The next day, the entire Shengshi Group became busy.

Zhang Yi is coming over to inspect the work this afternoon, and all the employees are extremely excited and busy.

In addition to cleaning every floor well, the administrative department has also approved a fund to purchase a lot of flowers for decoration.

At the huge gate of the group, the five-meter-wide and two-hundred-meter-long red carpet has been spread along the gate to the road!

"Quickly, put this potted flower on the side of the road, so that the president can see its blooming flowers at the first glance!"

"These two pots of rose orchids must be placed in the hall. They cannot be exposed to sunlight, otherwise they will wilt in the afternoon!"

At the gate, dozens of employees were busy setting up the scene.

At this time, a handsome young man in casual clothes, twenty-five and sixteen years old, appeared at the door, stepping on the new soft red carpet with his feet.

A small leader of the administration department almost stared at this scene!

He hurried over and yelled as he ran, "Quickly dodging, dodging quickly, there can be no traces of footprints on the red carpet, which department do you belong to, so ignorant!"

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly when he heard this, and then took his feet away from the carpet.

As he withdrew back, he smiled and asked, "This road is paved. Where do I go?"

The school leader ran over, knelt directly on the carpet, and took out a handkerchief from his pocket to clean up his footprints a little bit.

After hearing Zhang Yi's words, he said without looking up: "Go through the back door! Didn't your department inform you? The president is coming today. This red carpet is specially prepared for him!"

Having said that, he raised his head and glanced at Zhang Yi. Everyone is a man, but the man in front of him is tall and handsome, and he can make his debut as a movie star!

And in him, there is a powerful aura that makes people want to bow their head respectfully.

He swallowed his saliva, his voice softened a lot, "Which department are you from?"

There are handsome guys of this level in the company, and everyone knows the truth!

Zhang Yi looked at the listing on his chest and said with a smile: "Oh, I came for an interview today, sorry!"

The little leader breathed a sigh of relief, "For an interview, go through the back door. The front door is not open today!"

Zhang Yi touched his nose, feeling a little bit of evil for his prank.

He told Su Mingyu that he would come in the afternoon, but he actually came here in the morning in a resting suit.

What I wanted was a surprise attack. I wanted to take advantage of the fact that the various departments in the group didn't know, and I wanted to make a surprise check on their work.

By the way, it can be regarded as a surprise to Zhang Jiajia and Su Mingyu.

Zhang Yi entered the group along the back door, and then started walking along the second-floor office.

Since everyone is busy decorating and preparing to meet Zhang Yi, seeing a person walking around did not feel that something was wrong.


In the morning, Zhang Jiajia came to the Finance Department as usual.

Many people in the office are still carefully sorting out their workstations, and everyone's faces are filled with excitement.

"Today, the president is coming to inspect our work! Oh, we must perform well and clean up!"

"Hmph, your table has been wiped a dozen times, how can you clean it?"

"Huh, I want you to take care of it! Didn't you buy two bottles of orchids and put them in front of you? I don't remember that you have this kind of elegance!"

"Hehehe, people also hope to make a good impression on the new president!"

Ninety-five percent of the employees in the finance department are women.

They are typical urban white-collar workers, and their wages are not high or low, and they can work well. And because of the financial affairs of a large group, he is busy with his work and the circle is relatively small.

So until now, most of the girls are single, even some exaggerated, and have never been in love!

It is not that they have no targets because of their bad conditions, but because the conditions are relatively good, and they are exposed to huge sums of money and leaders of various departments every day.

So over time, the vision becomes higher. Those who came and went, really look down on those ordinary men!

Ever since, knowing that the president, a billionaire, is coming to inspect the work, they are busy trying to clean up!

If you can get the favor of the President at that time, won't you just go straight to the peak and climax of your life?

Only Zhang Jiajia, with a smile, began to work seriously after sitting down in a tidy desk.

Soon after, Cheng Xinmei suddenly came over and stood behind Zhang Jiajia and said with a smile: "Jiajia, come out with me!"

This time, her tone became a little harsh, and everyone next to her could hear her.

Yu Huitao and Zhang Juan felt tight.

"What's the matter? Cheng Xinmei is not trying to retaliate against Jiajia, right?" Yu Huitao asked Zhang Juan in a low voice while wiping the table.

Zhang Juanjuan sighed, "That must be revenge! Who is Cheng Xinmei? He is famous for being careful. If she doesn't take revenge, it would be strange!"

There was a look of pity in her eyes, "But seeing that there is something wrong with this posture, shouldn't it be persuasive to retreat?"

"Ah, isn't it? Just for the clothes?" Yu Huitao's eyes widened.

"Yes, Cheng Xinmei takes her face more seriously than anything else! Her heart is more cruel than anyone else!" Zhang Juan nodded and said solemnly.

Zhang Jiajia glanced at Cheng Xinmei and nodded lightly, "Okay!"

Then she locked the computer, then got up and walked out with Cheng Xinmei.

After arriving at the office outside, Zhang Jiajia saw a woman with short hair in a white suit and gold glasses sitting behind the desk.

Her face is very cold, giving a feeling of depression.

Seeing Zhang Jiajia coming, she slowly raised her head and said faintly: "Is that Zhang Jiajia? Sit down!"

Zhang Jiajia glanced at her badge, which had the words "Head of Personnel Department" written on it.

In an instant, Zhang Jiajia immediately understood what had happened!

There are usually only two kinds of contact between ordinary employees and the personnel department.

The first is when entering a job, and the second is when leaving!

And being interviewed by the Ministry of Personnel means that she will be fired!

Cheng Xinmei also sat next to her, looking at Zhang Jiajia with her hands on her chest with indifference.

"Jiajia, I'm sorry to have one thing, but I have to talk to you today!"

Zhang Jiajia looked at Cheng Xinmei with a cold face, and suddenly felt very ridiculous.

Although she hated the smiling tiger leader, she really didn't expect that she would expel herself directly because of the clothes!

Zhang Jiajia was very angry in her heart, but she didn't have the slightest fear.

Because the woman in front of me doesn't know how terrifying her true identity is.

Ever since, she faintly smiled at the two people, and Shi Shiran sat down.

"If you have anything, please tell me as soon as possible, I still have a lot of documents to deal with!"

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