Wiesen laughed wildly and rushed towards Bobo, his eyes full of madness and licentiousness at this time.

He has been coveting this charming beauty in front of him for a long time!

The wife who hooked up with Wei Zhiguo originally took a fancy to her resources and money. But I didn't expect the daughter to grow up year after year, even more attractive than her mother!

Now Popo's mother is getting older, and it's getting harder and harder to satisfy his appetite.

And the next goal, isn't it this beautiful beauty?

At the thought of having a fragrant mother and daughter bowl of rice, and the ex-wife and biological daughter of Wei Zhiguo, a senior official in Tianhai City, Wei Sen was excited and wanted to laugh out loud!

"Baby, just leave me!"

Wiesen laughed and stretched out his hand to grab Bobo.

Bobo's face was pale, and he swung the baseball bat in his hand and smashed it towards Weissen!

"Bang!" A loud sound!

The baseball bat slammed into Wiesen's arm, but was also firmly caught by his backhand!

Bobo's mother screamed behind her: "Don't hurt Wiesen, Bobo, are you crazy? Why resist! Isn't it good for our family of three to be together in harmony?"

Wiesen's arm was swollen, but he licked his lips and looked at Bobo proudly, "It really is wild enough, then let me taste how wild you are!"

Bobo stepped back step by step, pale with fright at all this terrifying in front of him. What made her even more desperate was that her biological mother stood not far in front of her, with an anxious expression on her face, but she was sad for the beast!

"Zhang Yi!"

Bobo unconsciously called out Zhang Yi's name, and Zhang Yi at this time turned out to be the only life-saving straw in her mind!

Even her father Wei Zhiguo was put behind by Bobo.

And just as Weisen walked towards Bobo with a gloomy sneer, as if he heard Yebobo's call, the door behind him made a loud "bang!"

All three of them were stunned.

"who is it?"

Popo's mother asked in a little panic, this kind of thing is the so-called family ugliness, she wants to make Wiesen a quick decision and form an established fact with her daughter. But if someone comes to bother you at this time, it would be terrible!

She was going to go, deal with the people who came, and then gave Weisen a look to make him move quickly.

But the people at the door didn't have any feedback at all.

The next moment, the door that was already crumbling flew out with a "boom!" and slammed directly into the living room!

Dust was everywhere, and the room became chaotic.

The eyes of the three people widened, and everyone was extremely surprised. I don't know who would break in!

Only Bobo, whose beautiful big eyes opened incredibly round, and then looked towards the door.

Two people walked in slowly from the door.

A twenty-five or six-year-old, young and handsome, with a frosty face. A man in his thirties, with a dark face and a strong, tall and mighty body.

Two lines of tears flowed from Bobo's eyes. When she was most desperate, the Prince Charming in her heart actually heard her call to save her!

"Zhang Yi... are you really here?"

She smiled with rain, she couldn't believe what was happening before her as if she was dreaming.

Or maybe, everything today is the worst nightmare for her.

Zhang Yi saw Bobo, whose face was pale and crying, and suddenly a warm smile appeared on his face.

"Don't be afraid, I am here!"

Nothing makes Bobo feel more at ease than Zhang Yi's smile and promise at this time.

Her fear disappeared, and there was only happiness in her heart at this time.

In fact, Zhang Yi quietly installed the positioning in Bobo's mobile phone. It is just a small function in the mobile phone, which keeps her position firmly in his hands at all times.

He did not appear directly in front of Bobo, but chose to follow along with Liu Zihao.

Because in his heart, there is still a lot of curiosity about Bobo's life experience.

For example, why does she go to a nightclub? As the daughter of a senior official in Tianhai City, even if she urgently needed money, she wouldn't be able to do this step.

Unless, she has a reason to ask for money, and that reason is enough to make her give up her tutoring.

On the other hand, why did Bobo leave secretly without telling him, and then said he was going to end the matter.

Curiosity sometimes kills a cat, sometimes it really saves a person.

Zhang Yi is actually quite leisurely, and now he has nothing to do except picking up girls, so he brought Liu Zihao with him all the way.

They saw Bobo go to the bank to get a large bag of cash, and then followed her into the community.

Later, after seeing her entering the house, Zhang Yi knew the address of the house and planned to leave.

However, he was buying a pack of cigarettes in a small shop outside the community, and he casually chatted with the aunt there, only to find out that the situation in Popo's house is now bad.

So he made a decisive decision!

Rented the house opposite Bobo's house.

The family of three on the opposite side was originally very reluctant, but Zhang Yi gave them thirty times the market price as soon as they spoke, leaving them with no room to refuse!

In fact, if it were not for the fear of trouble, Zhang Yi would like to buy it directly. However, although he has a lot of money, his time is precious, and he won't waste most of his day for hundreds of thousands.

Now, he is very thankful that he made such a decision.

Otherwise, Bobo at this time may have already been insulted by the wretched man in front of him!

As soon as he thought of this, Zhang Yi looked at the wretched man with murderous intent.

"You...who the hell are you? Why did you break into our house? Get out of here! I'm going to call the police!"

When the wretched man saw Zhang Yi and Liu Zihao appear here, he suddenly felt bad, and shouted sternly.

Bobo's mother also said gratefully: "This is our housework and has nothing to do with you. Go and go!"

Zhang Yi glanced at his eyes, stretched out his hand and waved gently, and pulled Bobo's mother aside.

After all, it was Bobo's mother. He had a sense of measure. He just made her fall somersault, but he didn't put a heavy hand.

After all, no matter what, only Bobo can decide what to do with her. A woman's heart is unpredictable for a man, and Zhang Yi doesn't want to affect her relationship with Bobo because of her.

However, Zhang Yike was rude to that wretched man Wesson!

He dared to do something to his woman, hehe, then don't even think about touching a woman in your life!


Zhang Yi walked over and punched Weissen directly in such a thunderous manner, hitting him in the stomach fiercely!

On the spot, Wiesen spouted a big mouthful of blood.

But before he screamed, Zhang Yi held one of his legs upside down, pointed the middle of his legs at the corner of the table, and slammed into it!

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