Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 0458 Asking about the situation in Yitong Country at the bar

After the chip implantation was completed, a bright silver mark appeared on Zhan Xue's wrist.

Jiang Yuntian taught her how to use it, then transferred 10,000 yuan to her and said, "This is the digital currency on our island and can be used for transactions."

Zhan Xue looked at the sci-fi chip and the trading system, and suddenly asked: "How much money do you have?"

"Not much, only about a hundred thousand." Jiang Yuntian replied subconsciously.

Zhan Xue pointed to the chip on her wrist and looked at him maliciously.

Jiang Yuntian's face immediately turned bitter and he said, "Can I save some? You can't keep rubbing off on others when you're drinking with your brothers!"

"Keep ten thousand and give me the rest. We agreed that I will take care of the money!" Zhan Xue said.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian wanted to slap himself in the face and call you a bitch, but now the small treasury was completely empty!

Under Zhan Xue's supervision, Jiang Yuntian transferred all his money to Zhan Xue.

Seeing that the number of his currency exceeded one hundred thousand, Zhan Xue nodded with satisfaction.

"Come on, let's go sit down at the bar and I'll tell you about things on our island!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Jiang Yuntian brought Zhan Xue and Junjun to the bar.

Du Kang happened to be counting the quantities of various liquors at the bar to see if any had expired and needed to be replaced!

"Brother Jiang, it's so early today. This should be my sister-in-law. Good morning, sister-in-law!" Du Kang greeted Jiang Yuntian and the others immediately when he saw them.

Zhan Xue wasn't very familiar with him yet, so she could only respond by nodding.

Jiang Yuntian replied: "Two glasses of A-grade beer and a glass of A-grade apple juice."

"Okay, you guys sit down for a while and I'll be there soon!" Du Kang replied.

Jiang Yuntian took Zhan Xue to a seat near the floor-to-ceiling window. Through the floor-to-ceiling window, he could see the sea in the distance!

Zhan Xue pulled Jiang Yuntian and said, "If you want A-level stuff, it will cost a lot of money!"

"It is indeed quite expensive, but we have a discount. Recently, Anyue is finalizing a pricing method. It will be implemented after the island owner approves it. We are now enjoying the highest discount on that pricing, 10% off!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Zhan Xue nodded, gestured to Du Kang, and asked, "Is that person familiar with you?"

"His name is Du Kang. He is also a weirdo. He was met by the island owner and I on the way back from digging for treasure maps!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "His talent is extremely scary. Even though he looks like a weak scholar, now you are not His opponent.”

"What?" Zhan Xue said in surprise. She used to be Jiang Yuntian's instructor, and her strength was even higher than Jiang Yuntian's. But after coming to this island, it seemed that anyone could be better than her, which she couldn't accept. !

"His body's efficiency in absorbing and converting energy is amazing. Although he has only been on this island for a short time, his physique has improved rapidly. He should be at level A now!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Everything feels weird on this island!" Zhan Xue was helpless.

Du Kang brought their beer and juice over and said, "Brother Jiang and sister-in-law, drink slowly, and Junjun, drink slowly. Brother will refill your glass after you finish!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Junjun replied.

Du Kang pretended to be unhappy and said: "Give you a chance to organize your language and call again!"

"Thank you, brother!" Junjun said, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, you're so good!" Du Kang touched Junjun's head and said.

After Du Kang left, Jiang Yuntian picked up the wine glass and said, "Try it. Although this Dukang is rather strange, his wine-making skills are very good!"

Zhan Xue nodded. When the beer first arrived, she could smell the aroma of the beer. It was more fragrant than the beer she had drunk in the previous world.

After taking a sip, in addition to the mellow aroma of the beer, Zhan Xue also felt a stream of heat flowing to his limbs.

"A-grade stuff is just different!" Zhan Xue exclaimed, "You all use A-grade wheat to brew beer. Do you have a lot of A-grade stuff?"

"What should I say? I can't finish it!" Jiang Yuntian also said something, and then began to introduce the relevant situation on the island.

Zhan Xue became more and more surprised as he listened. He even forgot to drink the beer in front of him.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" Xiao Yi's voice suddenly came from the side.

"Island owner!" Jiang Yuntian stood up and greeted, "Of course I don't mind!"

Zhan Xue also came to his senses, stood up and said, "I don't mind, the island master is free to do whatever he wants!"

Xiao Yi sat down and said: "Sit down, everyone. Brother Jiang should have introduced you to the general situation on our island. I heard that you have been in Yitong Country before. Can you tell me about the development situation there? ?”

Last night, Jiang Yuntian didn't say a few words to her, and Zhan Xue was forcibly controlled by the power of the contract, so Jiang Yuntian didn't know the specific situation of Yitong Kingdom.

Jiang Yuntian had been introducing the situation on Xiao Yi's island just now, so Zhan Xue hadn't had time to tell him about the Yitong Kingdom.

Zhan Xue said: "It's relatively barren overall. In the three weeks after I was contracted, the natives took me to find the islands where survivors were found. I helped them kill a lot of survivors from Yitong Country, but among those survivors There isn’t much harvest on the islands!”

Xiao Yi nodded.

"In the past four weeks, the supplies I collected from the supply boxes were enough to keep me alive. There is nothing extra!" Zhan Xue continued.

"Then your physique, which just broke through to C level, was improved by the natives?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Can you tell my physical level?" Zhan Xue said with his eyes widened.

"Hey, how new it is. As long as you put something in front of the island owner, the island owner will know all the information!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Zhan Xue nodded with shocked eyes and said, "Yes, it was the wizard who gave me some level food in the past two weeks."

It turns out that Zhan Xue did not resist during the contract in order to survive. After the contract was successful, she completely obeyed the wizard's orders.

After helping the natives conquer four islands in a row, the wizard was overjoyed and felt that he had contracted a master, so he wanted to train Zhan Xue and rewarded her with some high-level food.

In the next two weeks, Zhan Xue became more and more courageous as she fought. Anyway, she didn't have a good impression of the Yitong Kingdom, so she would just kill these survivors of the Yitong Kingdom.

Seeing that Zhan Xue had no intention of resisting, the wizard became more and more relieved about her.

Later, the wizard did not follow him out. He just kept the power of the contract and asked Zhan Xue to go out with the leader to conquer two or three islands.

Next, the wizard was completely relieved and no longer guarded the power of the contract. Zhan Xue still worked hard to help him secure several islands.

This is why when they attacked Long Feifengwu yesterday, there was no wizard involved at all!

Zhan Xue was able to escape from the wizard's control because she found the opportunity after paralyzing the wizard bit by bit.

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