Zhang Yi is selfless and does not favor his sister Zhang Jiajia at all.

This spirit touched everyone in the entire office, and the employees rolled their eyes.

Liu Huiwen and several directors took the lead in applauding and praised: "The selfless spirit of Mr. Zhang really moved us. Under Mr. Zhang's leadership, our Shengshi Group will definitely flourish and develop towards a better future!"

Having said that, she then glanced at the entire office and asked with a smile: "Mr. Zhang said that now everyone can run for the position of the head of the expense group fairly! Who wants to sign up?"

The scene is very quiet.

Everyone seems to think that Zhang Jiajia is the most suitable candidate!

Liu Huiwen nodded with satisfaction, "Since everyone does not speak, it shows that Zhang Jiajia is the most suitable candidate for the charge group leader! Then I can also announce that starting today, Zhang Jiajia will be the charge group leader! Applause!"

A group of people applauded warmly.

And Cheng Xinmei, who was still torn with Xu Qian, let out a scream at this time, struggling to stand up.

"No! Leader, give me another chance! I have been doing finance for more than ten years, and there is hard work without credit!"

She has disheveled clothes and messy hair, just like a madman.

Liu Huiwen sighed and said to her solemnly: "Xinmei, don't you know where you are wrong now? You have been on the same spot for more than ten years, which shows that your ability is not good! Our Shengshi Group treats employees The abilities are very demanding, and you have no room for improvement. It is better to get a compensation fund honestly, and then look for a job again!"

"No! I don't want it!"

Cheng Xinmei cried desperately, "Mr. Liu, please help me intercede! I must work hard in the future. I will do whatever you ask me to do?"

She pulled Liu Huiwen's trouser legs and said.

Liu Huiwen suddenly became angry. Are you a fool?

I have already reserved your seat for the sister of the President, where is there a place for your thin buttocks?

Let me intercede in front of the president, when I am tired of living, right?

Liu Huiwen has been the head of the finance department for so many years, so she can naturally distinguish the situation clearly.

Now it is Zhang Yi who wants Cheng Xinmei to get out, so that she will not antagonize her leader!

So she kicked Cheng Xinmei away, and angrily said: "Enough, Cheng Xinmei! Don't you want me to save you face? Do you have to let me say something bad?"

"You are jealous of the talents, and persecute capable new employees for your own self-interest. This is already a big joke of the group! If you continue to keep you, you don’t know how many employees will be cheated by you! For the development of the group and all the employees in the finance department For the benefit of you, you must let me go!"

Xu Qian got up with a cheerful expression, pulled Cheng Xinmei’s arm, and said to Zhang Yi, Zhang Jiajia and Liu Huiwen graciously: "Leader, don’t bother, I’ll drag her away! This kind of person stays in the department. It’s a scourge, I’ve long seen her displeased! It’s so wise for the leader to let her go!"

The corners of Zhang Yi's mouth rose slightly.

"Mr. Liu, the employees in our department are very important. Both work ability and character must be examined carefully! I don't care about what happened before, but now that I take office, I have to have a new atmosphere. Are you right?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said to Liu Huiwen.

Liu Huiwen hurriedly smiled and nodded in greeting: "Yes, yes, you are right! In fact, I have always felt that the department has some ills, and I am planning to rectify it! Your remarks are like an enlightenment, showing me the direction!"

She stretched out her hand and pointed at Xu Qian: "I saw your behavior just now! As Cheng Xinmei's accomplice, you were also fired!"

Xu Qian's face was pale, and she screamed, "No, no, no, it's not like that! I'm just an ordinary employee, and it's all the things Cheng Xinmei asked me to do!"

"Jiajia, aren't we good sisters? Do you remember that I gave you a bottle of yogurt two days ago! Can you say something for me?"

Zhang Jiajia smiled, "Isn't it just a bottle of yogurt? I remember it's expired, you don't want to drink it yourself. Since you are obsessed with it, I will return you a box!"

Zhang Yi nodded, "Jia Jia is doing the right thing! To be a man, you must know your gratitude, come here, and feed Miss Xu yogurt!"

Immediately a few more powerful employees came over, took the expired yogurt that Xu Qian had given them pretensely before, and pressed it into her mouth!

There is no sense of guilt in doing this, because Xu Qian is usually a long-tongued woman in the office. In addition to gossiping about other people's scandals and spreading rumors, she always despises this and despise that.

Now that we have this opportunity, everyone would have rushed to do it themselves if it weren't for their image in front of Zhang Yi!

After feeding Xu Qian with yogurt, Zhang Yi watched enough.

Liu Huiwen recruited a few security guards and threw them all out of the group building, even throwing out their belongings.

On their resignation certificate, the words "misconduct, forcibly dismissed!" were written unceremoniously in eight characters.

This kind of thing is a bit ruthless, because the financial department of Shengshi Group has given such a severe evaluation, let alone a large company, as long as it is a little more formal and requires a certificate of resignation, they will not be asked again!

It can also be said that the future careers of these two women are over.

After dealing with the two women, Zhang Jiajia was promoted again. Liu Huiwen respectfully asked Zhang Yi for instructions: "Leader, do you feel satisfied with this treatment? In fact, I think... Jiajia’s ability to work is to be a manager or The director is fine too."

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head.

"No need! She has just graduated, so let's do it according to her ability! It is not a good thing to be uncoordinated, but it hurts her. Well, I will leave everything to you to arrange! I will train her more in the future, and wait until Let her be promoted when the time is right!"

Zhang Yi doesn't like to do things that Yi Miao encourages.

Really have to insist, he can let Zhang Jiajia directly become the general manager of the finance department!

But is that useful?

Putting her in a high position without real talent and learning is tantamount to putting her on a fire! That's not for her good.

It's just that Liu Huiwen will know what to do with his beating.

Going out to work, learning a skill and being proficient, it takes much less time than the time you spend on the job.

But the reason why he could not be promoted was due to the lack of a position above or the suppression of his boss.

But after being reminded by Zhang Yi, Liu Huiwen naturally cultivated Zhang Jiajia. As a result, her abilities will be rapidly improved, and her position will also be quickly promoted.

Compared with her own hard work, at least she can struggle for 20 years less!

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