Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 125: Sign-in completed

After reaching a deal with the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion, Lu Chenfei drove around.

The poor here are really...

The marriage is too early!

At the age of thirteen or four, they are already married, and more than ninety-nine percent of girls basically hold their babies.

"Let you stare at me, it's you." Lu Chenfei returned to the cropland, kicked the accelerator, and plunged directly into the farmland.

"why is it you again?"

The girl was stunned, and then yelled: "You ruined my crops! I'm fighting with you."

"I don't know where the courage comes from."

Lu Chenfei sneered, got out of the car, and immediately subdued the girl when he met each other.

"You, what are you going to do?"

The girl glared at her, very annoyed.

"Honestly, just your little arms and legs, it's useless to eat milk." Lu Chenfei slapped his hips as he spoke.

Don't look at the little girl's thinness, but it is undeniable that her hand feel and elasticity are very good.

Afterwards, he took out the rope from the waist card and tied it up.

"Asshole, you let me go!"

The girl yelled, struggling constantly, her eyes were about to breathe fire.

Some of the poor people working in the farming area all looked up, wanting to extend a helping hand in the past, but Lu Chenfei released a tyrannical aura, and they were all shaken back.

"Tell you the fact that from now on, you will be my trophy, let alone capture you alive, even if you kill you, no one will intervene." Lu Chenfei threatened.

" bully honest people!"

"Yes, that's right, I'm just bullying the honest person, so what can you do?"

Lu Chenfei smiled triumphantly and drove the car, about to leave the original imperial city.

When the hearse passed by the door of Snot-baby's house, the two brothers and sisters looked at each other.

Realizing that the situation was not right, the whole body of the snot-baby shook suddenly.

"Asshole, why are you taking my sister?"

Immediately afterwards, the snot baby cried and screamed, trying his best to catch up.

However, with his slow speed, how can he catch up with the hearse?

Soon, the hearse disappeared at the end of the street.

"Woo, elder sister... elder sister..."

The nasal baby fell into the mud, tears kept rolling down, her thin fists clucked, and her not sharp nails pierced into the flesh and blood.

"Damn it! Give my sister back to me... Give it back to me..."

The pouring rain suddenly fell, and the heart-piercing cries floated in the rain for a long time.


At the gate of the city, the butler had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing the hearse approaching, he hurriedly ordered someone to open the city gate and said to Lu Chenfei: "Master Shengzi, go slowly and don't send it."

"This girl has a younger brother. I will take care of him in the future."

Lu Chenfei left a sentence, and then walked away.

The girl was thrown into the back row, her mouth was blocked, she couldn't shout, she could only whimper and cry.


In the original imperial city, warriors would never allow me to interfere with ordinary people's affairs, and the butler ignored Lu Chenfei's words directly as wind in his ears.


Leaving the original imperial city, a group of refugees outside the city cast their eyes.

They waited all night outside the city, only to realize that Lu Chenfei was only visiting alone and no one followed.

For a time, many people showed strong hostility.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the check-in."

"Get a two-star award, golden palm."

"Received a three-star reward, the fairy bone was upgraded to a supernatural power."

"Get a four-star reward, thunder technique."

"The next sign-in location, determine the mountains, complete the conditions, and get the saint's relic!"

After mastering the three exercises successively, including turning over the clouds and raining hands, Taiyinquan, and Thunder, Lu Chenfei's combat power greatly increased.

As he continued to complete the check-in, he found a problem.

The location is not fixed. Sometimes, you need to complete a specific task. The next time you will be in the Decision Mountain Range, but recently, I haven't heard of the birth of a saint's relic?

If there is news, the brothers of Tianyunzong will definitely notify him as soon as possible.

"Die to Lao Tzu!"

"Kill the Son of Heavenly Cloud Sect and avenge the dead brother."

"Go together, once I miss this opportunity, I will have no hope of revenge in my life."


Just as Lu Chenfei was thinking, loud shouts rang out continuously.

Counting carefully, there were about a dozen refugees who took the shot, the highest but the supernatural powers, and the weakest, the qi refining.

In the eyes of the Tianyunzong army, chasing and killing this group of scum is a waste of time.

Leaving the land of Qingzhou, without taking any supplies, it is difficult for him to make a comeback, and he can only flee to another country and linger.

"Turning the clouds and raining hands!"

Lu Chen flew up, the offensive was swift and fierce, and a gate of **** appeared in mid-air, crushing away.

"It's confirmed that it is the Saint Son of Tianyunzong. He is the only person in this world who can use the exercises in the realm of Qi refining!" Someone suddenly shouted.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met.

For a time, more people showed fierce expressions.

Their homes on which they depended for survival have been destroyed, their families, relatives and friends have become captives, and the hope of revenge is extremely slim.

However, knowing that there is only one person in Lu Chenfei, they all mustered up the courage to release the last blood.

"Jumping beam clown."

Lu Chenfei sneered, and said sarcastically: "If you are bullying and afraid of hardship, just say it. When facing the Tianyunzong army, why don't you see you throwing your heads and blood?"

"Stop talking nonsense, blood debt is paid, today is either you die or I die!"

Someone shouted angrily at Lu Chenfei.


Before that person could finish speaking, Lu Chenfei attacked forcefully, and when the Taiyin fist was thrown out, it gave people an illusion of darkness.

Immediately afterwards, the fierce fist wind whizzed away like a black dragon.


A dull collision sounded, and a heavy warrior with supernatural powers instantly burst into a cloud of blood mist.

Killed in such a flash, still in full view!

All this is too fast, too fast for people to react.


At the moment when Lu Chen fell to the ground, the soil and rocks under his feet cracked, and the cracks spread everywhere.


Someone shouted, took out their weapons, and rushed towards Lu Chenfei.


At this moment, Lu Chenfei's palm flickered, and another martial artist with magical powers instantly died and turned to ashes.

The shocking move of one enemy and one thousand has been done.

The group of small trash fishes in front of them can be easily killed without any effort.

When the thunder light flickered, Taiyinquan attacked continuously, and the ground with a radius of one hundred meters became directly fragmented.

Anyone who dared to lean towards the former pretended to be extremely miserable, with blood mist and fly ash falling from the air.

"No, it's impossible..."

The hearts of everyone present trembled, and a series of events happened in front of them. While terrified, there were also deep fears and trepidations!

"Tianyun Zong obviously gave you a way to survive, but you have to die, that's no wonder someone else."

Lu Chenfei's indifferent words sounded, and at this time, everyone returned to their senses one after another.

The audience was silent, no one dared to speak out, and none came out of the haze of fear.

There are even some people who are incompetent, their legs are shaking, and their shoes are wet.

"Is this... the holy son of Tianyun Sect?"

After a long time, when Lu Chenfei drove away, someone made a sound, and his voice trembled, unsure.

At the same time of fear, there is more shock.

Earlier there were rumors that the son of Tianyunzong was a rare martial arts wizard in ancient times, and his aptitude was against the sky.

In the current Lingyuan era, it is hard to meet a rival.

Before, not many people believed it, and some even expressed dissatisfaction.

They are all carrying a head on their shoulders, so why is the Heavenly Cloud Sect Saint Son being blown to the sky?

But when I saw it today, they were all shocked by the horror.

[PS: The ten chapters of today's explosive update have been completed, please subscribe and reward! 】

I'm tired, I'm taking a rest, I can't hold it...

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