"No wonder I heard from Long Feifengwu that at first there was a sharp archer who missed all their fireball rockets, but then he stopped attacking them so much!" Xiao Yi said.

Zhan Xue nodded and explained: "At that time, I thought we were still within the scope of Yitong Country. Unexpectedly, we accidentally bumped into the scope of our own country, because the girl on the boat shouted, I heard When I arrived, I realized that the target this time was actually my compatriots!"

"Well, are there any particularly strong survivors in Yitong Country? For example, they often sell high-grade food in the trading hall." Xiao Yi asked.

Zhan Xue looked at Xiao Yi speechlessly and said: "How is it possible? In the four weeks since I owned the island monument, I have never seen anyone take out the grade food. If there is such a thing, a fool would not keep it for himself. "

After saying this, Jiang Yuntian looked embarrassed and immediately said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Apologize to the island owner quickly!"

"Apologise?" Zhan Xue looked at Jiang Yuntian doubtfully.

"The island owner has sold so much high-grade food!" Jiang Yuntian said, "How can you say that about the island owner!"

Zhan Xue was stunned, and then apologized hastily: "I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"It's okay, he who doesn't know is not guilty!" Xiao Yi said, but think about it, there are so many people in Xia Kingdom, and apart from him, no one else is seen offering high-level food.

"Is there any particularly outstanding person in Yitong Kingdom?" Xiao Yi asked.

Since it is possible for the natives near Yitong Kingdom to reach Xia Kingdom, it is also possible for survivors from Yitong Kingdom to come over. Since it is possible, then preparations must be made in advance.

After all, Yitong Country and Xia Country are not so friendly.

"There seems to be a guy named Ichiro Nagano who danced very happily after the third week. It is said that he has a C-level water purifier!" Zhan Xue thought for a while and replied.

"Well, if it's him, it should be fine!" Xiao Yi said.

"Why?" Zhan Xue was a little confused again.

Jiang Yuntian explained: "When we went to dig for treasure, we met a person with the same name, and he died in our hands!"

"No wonder!" Zhan Xue suddenly realized.

"Okay, from now on, sister-in-law will be responsible for security together with Brother Jiang. I won't delay your family's chat, I'll leave first!" After Xiao Yi learned some information about Yitong Kingdom, he got up and left.

"Yes, thank you island owner!" Jiang Yuntian stood up and said.

After Xiao Yi left the bar, he returned to his island monument.

"Island Master, I have arrived at the designated location!" Sun Yao said to Xiao Yi excitedly.

Xiao Yi replied: "From now on, we will arrange a yacht to travel to each member island every three days. You can also come to my island to walk around more!"

"Thank you, island owner!" Sun Yao said happily.

Switch to the Yitian group, where information about the alliance is still being discussed.

"Who said yesterday that we could gather 192 people in one day? Come out and see if I don't beat you to death!"

"Crying with laughter, I forgot the last 100 kilometers, it was a mistake!"

"The last 100 kilometers will take more than ten hours each time, and it will take more than three days to complete all eight members!"

"Yes, we can play with the rules of this world. Since they have brought us so close, why not get closer!"

"Both the Dilin and Xuanyuan forces have begun to recruit members. What do you think?"

"Lie down and watch, I won't be inferior to others anyway!"

"How about we form an alliance, don't listen to anyone else, stick together to defend against the natives, and each seek development, how about that?"

"Are you sure that others didn't annex our thoughts after getting close? Anyway, I don't believe it!"

"Are you still planning to be alone?"

"Of course, I can't guard against the natives on my own, so why do we need an alliance?"

"People upstairs, don't be so confident. Just think about the down jackets that appeared before and you will know that the update of the island monument must be implying something!"

"Yes, since there is an alliance, it means that the indigenous attacks this week will be more violent! One island is not as good as nine islands!"

"Hmph, do you think I am you? The defense force on my island is very strong!"

"Forget it, if someone thinks he is invincible, then let him be invincible!"

Feng Menglong also noticed this update in the morning. He sent a private message to Xiao Yi: "Boss, can ships also join the alliance?"

"Not sure, you can give it a try. I have already established an alliance, called Yi Ranpin. You can join and give it a try!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, I'll try it right now!" Feng Menglong said, but soon he replied again, "No!"

"Then you just wait until night before coming over!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Well, thank you, boss!" Feng Menglong replied.

Just after finishing the chat with Feng Menglong, Sun Gudao sent a message.

"This guy must have just returned home not long ago!" Xiao Yi secretly thought, and then opened the message he sent.

"Boss, some natives are calling. There are four big ships in total!" Sun Gudao said in a deep voice.

"Four big ships? So many?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Well, it's expected to arrive in two hours!" Sun Gudao confirmed.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said: "Prepare the catapults and ensure intensive projection. They should be prepared in front. I suggest that you can arrange for some people to take the initiative to attack and use big ships to harass them from the sides!"

"Yes!" Sun Gudao responded.

After finishing the chat, Xiao Yi immediately traded ten catapults, ninety fireballs, and two arrow rain launchers to Sun Gudao, plus bamboo arrows that could fire four rounds.

With these things, we should be able to prevent the attacks of those natives!

After Sun Gudao got these high-end weapons, he didn't have time to be surprised and directly placed the weapons at the location where the indigenous ships were coming.

"Boss, those four big ships have dispersed!" Hua Lang ran in to report.

Sun Gudao said in a deep voice: "No wonder we have to form an alliance. With so many ships, they are attacking in four directions. Even ordinary islands cannot defend it! Push two catapults to the large sailing ship and medium-sized sailing ship on our shore. , I have placed an arrow rain launcher on each ship."

"Boss, do you mean to take the initiative?" Hua Lang asked in surprise.

Sun Gudao replied: "As the island owner reminds me, they must be prepared on the front, so there will be certain flaws on the sides and back. We must seize this flaw!"

Hua Lang nodded and said: "Understood, Magatama and I will be in charge of one vessel each, and then we will bring some natives aboard!"

"Well, pay attention to safety!" Sun Gudao warned.

"Don't worry, I haven't gone to the main island to have fun yet!" Hua Lang replied.

Hua Lang returned to the shore and conveyed Sun Gudao's intention to Magatama. Without any hesitation, the two of them immediately boarded the ship with a team each.

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