Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 232 Domineering President's Little Wife

After the blue lotus trouble was over, Zhang Yi took Bobo directly to his villa in Tianhai City.

Shengshi Group also has real estate in its business, so he has dozens of villas in Tianhai City.

After others go to nightclubs, they always take their girls to open the room, but Zhang Yi will not do such a low thing. Wouldn't it be more compelling to take directly to your own luxury villa?

After a night of madness, Zhang Yi discovered many things that surprised him in this woman.

He didn't expect that it was the first time this beautiful woman who looked so charming and charming in a nightclub playing with many brothers in the palm of her hand!

Although she tried her best to be experienced when doing it, but this kind of thing can only get experience after constant practice, and it cannot be disguised.

Otherwise, when Tang Wei seduced Tony Leung in "Lust and Caution", he wouldn't have to find someone to practice his skills first.

After knowing this fact, he was surprised on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had some curiosity and pity for the woman in front of him.

You know, in the night arena, there are wolves waiting around, and if such a beautiful woman walks in it, she will easily be eaten as a piece of fat!

It can be said that it is unimaginable to be able to maintain the perfect body!

But the fact is that she really did it.

However, if she is really a good girl, why do she often go to such a place?

This was originally a very contradictory thing, and it also made Zhang Yi more curious about her.

However, these things were not important at the time.

At least in the night, during the lingering process of the two people again and again, he was immersed in her young and beautiful, soft and water-like body that could tightly wrap him!


Early the next morning, Zhang Yi woke up.

He sat up from the bed, the white velvet quilt slipped off, revealing his sturdy body.

As soon as Zhang Yi turned around, he saw the beautiful and moving woman sitting in front of the dressing table.

At this moment, she was wearing a bathrobe, apparently she had just taken a shower, and was combing her hair in front of the mirror.

After discovering that Zhang Yi woke up, she smiled and stood up and turned to look at Zhang Yi.

"Are you awake?"

At this time, Bobo has no make-up, and is completely plain.

When Zhang Yi saw her face in clear soup noodles, his eyes were full of surprise!

It's not because Bobo is actually a dinosaur, but because of her obviously very young face after removing her makeup!

It doesn't look like a woman in her twenties at all, she even looks like she is only eighteen or nineteen years old!

"How old are you... exactly?"

Zhang Yi asked curiously.

Popo pouted immediately, climbed onto the bed and sat across from Zhang Yi as a duck, and said dissatisfied: "Hate, didn't you try it many times yesterday? Can't you feel it?"

As she said, she pushed her chest hard, and the waves were raging in an instant, and the peaks and mountains were stacked!

Zhang Yi's gaze followed the gap in the bathrobe, it was really big and white pajamas!

"I'm not talking about this, but your age. You look only eighteen or nineteen years old at most!"

Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

Bobo shrugged, "Yeah! I didn't say that I was very old."

Zhang Yi asked curiously: "You are young and unemployed, just staying in the night market?"

These remarks seemed to poke Bobo's pain a bit.

She bit her lip and gave Zhang Yi a vicious look.

"It turned out to be cheaper in the end, you bastard? Huh, you were so to others last night, and you will suffer from it in the future!"

Zhang Yi smiled when he heard this. This beautiful little wild cat was very cute when he was in front of him.

He already understood at this time that Bobo was staying in the night market, as if it was to defraud the idiot boy brother's money, but he would definitely not let them take advantage.

When in front of her, she revealed her innocent side.

Zhang Yi has worked hard in society for many years and has met all kinds of women.

Most women love money and have complicated thoughts. Even Su Mingyu had a clear thinking about Zhang Yi's original admiration.

If it were not for Zhang Yi's career success at a young age, Su Mingyu would never be impressed by his looks or other qualities.

So the more this happens, the more Zhang Yi likes young and innocent little girls.

Maybe all men are like that, no matter how old they are, they like to be young, beautiful and simple.

It's just... Bobo looks simple, but is it really simple?

Zhang Yi was a little uncertain.

He can play with so many wealthy sons and become the queen of nightclubs in the nightclub. This made him a little bit suspicious, whether she was pretending now, in fact, it was because she knew Zhang Yi's identity that she was willing to dedicate her life.

and also……

What Zhang Yi is curious about is how she recognizes herself at a glance in that environment?

Just as he was thinking, Bobo smiled brightly and said softly: "You must be hungry? I'll make breakfast for you!"

After speaking, she jumped out of the bed, wearing only a bathrobe, flicking her slippers and walking towards the kitchen.

Looking at her with excitement, she looked like a little wife who had just become a daughter-in-law in the bridal chamber.

Even Zhang Yi was moved by this beautiful scene.

"Let’s look back and have time to let Liu Zihao help me investigate her identity!"

Zhang Yi is not an innocent boy either. After years of social hard work and his girlfriend's betrayal, he is very calm about emotional matters.

It's okay to have fun, and you must be cautious about things that involve feelings.

He is affectionate and flower-hearted, but he is not an abusive person. Only 25 years old, he did not give up his beautiful desire for love. If he is someone who can love, he also hopes to be sincere.

After people have money, what they want most is often sincere feelings.

Zhang Yi picked up the clothes from under the bed and put them on one by one.

Suddenly he saw Bobo's bag on the table.

He frowned and suddenly became a little curious. Then he went over and opened Bobo's LV bag gently.

Inside are filled with things that girls often bring, and then there are the jewels that the son-in-law gave her last night.

Zhang Yi looked for it and found a somewhat old wallet inside. Although it looks good in quality, it looks a little out of place compared with LV bags or the expensive cosmetics in it.

Zhang Yi was curious and glanced at the kitchen secretly through the door.

At this time, Bobo has taken off his bathrobe, and then is wearing an apron, humming and making breakfast.

Zhang Yi almost didn't hold himself, his eyes became straight.

Because Bobo has only one apron all over his body!

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