The head of the personnel department and Cheng Xinmei were a little surprised to see Zhang Jiajia's calm and composed attitude.

Usually this kind of employees who have just joined the company will be very nervous when interviewed by the personnel department, and it is common for them to be speechless.

But the little girl in front of her didn't seem to be nervous at all, she had a sense of calmness and generosity.

The head of the personnel department frowned and quietly glanced at Cheng Xinmei next to him.

She thought to herself: Seeing that the girl's aura is not like someone who is incapable of working, expelling her is probably related to Cheng Xinmei!

Although I admire Zhang Jiajia very much, I still have to abide by the rules of the workplace.

After all, she didn't want to offend a director of the finance department, especially the charge.

Otherwise, there will be a reimbursement in the future, so you have to trouble others for accommodation.

So, she picked up several Zhang Jiajia's materials in her hand, including Cheng Xinmei's work report written by Cheng Xinmei who stayed up late yesterday.

"Zhang Jiajia, you have been in our group for three months! First of all, thank you for your hard work in these three months, but you should understand that we are the largest group in Tianhai City! The requirements for employees are very high. If you are unqualified , Is to be removed from the team as soon as possible."

"Maybe it's not that your ability is not enough, but our group's requirements are too high, and you can't meet it. So, do you understand what I mean?"

The head of the personnel department stared at Zhang Jiajia, and said without the slightest emotion in her voice.

Cheng Xinmei hugged her chest with her arms in her arms, with a smug look on her face.

She looked at Zhang Jiajia excitedly, waiting to see her helpless and hopeless expression.

It's best to cry on the spot and beg them to give her one last chance!

Haha, it would be so pleasant to be a new plum in that way!

Who knows that after listening to the head of the personnel department, Zhang Jiajia's face didn't show much surprise, but frowned slightly.

Then she looked at Cheng Xinmei, with a contemptuous smile on her lips, "So it is! But I have a question to ask my leader, in terms of work, where am I not doing well enough?"

Cheng Xinmei didn't see what she wanted to see, and she was suddenly a little unhappy.

She said in an official tone: "Oh, Jiajia! It's not that Sister Cheng said you, your work efficiency during this period is too bad. And in the documents you reviewed, Sister Cheng found many errors. This really makes me very uncomfortable. satisfy!"

Zhang Jiajia did not speak. When a newcomer just took over a job, low work efficiency and high error rates were inevitable.

But that was only the first half of a month, and by the time she reached the second month, her work ability was no longer inferior to the old employees. If this were not the case, she would not be able to get a chance to become a positive person.

Cheng Xinmei continued:

"Actually, as a newcomer, it is understandable that there are problems at work. I also allow you to make certain mistakes."

"But do you know what I'm most unacceptable? It's that you don't have a sense of group and team spirit! How long have you just been here, and you have a conflict with your colleagues."

Cheng Xinmei shook her finger and said pretentiously: "Look, first, you failed in your work ability; second, you couldn't unite with colleagues, which caused a bad influence! So, although Sister Cheng really wants you to stay Come down, but I can’t do this for the benefit of the company!"

Listening to Cheng Xinmei's high-sounding words, Zhang Jiajia suddenly laughed.

"Well, I know! So in your Cheng Xinmei's eyes, as long as you don't listen to you, it means that you are not good at work and don't unite with colleagues. Are the employees in our group your slaves?!"

"It's a shame that you have the face to say this kind of thing, maybe you don't know what everyone says behind your back. No one in the whole office likes you, they think you are a selfish and despicable smiling tiger!"

The head of the personnel department is accustomed to seeing this kind of dismissed emotional situation, so his expression is very calm.

But Cheng Xinmei couldn't accept it. What she cared about most was her face, but she didn't expect Zhang Jiajia to say that people in the whole department didn't like her! How can she accept this?

"You nonsense! My popularity in the office is so good! Everyone is very affectionate with me, but you are not popular with me, it's just that you don't get along well with me!"

Cheng Xinmei said sharply.

If she is not married at a young age, work is everything to her, and the office is her circle of friends.

She always feels that she is great on weekdays, and she should be an object that everyone admires, respects, and loves.

How can she accept Zhang Jiaji's remarks?

Zhang Jiajia sneered coldly, "Are you still lying to yourself here? Let me tell you, people talk to you and laugh with you on weekdays, but they actually treat you as a fool! There is no one who doesn't scold you in secret! On weekdays Eating and chatting with you, just because you are in an office, you don’t want to tear your face. Otherwise, if you think about it, has anyone ever shared your secrets with you?"

This sentence was like a thunder that struck Cheng Xinmei's forehead!

Yes, she suddenly wanted to understand what was wrong!

Obviously everyone will greet her cordially when they see her, and they can talk and laugh on weekdays, but why do they feel that there is some emptiness around her?

It is because she has no one who can speak her heart in the office, and she has no real friends at all!

"You are talking nonsense! Xu Qian and I have a very good relationship. We have been working together for five years, and the relationship is good!"

Cheng Xinmei slapped the table and shouted, with no image at all.

The corners of Zhang Jiajia's mouth have a stronger smile, anyway, he has torn his face, so there is nothing to say.

"Oh, isn't it? It's a pity that people don't think so. Xu Qian told me several times that she felt that if you weren't getting married when you were old, it must be a physical problem. Maybe you're still an old virgin with a mental distortion. ! Otherwise, I wouldn't be so harsh on the people around me!"

These words were Xu Qian's original words, and Zhang Jiajia didn't add any oil or vinegar at all.

Although Xu Qian is Cheng Xinmei's subordinate, she has a happy family and she has a decent job. She has never put Cheng Xinmei in her eyes.

On the surface, it was just to please her for work, but in fact Xu Qian was the one who complained about her secretly!

Cheng Xinmei's angry flat breasts constantly undulate, like a crowing hen.

She pointed out the door tremblingly, and shouted in a sharp voice: "Get out of here!"

The harsh sound made Zhang Jiajia and the personnel director next to them both dig their ears.

The head of the personnel department glanced at Cheng Xinmei, teasing also appeared in his eyes.

This woman is moody and she doesn't like it very much. This time, seeing her angry at her subordinates, the head of the personnel department also felt very happy.

After all, women like to watch the excitement and talk about gossip.

Hehe, this matter can be discussed for a whole year! Really serve!

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