In the morning, Zhang Yi and Su Mingyu hugged each other in front of the entire group in front of the employees. This is already a public expression of the relationship between the two.

So Zhang Jiajia also knows that Su Mingyu will be his sister-in-law from now on.

She is very happy about this, because in her eyes, her brother is a very powerful person! And Su Mingyu, a famous business queen in Tianhai City, is also her idol.

If two people can be together in the future, it will be a match made in heaven!

And with Zhang Jiajia's flexible mind, thinking deep down, Su Mingyu can be said to be Zhang Yi's virtuous internal helper, who can help him take care of the Shengshi Group.

Therefore, no matter from which point of view, there is no more suitable woman for Zhang Yi than Su Mingyu!

"Now it's fine, next time my mother will call me to ask you about you, I will be able to tell them the good news!"

Zhang Jiajia smiled happily: "My parents know that you have found such a good girlfriend, maybe how happy they will be!"

With a generous smile on Su Mingyu's face, he said to Zhang Yi: "If I have the opportunity, I would also like to visit my uncle and aunt!"

Zhang Yi nodded, "Okay, but let's wait for a while! The group is developing relatively fast now, you may not wait three or five days for a trip."

There was no hesitation on Zhang Yi's face, nor was he deliberately perfunctory.

"I think it's better to wait until the Chinese New Year!"

Su Mingyu's eyes lit up. The woman who took home during the Chinese New Year is not just a girlfriend, but a daughter-in-law!

This can be said to be a village tradition. If you spend a new year at his house, the matter between yourself and Zhang Yi will basically be settled.

"Well, good! I will listen to your arrangements."

Su Mingyu said sweetly.

I had a very happy meal. My sister-in-law and my sister-in-law had known each other before. Su Mingyu took pictures of Zhang Jiajiaduo on weekdays, so the relationship between the two was more harmonious.

After eating, Zhang Yi wanted to drive Su Mingyu back.

"Then I'll go first!" Zhang Jiajia said with a sensible smile.

"Um~ I don't need it today! I'll go back by myself."

Su Mingyu closed her hair and said to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's gaze naturally fell on her hip skirt, revealing a thoughtful look.

She is still injured at this time and seems to have to take a rest.

"It doesn't matter if I take you home? Don't worry, I will be honest today."

Zhang Yi said in her ear.

Su Mingyu glanced at Zhang Jiajia next to him, his pretty face blushed, and he twisted his waist slightly, and said, "What do you want! I have to go back to the company again. I have several urgent contracts that need my approval."

"I've said that there is something to wait for you to rest and be busy again."

"Oh, always let me feel uncomfortable! I've been thinking about it during the day today, just let me finish it!"

Su Mingyu looked at Zhang Yi beggingly.

Zhang Yi is a little speechless, but for people like Su Mingyu who loves to work, leaving unfinished work to rest will make her very uncomfortable, and I am afraid that she will not be able to sleep at ease.

"Well, I'll send you a piece back by the way!"

The Fairview Garden where Zhang Jiajia lives is near the group headquarters, so it happens to be one.

So, he drove Su Mingyu to the company in his Bentley, and then sent Zhang Jiajia to the community.

The car stopped downstairs in the apartment.

Zhang Yi said to Zhang Jiajia: "Okay, you go back soon! I have been away for a day, and I have to go back and take a bath and take a good rest!"

At this time, Zhang Jiajia, who was sitting in the back seat, came over mysteriously and said in Zhang Yi's ear: "Brother, you hugged Sister Mingyu in public today so romantically, are you really planning to marry her?"

Hearing this question, Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled and asked, "Why do you ask this question all of a sudden?"

Zhang Jiajia wrinkled her nose and jokingly said, "Because my brother has liked many girls since he was a child, and there are many girlfriends around him! But now that you have become so rich and well-positioned, I think you will suddenly become dedicated. It's weird!"

Zhang Yi smiled.

"Fool! Who told you that you like it must get married? I am still very young and want to enjoy the happiness of life more. I will talk about getting married after I get married!"

Zhang Jiajia had a clear expression, and then said to Zhang Yi: "I know, you must like Sister Mingyu very much! After all, a beautiful woman like her and such a strong working ability, of course you will be excited! But, you must Wouldn't you just be satisfied with her alone?"

"Although it seems a bit scumbag to say that, but in fact it is."

Zhang Yi admitted it generously.

"You have to understand that if you are poor, you will be alone, and if you are rich, you will have a group of wives and concubines! The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. I just want to contribute more to this society and pass on more of my fine genes. Why not?"

Zhang Jiajia laughed and said, "If it were another man, I would definitely scold him! But if it were my brother, I would rather have as many good women around you as possible! It's just that, as a younger sister, I want to remind you. Fraternity is okay, but don't be too emotional. Otherwise, a good woman like Sister Mingyu will not accept too many messy women around you! Her pride will not allow her to do that."

Hearing his sister's serious reminder, Zhang Yi scolded with a smile: "Little girl film, when do I need you to teach?"

Su Mingyu is unique in his heart.

Whether it is beauty or talent, it is far from other women's reach.

She is the red flag that stands tall in her family, but Zhang Yi will definitely flutter the colorful flags outside.

"I'm doing good for you too!" Zhang Jiajia stuck out her tongue and said playfully.

"Go back quickly! I know it in my heart."

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head.

Zhang Jiajia got out of the car and went upstairs happily.

Zhang Yi looked at her back and thought a little bit.

It seems that during this period of time when he was not in the group, Su Mingyu did not miss the relationship with Zhang Jiajia, so now Zhang Jiajia admires her. This can be seen from the meal, she already regards Su Mingyu as her sister-in-law.

"That's okay, let Mingyu be my face-to-face girlfriend. If I bring her home in the future, my parents will definitely be happy too."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi smiled slightly and drove back to his manor.

Nono and Yiyi are wearing blue and pink maid outfits, and have been waiting for a long time at the door of the villa eagerly.

When Zhang Yi got out of the car, they ran to the fountain and shouted sweetly: "Master! Welcome back!"

Then one left and one back took Zhang Yi's arm.

Looking at his sweet and lovely maid, Zhang Yi shrugged: "It's more comfortable to be a girl!"

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