It was the first time Zhang Yi came to his own office, and he took a look at this huge space with interest.

Su Mingyu closed the door behind him, and then locked it skillfully.

Looking around, in the empty space, apart from a very large desk comparable to a couch, there is only a sofa and a coffee table for guests to drink tea when they come.

There is almost nothing elsewhere!

Zhang Yi put his hands in his pockets, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the highest building in Tianhai City, looking at the huge modern city in front of him.

He sighed: "Working in this kind of place every day, Mingyu, you have worked hard!"

Su Mingyu walked over slowly, put his hands on his shoulders, and said softly: "What's so hard? Being able to maintain the operation of a hundred-billion-dollar group and help you build a career makes me very happy. Satisfied!"

She said shyly and contentedly.

Zhang Yi smiled helplessly.

Su Mingyu is a very crazy woman at work. This enthusiasm for work makes even a man sigh inferior to him.

Speaking of it, Zhang Yi even wondered how she had spent her previous life, which allowed her to devote herself to work, and sometimes even forget to sleep and eat.

Although a little distressed, Zhang Yi himself has experienced a period of crazy years. I can probably understand that, for workaholics, the happiness gained from work achievements can even exceed X pay for workaholics.

"But seeing you work so hard, I will be reluctant to bear it!"

Zhang Yi turned around, gently grabbed Su Mingyu's soft and white palm, and gently kissed him.

Su Mingyu bit her lip with her white teeth and nodded and said, "If you think I'm very hard, don't you come to see me often? If you can help me, I won't be busy with work. I will feel tired!"

Zhang Yi was speechless for a while, but now he has no motivation to work at all.

Seeing Zhang Yi's expression, Su Mingyu couldn't help smiling.

"I'm kidding! A genius like you should focus on greater things! And other trivial things, let me do it for you!"

She looked at Zhang Yi affectionately and stroked hundreds of millions of cheeks with her palm.

Zhang Yi looked at this perfect woman, so close that she could even feel her breathing.

The breath is like orchids, and the gentle fragrance in the mouth is so rich and fragrant, like a Begonia flower just blooming in the morning.

"You are right, I should put time on more important things, such as now!"

He lowered his head and kissed Su Mingyu's lips directly, then put his arms around her slender waist, and slowly moved towards the big and exaggerated mahogany table.

Now think about it, this table really looks like a big bed, and it's very strong and impact resistant.


After some gentleness was over, Zhang Yi looked at the table in surprise.

In the transparent liquid, there is a thrilling red!

He did not expect that Su Mingyu, who was 26 years old, would be the first time!

But then I think about it, a workaholic like Su Mingyu, who has achieved today's status at such a young age, naturally has no intention to spend on the relationship between men and women.

Seeing Su Mingyu who was flushed and sweaty, he couldn't help feeling more distressed, and hugged her for gentle care.

"Mingyu, I will be good to you in the future!"

Su Mingyu leaned in Zhang Yi's arms and said with a happy face: "I believe in you, Zhang Yi! I will use all my strength to help you accomplish your great cause!"

There is a separate bathroom in the president's office, and the two of them went to the bathroom to take a shower, and couldn't help but stay warm for a while.

However, Su Mingyu was also a newcomer, embarrassed to lash out, and Zhang Yi did not ask for too much.

After the shower, Su Mingyu gently served Zhang Yi to get dressed. When he buckled his belt and carefully buckled each button, he was gentle like a newly married young wife.

However, after Zhang Yi got dressed, she went to the desk again, taking care of the messy traces on it personally, and was busy picking up her phone to read emails.

"Today you take a break first! If there is anything you need to deal with before you get better!"

Zhang Yi walked over, took her mobile phone, and said very strongly!

Su Mingyu looked helpless, "Oh, it won't work! There are so many things in the group every day, if I don't handle it, what should I do if the business is delayed?"

"If you delay, you will be delayed! No amount of money is as important as your health."

Zhang Yi said forcefully: "Mingyu, remember! You can't make money, but if something goes wrong with your body, you won't be able to get any money back!"

Seeing Zhang Yi speaking to himself so seriously, Su Mingyu also felt warm.

"Okay, okay, I won't work today, okay?"

She coaxed Zhang Yi and said.

Zhang Yi smiled, "That's okay! It's rare for me to come to the group today, so please accompany me to stroll around! In the evening, call Shang Jiajia, and let's have a meal together."

Su Mingyu smiled helplessly and happily. She originally wanted to send Zhang Yi away, and then secretly worked.

But I didn't expect that all of them were seen through by Zhang Yi, so I had to listen to him.

In fact, looking at Su Mingyu's desperate work, Zhang Yi is also very distressed.

It's just that if he doesn't do things about the president, someone has to do it. If that person wasn't Su Mingyu, he wouldn't worry about anyone now.

"In the future, let's see if the system can reward me with a management system, or an intelligent robot. That way, Mingyu won't have to work so hard!"

Zhang Yi thought secretly in his heart.

The two inspected all departments of the group again.

This time it was different from the morning. In the morning, Zhang Yi walked around and looked at the flowers, looking at the working attitude of the various departments of the group, whether there is anyone who is surreptitious, raped and slippery.

In the afternoon, I checked the work content of each department and paid attention to the various businesses of the group.

Speaking of which, in addition to e-commerce, Shengshi Group is still very large! Across multiple industries such as real estate, hotels, tourism, beverages, and retail.

Before Zhang Yi didn't care about these things very much, but this time he read it carefully and understood the business situation of the entire group.

He has an IQ of 200, and all these things are in his mind after a glance.

Some old business models still have unreasonable places in his eyes, and there is a lot of room for rectification.

Some things Zhang Yi brought up on the spot and asked them to rectify them immediately. He asked Tian Hui to write down all the slightly more complicated businesses that required major changes, and then held a meeting to make adjustments.

After shopping in the afternoon, Zhang Yi called Zhang Jiajia and asked her to come out and have a meal together when it was time to get off work.

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