"Feng Guyun, right? Take your waist card, go to the inner disciple team and wait. Someone will take you to your residence later." The senior apprentice who handed out the waist card raised his head and pointed casually.

However, at the first sight of Feng Guyun, he was amazed.

But soon, calm was restored, this is the quality of the core disciple of the veteran Tianyun Sect.

It's not that I'm not interested in women, it's that my mind has been tempered and tempered, I haven't left the front of the sect, I feel fifty times painful, the psychedelic array of beautiful women, the tower of refining demon, etc.

I've basically played it all over, what kind of ghosts and monsters have never seen?

Even in the illusion, they have played the cat ear mother and rabbit ear mother...

In terms of spirit, I was already overdrawn. In reality, even if I see beautiful women, my heart will not fluctuate too much.

Feng Guyun received the waist card and responded politely.

"Thank you brother."

Then he walked to an open space, and whenever there was a certain number of people, someone would come to pick him up.

And not far away is the team of core disciples.

The difference in the number of people on both sides is very obvious. Among a thousand testers, there can be one hundred outer disciples, ten inner disciples, and one core disciple.

However, to enter the mountain gate to participate in the test, you also need to choose carefully.

Not to mention that tens of thousands of people were stopped outside the mountain gate.

After officially becoming a disciple, everyone has opportunities for promotion and needs to continue to complete the sect mission to survive, and the chance of successful promotion is very slim.

"The Tianyunzong abolished the system of handyman disciples and changed it to bring followers to the entrance. These outer and inner disciples are not ready-made followers!?"

Among the core group of disciples, some people laughed and showed unkind eyes.

"Who announced the system? It's too wise, right?"

"Haha, of course the supreme Lord Son."

"Yeah! That girl is pretty good, brothers and sisters, don't grab me..."

Each of them looked like a big bad wolf staring at a little white rabbit.

There is no pity, no sympathy, and some are just the weak.

"What's so great about the core disciple?"

Feng Guyun glanced around, then glanced coldly.

There are people outside of human beings, and heaven outside of heaven, these core disciples, in front of the true biography disciples, are still nothing.

"This inner disciple is crazy enough, but...I like it! Once the decision is made, I will accept you as a follower." A young man laughed.

The aura is extremely strong, and among the five qi refining layers, it can be regarded as a leader.

"Accept me as a follower? Are you worthy too?"

Feng Guyun looked cold and sneered.

"This woman has a good look, and she must be a beautiful woman who can be named. If she really receives it, she will be blessed in the future." Someone showed a joke.

"It's hard to say how many goods are in hand, don't you think it is dirty?"

"This young lady just lacks a maid. This woman is not bad. It is the best choice to keep serving some big people in the future."

"If you get a disease, it won't be good..."

Some women sneered and looked disdainful.

"Disgusting, shameless!"

Feng Guyun glared angrily, a ray of cold light shot from her bright eyes.

She grew up holding a golden spoon in her hands, and she is a princess. Today is the most embarrassed day since Zhang was so big.

"Tianyunzong is fighting all directions, you, an inner disciple, can't say that you died on the battlefield that day, and you wasted a good skin."

A young man said: "Follow me, not only can you keep your food and clothing safe, but also the prosperity and wealth is at your fingertips."

During the words, his eyes swept over Feng Guyun's beautiful body.

Seeing that look, I can't wait to peel it off immediately.

"I worshipped Tianyun Sect to find Lu Chenfei, what are you guys?"

Feng Guyun was annoyed, she clenched her fists, and shouted softly.

"Lu Chenfei? Huh! Isn't that the Master Shengzi."

"Even this era started because of Lord Saint Son. It is destined to dominate the existence of an era. You are worthy of boasting about this seaport?"


"Have you heard? The ninth generation of the head teacher, known as the first beauty in Qingzhou, you seem to be a lot worse..."

The cynicism sounded one after another.

Although everyone hadn't seen Lu Chenfei, his deeds had long since been thunderous.

That is the existence of one enemy and one thousand in the canonization ceremony.

If it's just a simple realm suppression, it's nothing. The most terrifying thing is that with the four-fold cultivation base of refining Qi, it can hit the Tianjiao of all forces and explode the test stone by the way.

From start to finish, no one can resist a round, and the defeat is quite miserable.


At this time, Lu Chenfei just drove back.

Standing on the wall of the palace in the distance, leaned over and looked at the mighty crowd below.

"To join the Tianyunzong new disciples this year, it is estimated that there will be about 15,000 people, and the food expenses are a huge sum of money." Geng Shao walked with the account book, full of the smell of cold meat.

Lu Chenfei frowned and asked, "Is there enough food stored?"

Before the realm of supernatural power, eating and drinking Lazard is essential.

After waiting for the realm of supernatural power, go out with a bigu pill, a pill full of vitality, and fight on the battlefield for half a month without feeling tired.

"It can barely last until the winter, and then it can only be purchased and stored." Geng Shao said.

"What to buy? Then you can't spend money..."

Wen Qinliang's eyes widened and said: "From my point of view, these people are still idle in the sect when they are full. Two-fifths of the territory has been laid down in the southern region. Let them go hunting in the wilderness. Tempered."

"This is a good note, so let's set it."

Lu Chenfei nodded and said, "During the hunting process, the disciples who performed outstandingly have contribution points as rewards..."

"Look, there seems to be a fight over there."

Before Lu Chenfei finished speaking, Bai Hong interrupted him.

The encounter is far away.

Lu Chenfei stared intently.


It was too undisciplined to fight and fight on the first day of getting started.

"I don't take the majesty of the sect in the slightest. This kind of person must be severely punished." Lu Chenfei said angrily. The distance was too far, and he didn't see who it was, so he drove over.

As a big brother, you must have a driver to travel.

In fact, Lu Chenfei also wanted to drive by himself, but Wen Qinliang and Bai Hong had to rush to be his drivers.


The playfulness is inevitable.

The hearse came into their hands, unlocked more new poses, and crossed the cliff when nothing happened, performing an extreme leap.

Even the indestructible Haotian Divine Body didn't dare to play with them, it was too scary.

"Trash is not allowed in the Tianyun Sect, and it must not be harmful to the horses of the herd. It must be severely punished to prevent you from doing anything!"

Bai Hong held the steering wheel and drove fast and rampant all the way.

Once you encounter a flow of people blocking the road, pick up the hammer and bang on the co-pilot's clock to signal to retreat.

"Keep it light, I don't want to knock to death myself."

Lu Chenfei's face turned dark for a while. This clock was terrific. It was a gift from Master Master given him after he became a saint son.

At that level, any leg hair has the power to destroy the world.

This big clock was sealed by the formation, but once the power was released, it was said that it would not be a problem to shatter the mountains and rivers.

If there is spiritual blessing, the level of terror is even more unimaginable.

"Big brother is worried that it is a hammer? Every time I hit this thing, my arm tingles."

Bai Hong curled his lips and continued: "It is recommended to replace it with a hammer made from mother gold, so that it can be matched."

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