The hearse overturned the mountains.

As a warrior, Lu Chenfei, who had traveled long distances in the Great Wilderness, was a little bit overwhelmed.

The girl who was taken abducted by him was tossed to death.

"Let's stay here tonight. I'll find something to eat. You can wash the car."

In the evening, when the hearse came to a river, Lu Chenfei said to the girl.

After several days of getting along, the girl's hatred for him seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, and she had repeatedly thought of running away.

However, there is no shop in front of the village, and there are countless beasts in the mountains.

She is an ordinary person, and there is only one dead end to escape.

The girl's name is Dousha, and her brother Snot Baby is named Doubao.

"Damn it, don't touch me!"

Dousha stared at her beautiful eyes, yelled softly, and rushed towards Lu Chenfei with a burst of scratches and bites.

"be honest!"

Lu Chenfei scolded.

He stretched out his hand and slapped his hips, leaving a clear slap mark.

Looking at the figure walking away, Dousha's eyes were full of hatred. Her home was gone, her brother who depended on each other was gone, and everything ceased to exist.

Following this man, his life is always threatened.

She fought, cried helplessly, and tried to escape, but nothing helped.

"My brother is still young, I can't worry about it..."

Dousha was lost, not knowing what the future would be like, facing the injustice of fate, she seemed weak and insignificant.


"Young Di girl Yo! Excuse me, what setbacks have you encountered?"

Suddenly, the voice sounded.

Can't find the source, she appeared directly in Dousha's mind, and the other party said with a smile: "By the way, introduce yourself, I am the owner of this river, you can call me the river god."

River god?

Dousha looked surprised.

He probed his head and looked towards the river, thinking that there was an auditory hallucination.

"You are an ordinary person, and it is normal to not see the river god."

The river **** continued: "This **** sees that you have a good aptitude, as long as you follow me, you can have supreme combat power, even beyond the existence of a saint."


Dousha hesitated suddenly, she was not a fool, facing this unknown river god, she was full of guard.

However, thinking of being abducted by Lu Chenfei during this period of time, I suffered all the humiliation.

The river **** suddenly appeared, just like a ray of hope, and her only life-saving straw at the moment.

"I am willing to follow Lord River God."

After Dousha finished speaking, she would kneel down and worship the gods.

However, at this moment.

Lu Chenfei returned, his handsome and handsome face was extremely gloomy at the moment.

"Jumping beam clown, dare to make an axe in class, look at my Taiyinquan!"

With a loud shout, the ghost floating on the river was instantly dissipated as the fist and wind howled.

Boom boom boom...

The surface of the river exploded continuously, and the water waves rippled.

The fact that Dousha can't see it doesn't mean that Lu Chenfei can't see it. Demons and ghosts are rampant in this world, and countless evil spirits feed on living souls or lose their bodies.

And these little ghosts, the usual method is to deceive ordinary people.

"Jie Jie... dare to ruin my good deeds, are you tired of living?"

The broken soul of the evil spirit quickly reorganized, making a harsh sound.

"In the demon refining tower, there is a shortage of talents like you."

The corners of Lu Chenfei's mouth rose, flexing his hands, and walked towards the river bank.

On the side, Dousha was almost frightened!

This man who kidnapped her is not even afraid of gods?


Still want to kill God?

However, what **** is there in this world? It's nothing more than some ghosts, just a good name for yourself.

"Demon Refining Tower? Are you from the Sky Cloud Sect?"

The evil spirit was shocked, even full of panic.

According to rumors, the ninety-nine-story tower for refining demons is the treasure of the second generation of suzerain, suppressing all demons and ghosts in the world, and the demons and demons that were a disaster for the world in the past have all been suppressed and obliterated.

Later, the second generation of suzerain, sitting in the sect, no one could control this tower, and it became a place of trial.

"Turning the clouds and raining hands!"

However, the only one who answered the ghosts was the gate of hell.

Its power is unmatched, and the soul light is crushed again, this time the recovery speed is obviously much slower.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

After being shattered twice and consumed violently, Li Gui was completely enraged, showing his blue face and fangs, and furiously counterattacked.

"Hehe... the mayfly shakes the tree."

Lu Chenfei sneered, raised his hand and slapped it, "Thunder Technique!"

In an instant, Lei Guang made a masterpiece, rushing forward with a breath of silence.

When this technique was performed, the energy fluctuated extremely violently, but his face was full of understatement, and he appeared extremely casual, as if squeezing an ant to death.


The harsh scream sounded, and the soul light shattered again.

In front of Lu Chenfei, Li Ghost was embarrassed by the strength of the first fight, and then he was about to run away.

Before leaving, she also used special means to transmit her voice to Dousha, so that she must stop Lu Chenfei, the gods will bless her, will keep watching her, and will give her a strong body in the future...

In short, it was a confuse.

"Lord River God, go, I won't let anyone hurt you..."

Dousha's anxious words sounded, rushing towards Lu Chenfei, clinging tightly, even closing her eyes, waiting for death to come.

In her eyes, Lu Chenfei was a heinous demon, killing people like hemp, with extremely cruel methods.

"Let go!"

Lu Chenfei yelled, killing intent reflected in his eyes.

If this ghost stays in the world, he will definitely kill again.

Even if it wasn't for the people's harm, selfishness, and handing Li Ligui over to the sect, he could still get some contribution value, that is, the white spirit stone.

"I won't let go!"

Dousha is very stubborn and believes that the "River God" is a good person.

"Foolish people, just don't know how to be grateful for saving your life, and still be with the ghosts, why do you keep you?"

At this moment, Lu Chen flew a murderous heart, and his aura exploded, directly shaking Dousha back.

As the streamer flickered, the spear stood in the air, pointing to the center of the eyebrows.

"I'm a ghost and I won't let you go." Dousha slumped on the ground, staring at Lu Chenfei.


The cold light flashed by in an instant, followed by a splash of blood.

Tears fell from the corner of Dousha's eyes, and her heart was full of unwillingness and resentment.

"Should really send you to mine."

Lu Chenfei's body trembled, and he was really angry.


When Dousha opened her eyes again, she was surprised and said: "Why didn't you kill me?"

On her side face, there was a striking bloodstain, and the cut green silk was flying in the wind.

"It's easy to kill, but it's hard to change ignorant thoughts."

Lu Chenfei grinned, showing a row of white teeth, and said: "I want to use actual actions to tell you that the so-called gods in your mouth can't help you when you are suffering and humiliated."

"You...what do you want?"

Dousha hesitated, and then said angrily: "Why are you bullying an honest person like me? Do honest people deserve to be bullied? Beasts... Get out of here!"

Seeing Lu Chenfei approaching step by step, she embraced her knees and kept backing away, feeling like an ice cave in her heart.

"Bullying an honest person like you, to be honest, does not have a sense of accomplishment, but..."

At this point, Lu Chenfei squeezed his chin, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he laughed: "But it's cool!"


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