Bobo returned to his room, looked inside the room, pushed a small closet from the door, and stubbornly held the door against it. Then he collapsed into the room as if he had lost his strength. Bed.

The picture of the mother and the man just flashed in her mind, and a self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Ha ha!"

She felt that she was really stupid, and at this time she still couldn't let go of her mother.

She hated her father Wei Zhiguo in her heart, otherwise she would not resolutely choose to live with her mother when her parents divorced.

But later she discovered that her mother's concept in that aspect made her feel terrified!

There was a grown-up daughter in Mingming's family, so she took that squinting man home so grandly.

Almost every night, she could hear a fierce banging sound from the next room, and her mother's efforts to suppress but could not suppress the moan!

And that man is becoming more and more presumptuous in this home, and the look in her eyes starts to glow with naked fire.

If it wasn't for Wei Zhiguo's still a little jealous, I'm afraid that Bobo has already been attacked by him.

This is why, the last time Bobo went to the city official office to find Wei Zhiguo.

She originally wanted to seek help from Wei Zhiguo, but as soon as the father and daughter met, the backlog of contradictions broke out uncontrollably.

Wei Zhiguo wanted to reprimand Bobo for her exaggerated appearance, and preached to her in a serious manner.

But Bobo hated Wei Zhiguo for disregarding her family, which made her and her mother now fall here. So the last two people still broke up.

Bobo glanced at the canvas bag beside him, which contained two million in cash.

One million was earned by herself during this period of time, and another one million was swiped with Zhang Yi's card.

The reason why she wants to make money in places like nightclubs is because she wants to end her current life.

These two million were originally intended to be used by myself secretly going to the German Conservatory of Music.

But now it's different, she met Zhang Yi.

She decided to stay, to stay with the man who could start the nightclub of the whole city looking for her.

The eighteen-year-old girl is just the Mood for Love. The desire for love in her heart is like a pile of dry firewood. It only needs a little spark to ignite the raging flames!

However, she does not want her family to become a burden to Zhang Yi.

If Wei Zhiguo knew that he was with Zhang Yi, Wei Zhiguo would definitely embarrass him in various ways.

But what scared her most was her mother, who was nearly fifty but full of love and romance, and the greedy man next to her.

If they fan the flames, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on Zhang Yi!

So the two million is actually a settlement allowance for the mother.

For the sake of money, at least this man will treat her better in the future.

But how could Bobo think that such a scene happened just after he came back.

Her mother's attitude towards her and Wiesen's attitude were so different, her heart was chilling.

Bobo closed her eyes, and the sun shone through the blinds on her face, with intermittent warmth.

Under the warmth of the sun, two lines of clear tears slowly flowed down the corners of her eyes.

She was exhausted last night, and she was also a little tired. At this time, she was sad in her heart, so she slowly fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Bobo was suddenly awakened from his sleep, she heard the sound of the cabinet being moved, and immediately a Ji Ling got up from the bed!


Bobo reached out and turned on the light in the room. It was already dark at this time, and she had slept all day before she knew it!

At this time, half of a lascivious and wretched face came out from the door, and he smiled "hehe" at her.

"Bobo, are you awake?"

Bobo's scalp was numb, and his hands and feet skillfully took out a baseball bat from under the pillow and pointed it at Weissen!

"Go away!"

She didn't expect that this man was so courageous to break into her room!

"Don't get excited! Anyway, we have both lived together for so long. I originally wanted to treat you in a more peaceful way. It's a pity that you don't get in, so you won't give me a chance at all!"

"Hey! It took a lot of effort for me to be your good father!"

Seeing that Bobo had woke up, Weisen was no longer cautious, pushed the door open very hard, and blocked the door with his upper body naked.

Bobo’s palms are already sweating, and her heart is beating wildly. She is just an eighteen-year-old girl. Although she can pretend to be a woman in her twenties in a nightclub, it does not mean that she can face this skillfully. Kind of scene.

"Hurry up and get me out, or I'll tell someone! My mother is right next door!"

Bobo scolded loudly.

"Hey, you yell? If I'm afraid you yell, I won't be your father!"

Wei Sen smiled sullenly.

"Bobo, what a big deal, do you need to be so excited?"

Bobo's mother appeared at the door of the room, standing far from the wall. Seeing the scene in front of her, she seemed indifferent, crossing her arms very lazily.


Bobo was stunned, and the scene before her seemed to tell her a fact she was least willing to believe.

The so-called behavior of this bitch man in front of him was actually obtained the acquiescence of his mother!

"Bobo, I belong to Wiesen as a whole, and I will support him no matter what he wants. You are my daughter, shouldn't you think about it for my mother?"

"Besides, I remember that you are still a C girl? Wiesen's skills are very good, let him help you. I can guarantee that as long as you try it once, you will never forget this feeling, and thus crazy love Fuck him!"

Bobo's mother looked excited.

Wiesen smiled and looked back at Bobo's mother, "Baby don't worry, I won't not love you because of Bobo! You mother and daughter are my dear ones!"

Bobo's mother smiled at him in a charming manner, "Holy ghost, now your wish is fulfilled? I only hope you don't go out fooling around again. With our mothers, unbelief is no better than the fairies outside!"

Bobo stood on the spot, and his heart was completely cold at this time. Mother's words are like thousands of cold knives, which are bloody and bloody on her body!

Her face was pale, and her excited hands could barely hold the baseball bat.

My own biological mother betrayed herself in order to please her man!

"Get out of here, you all get out of me!"

Bobo shouted angrily.

Wiesen walked over with an obscene smile, "Hey, you don't really think that having a stick can scare me? I have a stick too! It's still very big and thick!"

"You dare to move me, Wei Zhiguo will not let you go!" Bobo shouted loudly.

"Huh, Wei Zhiguo? He is an extremely face-saving person. If he knows that his wife and daughter were served by me as a mother and daughter, he can only kneel and beg me not to say anything, hahaha!" Weisen laughed presumptuously. .

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