Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 127: Whoops, let me go! You look down on yourself too much

It took nearly a month to go back and forth in the great wilderness.

In the November season, the frost is dense, the vegetation is withered, and the yellowed leaves keep falling.

Many beasts in the mountains are about to enter hibernation.

The new disciples of the Tianyun Sect, shuttled through the deep mountains and old forests, and began large-scale hunting.


The mist was spit out from Ji Shoucheng's mouth. Eight months have passed since the end of the Secret Realm. After a period of recuperation, it finally returned to its peak state.

Even when he was defeated, he was a blessing in disguise and became a martial artist with supernatural powers.

When he was exhausted and was about to die in a coma, the woman who fed him the medicine, after many inquiries, was from the Wild God Sect!

It's a coincidence that he heard another news just as he was about to come to thank you for your gratitude.

The woman was captured alive by Lu Chenfei, and now she has become a lowly handmaid.

"Tianyun Sect, I want to wait with you endlessly!"

When the words fell, Ji Shoucheng stood up, holding a long silver sword in his hand, and saw that a Tianyunzong disciple went hunting in the mountains, and started a frenzied killing.

Of course, he didn't dare to do too much, most of them were just assassinations, because in the hunting team, there were still several Tianyunzong hall masters following.

The hall master is generally above the realm of supernatural powers, even if he has the holy bones, he can't match it.


In early November, Lu Chenfei drove the hearse and finally left the Great Wilderness and came to the border city of the Nanming Empire.

Due to the weather, Dousha, who was sitting behind, had her small face white with cold, wrapped in thick animal skins, and still couldn't help her body trembling.

After getting along during this period of time, every time I look at Lu Chenfei's expression, I feel angry and scared.

"It's arranged for you, from now on you go mining!"

Lu Chenfei turned to look at the back row of seats, and continued: "The mine is a good place to make a fortune. Someone will come to greet you later. I wish you good luck in the days to come."


Dousha snorted and did not reply.

She wanted to get rid of her clutches a long time ago, whether she was a miner or was thrown away and left alone, as long as she could fly away from Lu Chen, she could accept any price.

"Don't be angry, it's just selling you for money... In the future, you will slowly make money and just redeem yourself for yourself." Lu Chenfei laughed.

"How much can I redeem?"

Dousha's voice was cold, and she really thought she was sold.

Lu Chenfei thought and said, "Not many, about one hundred thousand spirit stones, but let me tell you that if you dig the fetus, luck will explode once, and you won't have a problem with earning tens of millions of spirit stones."

"A hundred thousand spirit stones..."

Dousha lowered her head. For her, this was definitely an astronomical number.

Before, Lu Chenfei also told her that the monthly salary of a miner is only ten spiritual stones, even if he doesn't eat or drink for a lifetime, he won't save enough money to redeem him.

"You sell me, how much do you get?" Dousha raised her head and asked again.

She seemed to have accepted this fate, and the countless previous struggles and resistances were of no avail.

The **** she trusted was also in vain.

"Oh, let me go!"

Lu Chenfei showed contempt, and laughed: "You too value yourself. It would be nice if I didn't pay for it."

"I hate you."

A gleam of light flashed in Dousha's eyes.

"Have you seen those homeless refugees? Every one of them hates me and even dreams of killing me, but what's the use of this? I'm still alive and well." Lu Chenfei Have a fun laugh.

Soon, the vehicle entered the city.

The roadside guards bowed and saluted, all with a respectful attitude.

Since the Nanming Kingdom surrendered, the royal family was still the former royal family, but on top of the head, there was an invisible hand that controlled everything in the empire.

In every city in the empire, there are masters of the Sky Cloud Sect, and all the bandits, horse bandits, demons, etc. in the country are smashed and killed without leaving any future troubles.

The people live and work in peace and contentment, and many warriors volunteer to join the army. As long as they have merits, regardless of their origin, they will be rewarded in accordance with the rules of the Tianyunzong.

"Welcome to Lord Saint Son."

On the broad street, a Tianyunzong hall master came, followed by many magical martial artists.

There are these warriors guarding the border, those who throw away their helmets and abandon their armor and leave their hometowns, passing through this place are seeking their own death.

"How is the situation in the south?"

Lu Chenfei stopped the car and made an inquiring sound.

"Return to Lord Saint Son, in the area of ​​Yousha Valley and Tiansongcheng, the enemy army established a majestic pass, and it has been unable to attack for a long time. The great elder is now sitting in Yousha Valley, ready to fight a war of attrition with the enemy." Wang Ming answered truthfully.

He is the hall master who is responsible for guarding this place. He has the first level of cultivation on the Taoist platform, an existence that transcends the realm of supernatural powers, and his strength is unpredictable.

"Here, this is the prisoner I caught in the original imperial city. Send it to the ten elders to mine. I have something to do and it is inconvenient to stay for a long time."

Lu Chenfei stretched out his hand and pointed to the back seat, put down Dousha, and then drove away.

"Yes, Lord Son, please go slowly."

Wang Ming nodded quickly.

However, when he looked at Dousha, he was taken aback.

This girl's appearance and figure are not too bad, but she is a little weaker, and there must be no problem sending it to the mine to work.

The point is, she is an ordinary person!

Go to the original imperial city, and then catch an ordinary person back?

It seems that it's not like the style of the Saint Son...

"Little girl, what's your name? What is the relationship with Master Shengzi?" Wang Ming asked.

"My name is Dousha. I was sold to you by that villain. Don't worry, I will work hard to make money and redeem myself."

Dousha clenched her fists, looked at the direction Lu Chen was flying away, and gave a vicious look.


Wang Ming was a little dazed.

"Didn't I give you one hundred thousand spiritual stones, I will be free?" Dousha asked, raising her head.

"Quick, don't make trouble!"

Wang Ming grinned and said, "The mine never accepts slaves, and even the core disciples are rushing to go."

"what did you say?"

This time, Dousha's turn was surprised.

On the way here, Lu Chenfei told her about the situation in the sect.

It is said that the core disciples of the Tianyun Sect are all great existences, as long as they don't fall and become holy too early, it is not a big problem.

If some people have both chance and luck, they might still be immortals.

"Master Shengzi, maybe it's just teasing you..."

Wang Ming scratched his head awkwardly, and continued: "According to the instructions, you must be sent away immediately. If there is any misunderstanding, please talk to Master Shengzi later."


Dousha was silent, her expression extremely complicated.

For a time, I didn't know what words to use to express my inner feelings.

On the way, Lu Chenfei drove her like a slave, and when he was disobedient, he would beat her a few times.

The very resentful man in her heart, but in the end, she gave herself a big chance! ?

She couldn't believe it, and she suspected that she was dreaming...


The other end.

While the teleportation array flickered, Lu Chenfei left Nanming Kingdom.

However, he did not return to the Sky Cloud Sect, but found the coordinates and teleported to Yousha Valley.

With Shao Geng sitting in the sect, he is more at ease than anyone else.

Even, in many cases, Geng Shao is more reliable than him.

"I wonder if the old man, Master, misses me..."

Lu Chenfei murmured, "I will be a martial artist with supernatural powers soon. When I break through the realm, the master will definitely not be by my side. If only he could pass on his fame and skill in advance to me..."

"Of course, I don't dislike it for some Lingbao or something, it's really impossible, just some vulgar ones, and it's okay for Lingshi."

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