Soon, the hearse came to the scene of the incident.

Under everyone's attention, the three slowly got out of the car.

Fighting incidents occurred on the first day of entry, and the impact was extremely bad.

"Big...big...big brother, why are you here?"

When some veteran core disciples saw it, they fought with Keke, and they were all frightened.

In fact, the appearance of Lu Chenfei when he was angry is not terrible. What makes people fearful is the majesty, and no one can tolerate blasphemy.

Even if he is standing there, he can give people a sense of anger and prestige.

As a ruler of a hegemonic power, with the power of life and death, all life can't die in a single thought.

Even these veteran disciples were panicked, and the new disciples turned pale and did not even dare to breathe.

Although they couldn't detect any breath from Lu Chenfei's body, they all knew that this was an unspoken truth from a peerless and ruthless person.

"Where are the people involved in the fight?" Lu Chenfei asked.

"It has been suppressed by force and sent to the penalty hall, waiting to be sent."

"By the way, there is a woman among them who said she knew the big brother and shouted to see you..."

The veteran core disciple answered truthfully and did not dare to make any negligence.

"know me?"

Lu Chenfei was taken aback, and said, "What's her name?"

"It looks like..."

The veteran core disciple showed a reminiscence, and said: "It seems that she is called Feng Guyun. She was the first to beat someone... The cause of the incident seems to be someone bullying her.


Lu Chenfei was shocked, returned to the car, and hurried to the penalty hall.

When I was in the secret realm, I told Feng Guyun that the Heavenly Cloud Sect was not suitable for her, so why did he still come?

Don't hit the south wall or look back?

On the first day of entry, he was sent to the penalty hall.


It's not worrying.

"Big brother, your little lover has toiled through the mountains and rivers, worked tirelessly, and left his hometown. In order to attract your attention, he was desperate... It's really an epic love story, but what about the sister-in-law? After knowing it, will there be domestic violence? I heard that the two wives have become magical warriors." Bai Hong smiled hippiely.

Lu Chen slapped up when he flew up, and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, drive!"


Penal Hall.

This is the most impartial and unselfish organization in the Sky Cloud Sect. It is controlled by the thirteen elders and will be passed on to Emperor Sikong in the future.

It's a pity that neither master and apprentice are in the sect.

"The elder is away during this time, who will manage the penalty hall?" Lu Chenfei asked.

"It seems that Senior Brother Qin Ming takes care of it." Bai Hong muttered.

Lu Chenfei relaxed and said, "Then it will be fine."

"But I heard that Brother Qin always ran to the Yinhuan Sect recently, and he was a little bit reluctant to think about it." Wen Qinliang interjected.

"Fuck! Then something is going on, speed faster." Lu Chenfei was startled.

Because he knew that in the penalty hall, to punish the disciples who made mistakes, they would have to peel off if they didn't die, even if the king of heaven came here, it wouldn't be easy.

As for Lu Chenfei...

The position in the Sky Cloud Sect is even stronger than that of the Heavenly King Lao Tzu.


At the same time, inside the penalty hall.

"I advise you to be lenient in confession and strict in resistance. Even if you know the big brother, it is useless. The key is, does the big brother know you?"

"You guys can honestly explain why you are fighting. If you are unwilling to cooperate, don't blame me for waiting for the soul search."

However, all the disciples sent here basically have no human rights. They kneel in a row neatly, with various instruments of torture in front of them.

Any kind of torture instrument used on a person will surely end up miserably.

"It was this woman who made the first move. It doesn't matter if there is no one in the eye, it's unreasonable. I will just passively counterattack. I must punish her, and it has nothing to do with us."

The woman in Tsing Yi raised her hand and pointed to Feng Guyun.

Although Feng Guyun moved his hand first.


No matter how you look at it, she doesn't seem to be a winner.

With disheveled hair, a fair and pretty face, there is a flushed palm print, and a trace of red blood on the corner of his mouth has not dried up yet.

"It's clear that you are deceiving people too much, even if your words are vicious. If you want to accept me as a follower, why don't you allow me to resist?"

Feng Guyun retorted loudly, almost exhaling flames in his eyes, completely frustrated.

"I am all a core disciple, and if I accept you as a follower, it is worthy of you!" said a young man.

There were four people who were sent here, three women and one man.

I don't know if I don't do it, Feng Guyun is very strong, very domineering in spiritual power, and filled with a deep sense of darkness, typical of the magical meditation scripture.

"be quiet!"

The old core disciple who manages the penalty hall is very impatient, and said: "There is a mistake in doing it, and there is also a mistake in deliberately bullying the same door. Each is handled according to the rules, can there be objections?"


They want to have it, but it's useless to have it.

If you do something wrong, you will be punished. It is justified, but the level of punishment varies according to the guilt.

"Drag out and fight! These three, each with 50 kicks, will be held for half a month after the fight."

The executioner waved his hand, then pointed at Feng Guyun, and said, "Well, drag it out to hit the eighty board. After the fight, he will be detained for 20 days."

"They bullied me first, so why should I be punished more severely?" Feng Guyun couldn't be more angry.


The executioner was impatient and said: "There is no distinction between high and low, but in the sect, there are still some. Besides, it is your first hand."

"I know Lu Chenfei, I'm going to find him to judge." Feng Guyun coaxed to his feet, and wanted to walk outside the hall.

The other three who were sent here together showed a gleeful expression. What's the use of knowing? Does anyone know you?

Really use chicken feathers as an arrow, and wait for the punishment to be heavier!

However, at this moment, three figures came outside the hall.

The voice sounded abruptly.

"Stop looking, I'm here."

Lu Chenfei walked in with a dark face, his expression was particularly unnatural, and he said in public: "Didn't you let you practice at home honestly? Why come out to add trouble to me again? Did the Devil Emperor Meditation Classic learn that? Has the cultivation level broken through? With your aptitude, you are the inner disciple at best, and the lowest among the inner disciples, it's really embarrassing!"

When the words fell, he habitually stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers on the crystal clear white forehead.

"Well, I know I was wrong. It's not all to prove that I am not a stupid man. I have already learned the Devil Emperor Meditation Classic."

Feng Guyun lowered her head, pinched the corner of her clothes, pouting her mouth, her small face was full of resentment.

"Just you, aren't you stupid?"

Lu Chenfei despised, and said, "I haven't seen it for half a year. I don't want to say that my cultivation base has not improved. I am embarrassed to be complacent."

"You are not better than me, just raise a small level, believe me, one day surpass you!"

Feng Guyun smiled cleanly, showing a playful and cute side.

This girl is very cute and heartless, but her self-esteem is a little bit strong and she can't stand a big blow.

Sometimes as a joke, it can arouse her determination to become stronger.

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