

Coming to Xiao Yi, Salute reported: "Island Master, there are survivors in the Chaos Galaxy who have discovered a strange detection satellite. It is the same as what we found before. According to the location where the other party sent the message, it can be determined that it is another detection satellite."

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then nodded: "Okay, I understand, I'll go over and take a look later."

The agent saluted again and left the restaurant.

Xiao Yi finished the food on the plate, then stood up and walked to the cockpit.

Jiang Yuntian followed closely.

"Island owner, why did they suddenly discover that strange detection satellite?" Jiang Yuntian was a little confused.

The Yi Ranpin Alliance was able to discover it entirely because Xiao Yi had acquired a first-level civilization-level anti-reconnaissance system.

According to the calculations of the intelligence department, this strange detection satellite is likely to be the product of a secondary civilization.

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