Zhang Yi looked at the woman who caused him trouble, and he wanted to get angry.

But seeing her beautiful face and hot figure, the part that wanted to get angry changed from the upper body to the lower body.

"Zhang Yi, you are amazing! Thank you so much this time!"

Bobo smiled and said, "However, you also touched my thigh, this time it's evened, huh!"

She wrinkled her nose and the elf said weirdly.

Zhang Yi suddenly laughed.

"I just touched your thigh because you were surrounded by dozens of people. Isn't this a disadvantage?"

While talking, Meng Fansen, the manager of Blue Lotus, came over.

Zhang Yi, Liu Zihao, and Bobo looked at Meng Fansen, wanting to see how he handled this matter.

Meng Fansen is also very disciplined. He glanced at the terrible situation on the ground, sighed helplessly and shook his head.

Then he said to Zhang Yi: "According to the rules of Blue Lotus, anyone who makes trouble here will be punished! But this time in theory, you are the victim! But from the result, you are the perpetrator again! So... you should go quickly!"

He spread his hands helplessly.

Zhang Yi looked at Meng Fansen with an appreciative smile.

"Well, since you give me face. Then I won't make you embarrassed! See you next time!"

It was not because he was afraid of things, but because there were other important things that needed to be done immediately.

Meng Fansen nodded, "But from now on, you'd better not come to this place. It's not a good thing for you to offend Shao Han!"

He warned Zhang Yidao.

Zhang Yi smiled dismissively after hearing this sentence.

"Come on, why not come?"

"Are you really not afraid of death? No matter how Han Shao's contacts in Tianhai City do to you, it won't affect him in any way!" Meng Fansen said as he sent people to Han Chunlei, who had passed out of pain. Hospital.

Zhang Yi smiled evilly, leaning into his ear and said: "Then, do you know who I am?"

As soon as this sentence was said, Meng Fansen's eyes suddenly shrank!

Han Chunlei is one of the two most powerful women in the business community of Tianhai City, the younger brother of Rongxin Group Chairman Han Yunuo!

Not to mention that the three religions and the nine liu have contacts, even the Tianhai City officials have deep contacts.

Except for a few people in Tianhai City, who would dare to provoke him?

So Meng Fansen subconsciously thought that the handsome young man in front of him must escape for his life!

But... he subconsciously ignored a level problem.

Why isn't Zhang Yi one of those few people?

In the midst of his lack of focus, Zhang Yi grabbed Bobo's arm and smiled and dragged her away from the bar.

"Wife, let's go home!"

Just after a fight with Blue Lotus, Bobo was in a very good mood.

After leaving the bar, she patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said with a cute smile: "You are really amazing today! It shocked everyone!"

"Oh, if someone knows that the president of Shengshi Group has this hand, it will definitely be very popular!"

Bobo said with a smile and stroked his palm.

The corners of Zhang Yi's mouth twitched, and he stared at Bobo for a while, with a meaningful look in his eyes.

Bobo was a little hairy by Zhang Yi's stare, and subconsciously put his hands on his chest.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like this?"

"First, you know too many secrets. I now need to consider how to treat you!"

If the president of Tangtang Shengshi Group is reported to have a fight in a nightclub, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Zhang Yi is a low-key person. He doesn't want this kind of news to be heard, and the influence on the group is not very good.

After all, he is a very tall and magnificent existence in the minds of the employees of Shengshi Group!

"I know, of course I won't tell anyone about this easily. This is a secret that only I know, huh!"

Bobo said smugly.

Zhang Yi smiled softly, "Secondly, you just called my husband, which made me fight dozens of people for you. You know, if you just changed someone else, you must have already entered the ICU. Can you keep it? Life is uncertain."

After hearing Zhang Yi say this, Bobo was also a little guilty.

She was just a bit nasty at the time and wanted to tease Zhang Yi. It was originally intended to force him to reveal his identity, and then scare away Han Shao and others.

After all, after she appeared in Blue Lotus, Han Shao would wait for her to come here every day, and then pursue her with perseverance.

This is contrary to her original intention. Although she does not reject such idiots, Han Shao's style of doing things is a bit out of the ordinary, which makes her very uneasy.

Maybe he didn't expect that Han Chunlei would be so crazy, he would directly act on Zhang Yi!

In order to protect herself, she could only sell Zhang Yi.

"This time I owe you a favor! I will help you keep a secret. Now we will owe you nothing!"

Bobo lowered his head and shook the bag inside, as if said with a guilty conscience.

"Ha ha."

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, "In my eyes, there is only one kind of woman's words that are absolutely credible!"

Bobo raised his head in surprise, his eyes widened cutely, and he covered his mouth and said: "Aren't you going to kill me? No! I promise I won't tell anyone!"

Seeing her such a lovely appearance, Zhang Yi actually felt a little shocked.

"It's not enough to kill you. But don't forget, when you called my husband in the bar, I said that calling my husband is not that simple. Since you have enjoyed the right to call my husband, you have to do it all. Do your duty to be a wife!"

As he said, he strode over and took Bobo's bumpy body into his arms.

Her figure is very well exercised, the convex place is convex, the warped place is warped, and the slender place has lost weight in a thrilling manner.

In terms of figure alone, she and Su Mingyu have the same fight! In terms of appearance, it is another style, with a hundred points of cuteness in the sweetness.

The lights in the bar were dim just now.

But at this time, looking face to face, Zhang Yi found that behind her delicate makeup, her face seemed a little immature.

Obviously, her makeup is deliberately mature, but the actual age should not be very large.

Being hugged by Zhang Yi so domineering, Bo Borao spent a long time in the night scene, but his cheeks were still blushing, and his heartbeat speeded up!

He smells so good! I really want to plunge into his arms and never come out!

Bobo struggled symbolically for a few times, and after seeing no effect, he bit his cherry-red lips.

She raised her head and stared at Zhang Yi, and then asked very seriously: "Do you really want to do this? But I remind you again, I have a thorn, and if you touch me, something that you can't bear may happen. !"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly. At this time, a certain insect was already on his head, so who cares about the others?

"You are the daughter of the Jade Emperor. You have to be my wife today!"

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