Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 202 The President Is My Brother

While eating, Zhang Juan and Yu Huitao still reminded Zhang Jiajia that they must be careful to become Xinmei.

"She can be careful! As long as you offend her once, she will remember you forever!" Zhang Juan said with a serious face.

"Oh, what should I do? You work under her hands. If she targets you, it will be bad!" Yu Huitao was also very nervous.

"Jiajia, you must never resign! We finally joined the Shengshi Group. This is a job that everyone envy in Tianhai City!"

Yu Huitao grabbed Zhang Jiajia's little hand and said pleadingly.

Zhang Jiajia looked at these two friends who were sincerely concerned about her, and her heart warmed.

Although the workplace is a very sinister place, being able to reap sincere friendship here is even more precious.

She smiled slightly and patted Yu Huitao's hand and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely not leave! And, I will always do it here."

Hearing this, Yu Huitao was relieved a lot, smiled and nodded, "Hmm, that's right! No matter how difficult the road ahead is, you will see a rainbow as long as you get past it!"

Zhang Juan sighed and shook her head.

How could it be that simple! You are still young and don't understand the sinister society!

She thought so in her heart.

However, Zhang Juan didn't say it. She was afraid that she would blow Zhang Jiajia's enthusiasm.

On the other side, Xu Qian and Cheng Xinmei were sitting together, talking affectionately to please her, while looking at Zhang Jiajia who was chatting and laughing.

In her eyes, resentment grew stronger.

"Hey, the current newcomer is really a headache, it's not as easy as before!" Xu Qian sighed deliberately.

Cheng Xinmei's heart moved when she heard this.

"Xu Qian, what's the matter? Which newcomer upset you?" Cheng Xinmei asked knowingly.

Xu Qian curled her lips, "Who else! Isn't it the Zhang Jiajia! I can't stand your attitude towards you today!"

She snorted coldly with a look of embarrassment: "Huh, you didn't even know how to respect the leaders when you first entered the workplace, which made you lose face in the office! Such an employee, I really don't know how to get in!"

This sentence means that Jin Cheng Xinmei's heart is gone!

She has always been brooding about what happened in the morning, and Xu Qian said very tricky. The sentence "You lost face in the office!" aroused her anger!

Cheng Xinmei was about forty years old, and she focused on fighting for power in the office, and she didn't even get married when she was too old.

Without love, she can only focus all her energy on promotion, and her heart is also distorted and sensitive, for fear that others will disrespect her at all.

After Xu Qian said something, Cheng Xinmei instantly felt that Zhang Jiajia had lost her face in the entire department!

This made her eyes burst with resentment and almost broke the chopsticks in her hand!

"In other words, when I just graduated, I worked in a state-owned enterprise for seven years! Alas, at that time, I respected the leaders and old employees as much as my parents!"

"Do you know that I go to work at nine o’clock every day, and I’m in the office at 7:30! I wipe the table and pour water for every leader and colleague! When someone scolds me, I just nod and listen honestly, without a word? Dare to come back! This is called being clear from the top to the bottom and being sensible! Hey, how come the children nowadays have lost these traditional virtues?"

Cheng Xinmei said with a look of resentment and puzzlement.

Xu Qian smiled in her heart, you have said this to me eight hundred times! Are you annoying?

But on the face, she still showed very much approval.

"Yeah, you are right! The problem is definitely not with you, but with Zhang Jiajia! Hey, she will stay here in the future, I don't know how much she has to show you! Sister Cheng, I really don't deserve it for you. How kind you are to her!"

Xu Qian said with regret.

When Cheng Xinmei heard these words, she felt as if she had met a soulmate!

She grabbed Xu Qian's hand and said moved: "Hey, Xu Qian! Thanks to you, you still understand me!"

She lowered her head and thought for a moment, and then said sharply, "Although this disobedient little girl is easy to use, it will definitely be a big trouble in the future! It seems that I can't keep it!"

Although Zhang Jiajia has passed the two-month internship period, the first year of Shengshi Group is the observation period due to the assessment of the staff's ability.

During this period, if the direct leader of the new employee thinks that he is not competent for the job, he can propose to dismiss him!

Originally in Cheng Xinmei's group, she planned to quit the cowardly little girl Zhou Xiao. But now, she has changed her choice!

Xu Qian smiled and nodded her head, feeling very happy in her heart!

Let you Zhang Jiajia be disobedient, now I will let you understand why old employees can't offend!


After lunch, Zhang Jiajia came to the group building, and while walking, she found a quiet place and called Zhang Yi.

"Hey, brother, I'm Jiajia!"

Zhang Yi received Zhang Jiajia's call, quickly connected, and smiled and asked, "Jiajia, have you eaten lunch?"

"Well, just finished eating! Now I'm walking downstairs."

"By the way, I want you to help me with something."

"Oh?" Zhang Yi said with a smile, "This is the first time you have asked me actively, let's talk about it, is it a work-related thing."

"Yes, I want to change my position now."

Zhang Yi knows that Zhang Jiajia has been doing expense accounting for three months, and has mastered the skills in this area very proficiently.

He nodded: "I see, I will arrange a new position for you."

"Thank you brother!" Zhang Jiajia smiled sweetly.

At this moment, she felt extremely refreshed in her heart.

What a pleasure it is to have an older brother who is an adult president?

As long as the work is uncomfortable, you can immediately transfer yourself.

Zhang Jiajia has no doubt, even if she asks to be the department head now, Zhang Yi will agree.

It's just that Zhang Jiajia is not in a hurry, she wants to rely on her own ability to step up step by step, after all, in order to get enough exercise.

After taking a round outside, Zhang Jiajia returned to the office to take a nap for a while.

Xu Qian was sitting next to her and playing with her mobile phone, and when she saw her coming, her face suddenly showed sarcasm.

"Oh, I'm back! There is still time to walk, it's great!"

Usually at this time, Zhang Jiajia will return to work after lunch.

Faced with her yin and yang strangeness, Zhang Jiajia just smiled faintly, "Yes, when I thought of not working for others, I suddenly had plenty of time!"

Xu Qian frowned and snorted coldly: "Hey, some people! I don't know how to cherish it when I have a job. In case I don't even have to do a job one day, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret it!"

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