Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 211: Absolutely Can't Be Specialized!

Xu Qian had been wiping tears silently beside her, but she actually squeezed out two drops, rubbing her eyes desperately to make her eyes red. An aggrieved and unjust look.

She was silent, hoping that Cheng Xinmei would be fired soon, and she didn't like this nasty woman either. Secondly, if Cheng Xinmei goes down, the oldest employee in her group might have the opportunity to become a supervisor!

But she didn't expect that Cheng Xinmei was in despair and chose to take her out of the pan!

She looked at Cheng Xinmei with horror and anger, and screamed: "Cheng Xinmei, how could you wrong me so much! Give Jiajia the job, isn't this what you asked me to do?"

Cheng Xinmei stared at Xu Qian, for the sake of her own future, she no longer cared about the "feelings" between her and Xu Qian.

"You shut up! I'm just telling you that Jiajia is a new colleague. She must help her well and let her master work experience as soon as possible! Who told you to bully her! Mr. Zhang, Mr. Liu, the culprit is her! It's her! Has been instigating in my ears to get me to fire Jiajia!"

Cheng Xinmei grabbed Xu Qian by the collar and said to Zhang Yi and Liu Huiwen.

Xu Qian was very angry, and pulled into Xinmei’s long dry hair with her backhand, and screamed: "You bullshit!!! It's not my business at all, you did it! You bitch, everyone hates you. I feel sick to you secretly! The leader will expel her soon, it must be a delightful thing!"

Cheng Xinmei grabbed Xu Qian's hair backhand and tore vigorously and cursed: "You are the most disgusting woman! Quickly and honestly admit that you are the one who harmed Jiajia! Don't let me because You take responsibility!!!"

The two women, because they didn't want to lose the glamorous job of the Shengshi Group, pulled their hair like a shrew and started fighting!

Liu Huiwen's face turned green, and doing such a thing in front of Zhang Yi humiliated the entire finance department!

"Give me all..."

She just wanted to yell, but Zhang Yi's hand was raised and stopped her.

"Hey~~ This kind of scene is not very common, let's continue to see it!"

Zhang Yi said with a wicked look on his face.

Liu Huiwen: "..."

Well, you are the boss, you have the final say.

With embarrassment on her face, she could only stand behind Zhang Yi with anger.

In the entire finance department office, other employees were dumbfounded. I didn't expect this serious and high-level finance department to have such indecent tears!

Cheng Xinmei and Xu Qian, both urban white-collar workers, wear neatly in suits on weekdays.

But at this time, they were pulling at each other's hair and clothes, tearing at each other in every possible way.

He scolded while fighting, and finally even forgot why he fought, just to vent his grievances on the opponent!

Pulling hair, pinching thighs, and even using some tricks that only rogue fights can use!

The scene is too exciting, if two big beauties are doing this kind of thing, Zhang Yi will definitely appreciate it with a smile on his face.

But Xu Qian and Cheng Xinmei are both a little older, and their beauty is not much.

Therefore, occasionally, when he is really tearing or pinching his chest, he just shakes his eyebrows, so he can only smile in a leisurely manner.

Liu Huiwen slowly couldn't stand it anymore. Can't you always let the president see this kind of tearing?

She lowered her body and asked quietly, "Mr. Zhang, what do you think these two people should do?"

Zhang Yi recovered from watching the play with gusto, but looked at Liu Huiwen with a surprised smile.

"Huh? Isn't you in charge of the Finance Department? You should ask yourself what should be done!"

Smart people never need to speak too clearly.

Zhang Yi's attitude is obviously to let these two women leave!

Liu Huiwen understood her heart and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will notify the Personnel Department immediately and send them a notice of dismissal! The Finance Department of Shengshi Group absolutely cannot allow such people to remain!"

She quietly glanced at Zhang Jiajia, and then said: "There is one more thing, I want a special approval, and you must agree to the president!"

Zhang Yi looked surprised, "Oh? What else hasn't been dealt with?"

Liu Huiwen said: "Sheng Xinmei is not worthy of position, so we have to be expelled from our team! But in this way, the position of director of the expense group is vacant."

"After my careful inspection, the only person who can hold this position is Zhang Jiajia! The company requires at least one year of work experience for executive-level people, and only after the inspection period. So I dared to apply for a special offer. I hope that the president can agree!"

Zhang Yi frowned when he heard this.

He patted the table and shouted in a deep voice: "Mr. Liu! I admire your ability and your vision. But how long does Jiajia work? Only three months! Let her be the head of the expense group. Can that convince the public? Can the employees in our finance department be convinced?"

"No! I definitely can't make a specialization just because she is my Zhang Yi's sister!"

Liu Huiwen didn't change her face, she stood up straight with a slanderous appearance.

"Mr. Zhang, the reason why I put forward this opinion is definitely not because Zhang Jiajia is your own sister! It is because after my careful inspection, she has confirmed that she has the ability and responsibility! Exercising does not evade enmity, and does not evade internal act. Dear! You can't deny her a chance to rise just because she is your sister!"

Liu Huiwen looked at the middle-level leaders and employees in the office and said with a smile: "I think Jiajia's hard work and dedication during this period can be seen by everyone! No one will have any objection to her as the head of the expense group. "

Several financial directors immediately spoke very sensibly.

"Yes, yeah, Jiajia grew up as we watched! Her ability is beyond doubt! I, Qian Jin, is the second to support her as the head of the expense group!"

"I brought Jiajia out by myself, and I often guide her work. Well, Wang Fugui, the director of management and accounting, strongly supports this matter!"

Several directors passed unanimously, and none of them had any objections to this matter.

Seeing such a scene, and hearing Liu Huiwen's painstaking persuasion, Zhang Yi's heart seemed to loosen a little.

"Oh, there is some truth to what I said! As Jiajia's brother, I certainly understand how outstanding her ability and responsibility are! If I was too old-fashioned to influence her to contribute to the group, it seems a bit too arrogant. Right?"

He seemed to sigh very helplessly.

"Since Jiajia is so popular, I have to bear the pain and give her such a chance! Mr. Liu, I can approve this matter specially. But I request that the election of the head of the expense group must be carried out in strict accordance with the group's process! This matter , I Zhang Yi will not participate!"

"Remember, we can't make any specialization just because Zhang Jiajia is my sister of Zhang Yi! Shengshi Group is a big family, and every employee is the same in my eyes!"

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